Team:Freiburg Software/Team/Collaboration
Collaboration with the Freiburg_Bioware team
In fact, due to the co-localization of the Software and Bioware team, our collaboration partner was quickly found.
The Bioware team approached us and asked for help building up a sponsoring homepage. This was a good chance get to know the members of the Bioware team, because we were working in the same place, e.g. Bea and Stefan made some cloning stuff on the bench and we wrote the homepage on the table next to them.
We got to be friends and hang out together in the evenings. Free time activities were e.g. the canoeing tour on the river Rhine or the BBQ on the top of the biology building.
The Bioware team contacted companies for sponsoring also for us. We were happy about this so we could still concentrate in the project.
In the middle of the project we were asked to create a program for primer design. They used a spread-sheet calculation program to find primers. A primer designer could be a good tool for our wave, we thought, so we implemented it in the wave and the Bioware team used it to find primers for their PCRs.
When the complexity of the wave project became bigger, we needed help from potential users. The Bioware team answered all our questions and gave us proposals to improve the program outputs.
Time is running fast and the jamboree is close. Luckily, our hotel and flights were booked by the Bioware team.