Team:British Columbia/Project Biofilm
UBC iGEM is working on degrading a Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. The Biofilm sub-team has created a growth curve plotting the biofilm growth of S. aureus RN4220 and 8325-4 strains at various incubation times. The resulting growth curve can be compared with biofilm growth after it has been introduced to DspB, the phage construct, and DspB integrated into the phage construct. RN4220 is a S. aureus strain without a prophage and 8325-4 is a S. aureus strain that has been cured of phage phi11, phi12, and phi13; both strains are selected for their susceptibility to phage phi 13. The biofilm data is incorporated into the Modelling sub-team simulation for the predicted effect of the phage construct on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm growth to enhance understanding of our results.