Team:British Columbia/HumanPractices
Synthetic Biology & Society
Whether it's agriculture, healthcare, the environment or the economy, synthetic biology has an increasingly important role to play! Visit our forum and join in the discussions!
Our ForumNaNoWriMo x iGEM
In our first collaboration ever, iGEM and NaNoWriMo unite to showcase stories featuring synthetic biology! Follow these NaNoWriMo novelists over the month of November as they craft 50,000 word novels!
Once upon a time...Art disturbs, science reassures ~Georges Braque
What can generate more inspiration or discussion than art? And what is not art? Come take a look. Better yet, contribute!
Be disturbed!Promoter Maps
We collected hundreds of definitions of synthetic biology from the UBC community-undergrads, grad students and faculty from various disciplines. These definitions were sorted by field/occupation as well as level of education in order to synthesize these promoter maps. Each promoter map consists of words arranged from highest to lowest frequency (with implemented cut-off points), representing the prevalent ideas in our community's awareness of synthetic biology!
Word Clouds
Can't get enough? We've got a storm of word clouds headed this way. Each represents definitions of synthetic biology from students in different disciplines!
The Synthetic Biology Art Gallery
"Art is the Queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world." -Leonardo da Vinci
"Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us." -Roy Adzak
"Art is literacy of the heart." -Elliot Eisner
"The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery." -Francis Bacon
"What a society deems important is enshrined in its art." -Harry Broudy
Whatever your thoughts on art are, come visit our gallery and send us your very own artwork on synthetic biology!
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30. In our first collaboration ever, iGEM and NaNoWriMo unite to showcase stories featuring synthetic biology!
Machmen by Kay Proctor
"Robots turn the tables and program humans to obey the Three Laws of Robotics - for better or for worse." In an underground facility, the first self-sufficient robot "Alpha" was born. Mentored by Dr. Dorothea Calvin Parker, robots grew in their understanding of the human race. They learned of human history, current affairs, strengths, and weaknesses, and came to one conclusion: Humans needed to be fixed...
Progress Unbound by David Scheidl
Synthetically augmented humans have colonized distant planets. These colonies continue to experiment in order to better survive in their new environments. Meanwhile, Earth is experiencing a moral revival and is now determined to limit the scientific excesses of her daughter colonies.
Twice by Vivian Rivera
"The world you know now is a lie. Joseph Kadlowski was killed because he knew too much. It isn't safe to say he was murdered because he's still alive. He's just not in his own body. If you had a chance to live life twice... would you take it knowing there was a price?" As this mind-twisting story unfolds, Joseph learns that he has been killed and his soul transferred into a government-made body...