Team:British Columbia/Notebook
Notebook: Need to Know
Welcome to our wiki notebook! We have organized our notebook according to sub-teams. Each page will provide you with a link to our actual notebook on OpenWetWare. To deliver the essentials here on the wiki (so you don't have to read through 6 months of experiments to get our message), we discuss the protocols, experimental outline, troubleshooting and optimization, and potential implications for iGEM.
Standard Operating Protocols (SOPS)
Colony PCR
Supplies Needed:- PCR tubes
- BioBrick PCR primers (G1004, G1005) or (VF2, VR)
- Taq Polymerase
- 10x Reaction Buffer
- 10mM dNTPs
- sdH2O
- Colonies to be PCR’ed
- Agar plate for indexing
- Make master mix of primers and other PCR components EXCEPT Taq polymerase. Keep on ice.
Reagent | 1x rxn volume (uL) | Master Mix | |
5x rxn buffer | 5 | xn | |
10mM dNTP | 0.5 | xn | |
sdH2O | 9.15 | xn | |
Phusion polymerase | 0.1 | xn | |
MgCl2 | 2 | xn | |
DMSO - 5% | 1.25 | xn | |
gDNA | 3 | xn | |
Total | 25 |
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