Team:Tokyo Metropolitan/Notebook/Pattern/2010/08/06
1:Making LB plate (20ml×20)
Mariko, tomy, easily, naoto, nito, Taka, watachin
・Yeast extract 2.0g
・Peptone 2.0g
・Glucose 40.0g
・NaCl 2.0g
・Agerose 6.0g
・Ampcillim 0.4mg
・Dropped water 400ml
1 Prepared 400ml solution to contain Yeast extract 2.0g, Peptone 2.0g, Glucose 40.0g, NaCl 2.0g and Agerose 6.0g.
2 Divided up 400ml solution into two Erlenmeyer flasks, and sealed with aluminum. Afterwards , started autoclave(121℃,20min)
3 After finished autoclave, in cleanbench, added 0.2ml Ampcillm to each of the solutions. Afterwards, divided solutions into twenty Petri dishes.
4 Cooled and dried divided solutions in Petri dishes. After Cooling and drying well, kept these in refrigerator.
2:Scattering E-coli (having BioBrick plasmid) on LB plate
tomy, easily, naoto, nito
・LB plate×4
・E-coli (having BBa_I1732901 plasmid)
・E-coli (having BBa_K208017 plasmid)
1 Sterilized Inoculation loop by flame. After Sterilization, pick up E-coli by Inoculation loop、and then scatter on LB plate.
2 Incubated these plate at 37℃.