E.coli Fiber Project Notebook
2010/8/17 Tuesday (watachin)
- Member
- NEX and watachin
- Material
- pSB1A3(25ng/μl) 22μl
- 10×Loading buffer 2.2μl
- DNA Marker 5μl
- 1×TAE buffer
- 1% agarose gel
- Procedure
- Set agarose gel and add TAE buffer in electrophoresis tank.
- Mix Loading Buffer and pSB1C3 ,then put them in well (marker sets another well).
- Load DNA at 100V for two thirds of total volume (about 15 minutes).
- Image the consequence of electrophoresis.
- Result
- failure
- Plasmid concentration was too low.
Experiment:Transformation of pSB1A3
- Member
- NEX and watachin
- Material
- pSB1A3 1μl
- competent cell (DH5α) 50μl
- LB + amp plate
- Procedure
- mix pSB1A3 and DH5α
- on ice (30min)
- heat shock 42℃ (45sec)
- on ice (2min)
- inoculate onto plate
- incubate cells at 37℃