Team:BIOTEC Dresden/Sponsors


Revision as of 19:58, 27 October 2010 by Adithya (Talk | contribs)


     Our project could not have reached this far without the help and support of numerous people. Our heartfelt thanks to BIOTEC and TU Dresden for sponsoring us, the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics(MPI-CBG), Dresden and the Electron Microscope facility of MPI-CBG for giving us lab space and facilities to work within.

We would like to thank many people; Andy Oates for his endless support and advice through out the project and for always telling us motivational stories that kept us going forward.

David Drechsler and his lab that provided us with plasmids and advised us on protein purification techniques. Dr. Bachmann for providing us with antibodies and advice on our project.

Annelie Oswald and Marko Storch, our wonderful supervisors who were there all the time for us, and who also helped in making the video.

Kaj Bernhardt and Johnson Madrid, for their support and scientific discussion during the phase of idea development.

Thanks to Raik Grünberg, Iva Tolic-Norrelykke, Carsten Werner, Mike Lorenz, Ralf Seidel, Frank Gross, Stefan Grill, Pavel Tomancak for giving us talks and feedbacks on our ideas.

The Electron Microscope Facility crew at the Max Planck Institute, for giving us a wonderful and positive atmosphere to work in, especially Kimberly Moniker for letting us steal her pens. Our classmates for their support and keeping us entertained; Ignacio Gonzales for his help on some designs and Vishal Gupta for the photoshoot.

Thanks to Susan Fischer for her organization and for taking care of all our travel and supplies issues. And finally we would like to thank Prof. Petra Schwille for making all of this happen.


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