Team:Paris Liliane Bettencourt/Project/SIP/Codes
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Revision as of 09:41, 24 October 2010
/* SIP.C *** Make SIP database and dictionary PUBLIC DOMAIN From iGEM team 2010 Paris comment: This code permit you to calculate SIP words (most improbable words) in each wiki team. You need sqlite3, wget and links to run this program. build: $ gcc -o sip sip.c -lsqlite3 usage : $ ./sip [list of team name] [name of database] [year] Sqlite3 database : Table for team. +--------+-----------+------------+-----------+ | Words | local occ | local freq | SIP value | +--------+-----------+------------+-----------+ | string | u_long | float | float | | | | | | +--------+-----------+------------+-----------+ Table name : Dictionary. +--------+------------+-------------+ | word | global_occ | global_freq | +--------+------------+-------------+ | string | u_long | float | | | | | +--------+------------+-------------+ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sqlite3.h> #define MAXBUFFER 256 #define LEN_CMD 96 #define TEAM_NAME 1 #define DATABASE_NAME 2 #define YEAR 3 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define IS_REP 1 #define NO_REP 2 /* isRep say if the stream is a directory or a file. @entryname : name of the file return : IS_REP it's a directory, NO_REP it's a file */ int isRep( char *entryname ) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen( entryname, "rb" ); if ( fp == 0 ) return IS_REP; else { fclose( fp ); return NO_REP; } } void chgchar( char *string, char c, char r, int len ) { int i = 0; while ( i < len ) { if ( string[i] == c ) { string[i] = r; i++; } else i++; } } int close_sqlitedb( sqlite3*** conn ) { if ( sqlite3_close(**conn) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error closing the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); } } void read_next_word( char word[MAXBUFFER], FILE *fp ) { char buffer[MAXBUFFER]; char ch; int n = 0; ch = fgetc(fp); if( ch == EOF ) { return; } while ( ch != 0x20 && ch != EOF && n < MAXBUFFER ) { buffer[n] = ch; n++; ch = fgetc(fp); } buffer[n] = '\0'; strcpy( word, buffer ); } int is_word_valid( char word ) { // there's no filter at the moment. // We can compare with MeSH white list ie. } int is_word_exists( char *word, sqlite3_stmt **statement, sqlite3** conn ) { if ( sqlite3_bind_text( *statement, 1, word, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error binding to query select: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_step( *statement ) != SQLITE_DONE ) { sqlite3_reset( *statement ); return TRUE; } else { sqlite3_reset( *statement ); return FALSE; } } void add_to_the_list( char *word, sqlite3_stmt **statement, sqlite3** conn ) { if ( sqlite3_bind_text( *statement, 1, word, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error binding to query insert: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } sqlite3_step( *statement ); sqlite3_reset( *statement ); } void inc_occ( char *word, sqlite3_stmt **statement, sqlite3** conn ) { // UPDATE dictionary SET global_occ = global_occ + 1 WHERE word=word // INSERT into dictionary ... if ( sqlite3_bind_text( *statement, 1, word, -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error binding to query update: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } sqlite3_step( *statement ); sqlite3_reset( *statement ); } void compute_freq( sqlite3** conn, float nbr_of_words, char *table ) { // UPDATE dictionary SET global_freq = global_occ / nbr_of_word // note that nbr_of_word must be a REAL type. /* For each words we compute : F = occ_of_word / nbr_of_words */ char sqlite3_query[MAXBUFFER]; sqlite3_stmt *statement; sprintf( sqlite3_query, "UPDATE %s SET global_freq = global_occ / %f", table, nbr_of_words); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(*conn, sqlite3_query, -1, &statement, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn) ); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } sqlite3_step( statement ); sqlite3_finalize( statement ); } make_dictionary( char *team_list, char *database_name) { FILE *fp, *fp_wiki; float nbr_of_words = 0; char word[MAXBUFFER], digest_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD], team_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD]; int size_name; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_select, *stmt_insert, *stmt_update; sqlite3 *conn; if ( sqlite3_open( database_name, &conn ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error opening the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn)); exit(1); } fp = fopen(team_list, "r"); if ( fp == 0 ) { printf("Can't open %s file\n", team_list); exit(1); } // pre-compile the query to optimize the process if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, "SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word=?", -1, &stmt_select, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, "INSERT INTO dictionary VALUES (?, 1, NULL)", -1, &stmt_insert, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, "UPDATE dictionary \ SET global_occ = global_occ + 1 WHERE word=?", -1, &stmt_update, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } while( !feof(fp) ) { fgets( team_name, (MAXBUFFER - LEN_CMD), fp ); if ( feof(fp) ) { break; } size_name = strlen( team_name ); team_name[size_name - 1] = '\0'; chgchar( team_name, '-', '_', size_name); printf("On the %s Team\n", team_name); if ( chdir(team_name) == -1 ) { printf("error changing directory to %s\n", team_name); exit(1); } strncpy( digest_name, team_name, (MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD-4) ); strcat( digest_name, ".xtr"); fp_wiki = fopen( digest_name, "r" ); if( fp_wiki == 0 ) { printf("error when you open %s file", digest_name); exit(1); } if ( chdir("..") == -1 ) { printf("error changing directory to ..\n"); exit(1); } sqlite3_exec(conn, "begin", NULL, NULL, NULL ); while ( !feof(fp_wiki) ) { read_next_word( word, fp_wiki ); if ( is_word_valid( word ) == FALSE ) { continue; } if ( is_word_exists( word, &stmt_select, &conn ) == FALSE ) { add_to_the_list( word, &stmt_insert, &conn ); } else { inc_occ( word, &stmt_update, &conn ); } nbr_of_words++; } sqlite3_exec(conn, "commit", NULL, NULL, NULL ); fclose(fp_wiki); } fclose(fp); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_select ); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_insert ); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_update ); compute_freq( &conn, nbr_of_words, "dictionary" ); CLOSE_DB : if ( sqlite3_close(conn) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error closing the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn)); } } void make_database( char *team_list, char *database_name ) { sqlite3 *conn; sqlite3_stmt *statement; FILE* fp; int size_name; char team_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD], sqlite_query[MAXBUFFER]; if ( sqlite3_open( database_name, &conn ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error opening the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn)); exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, "CREATE TABLE dictionary ( word text, \ global_occ int, global_freq real )", -1, &statement, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } sqlite3_step( statement ); sqlite3_finalize( statement ); fp = fopen(team_list, "r"); if ( fp == 0 ) { printf("Can't open %s file\n", team_list); exit(1); } while( !feof(fp) ) { fgets( team_name, (MAXBUFFER - LEN_CMD), fp ); if ( feof(fp) ) { break; } size_name = strlen( team_name ); team_name[size_name - 1] = '\0'; chgchar( team_name, '-', '_', size_name); printf("Create %s Team Table\n", team_name); sprintf( sqlite_query, "CREATE TABLE %s ( word text, global_occ int, \ global_freq real, sip real )", team_name); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, sqlite_query, -1, &statement, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } sqlite3_step( statement ); sqlite3_reset( statement ); } fclose( fp); sqlite3_finalize( statement ); CLOSE_DB : if ( sqlite3_close(conn) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error closing the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn)); } } void download_wiki( char *team_list, char* year ) { FILE *fp_src, *fp_tar, *fp; char ch, last_ch; char buffer[MAXBUFFER], team_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD], digest_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD]; int size_name; DIR *dp; struct dirent *entry; fp = fopen(team_list, "r"); if ( fp == 0 ) { printf("Can't open %s file\n", team_list); exit(1); } while( !feof(fp) ) { fgets( team_name, (MAXBUFFER - LEN_CMD), fp ); if ( feof(fp) ) { break; } size_name = strlen( team_name ); team_name[size_name - 1] = '\0'; chgchar( team_name, '-', '_', size_name); if ( mkdir(team_name, 0777) == -1 ) { printf("error in the mkdir\n"); exit(1); } if ( chdir(team_name) == -1 ) { printf("error changing the directory to %s\n", team_name); exit(1); } if ( strcmp( year, "2007") == 0 ) { snprintf(buffer, MAXBUFFER, "wget -R.jpg -R.png -R.gif \ -R.jpeg -RUser:* -E -l1 -nd -r \", team_name); printf("CMD : %s\n", buffer); system(buffer); } else { snprintf(buffer, MAXBUFFER, "wget -E -ITeam:%s -nd -r \", team_name, year, team_name); printf("CMD : %s\n", buffer); system(buffer); } if((dp = opendir(".")) == NULL) { printf("can't open the dir"); return; } while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if ( isRep(entry->d_name) != IS_REP ) { if ( (strstr(entry->d_name, ".html") != NULL) && (strstr(entry->d_name, ".dumpx") == NULL) ) { snprintf(buffer, MAXBUFFER, "links -dump %s > %s.dumpx", entry->d_name, entry->d_name); system(buffer); } } } closedir(dp); snprintf(buffer, MAXBUFFER, "cat *.dumpx > %s", team_name); system(buffer); strncpy( digest_name, team_name, (MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD-4) ); strcat( digest_name, ".xtr"); fp_src = fopen(team_name, "r"); if ( fp == 0 ) { printf("Can't open %s file\n", team_name); exit(1); } fp_tar = fopen(digest_name, "w"); if ( fp == 0 ) { printf("Can't open %s file\n", digest_name); exit(1); } while( !feof(fp_src) ) { ch = fgetc(fp_src); if ( (ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5A) || (ch >= 0x61 && ch <= 0x7A) || (ch == 0x20 && last_ch != 0x20) || ch == 0x2D || (ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x39) ) { if (ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5A) { //put in lowercase ch += 0x20; } fputc(ch, fp_tar); } else { ch = 0x20; if ( last_ch != 0x20 ) { fputc(ch, fp_tar); } } last_ch = ch; } fclose( fp_src ); fclose( fp_tar ); if ( chdir("..") == -1 ) { printf("error changing the directory to %s\n", team_name); exit(1); } } fclose(fp); } void compute_sip( sqlite3 **conn, char *team_name ) { // SELECT * from TEAM_NAME; // pour chaque result -> get the freq | get the word => get the freq of word in all wiki // f/F // UPDATE where word='yourword' sqlite3_stmt *statement, *stmt_select, *stmt_update; char sqlite_query[MAXBUFFER]; float local_freq, global_freq; int res; snprintf( sqlite_query, MAXBUFFER, "SELECT * from %s", team_name); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(*conn, sqlite_query, -1, &statement, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error compiling the request 1: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn) ); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(*conn, "SELECT * from dictionary WHERE word=?", -1, &stmt_select, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error compiling the request 2: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn) ); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } snprintf( sqlite_query, MAXBUFFER, "UPDATE %s SET sip = ?/? WHERE word=?", team_name); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(*conn, sqlite_query, -1, &stmt_update, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error compiling the request 3: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn) ); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } sqlite3_exec(*conn, "begin", NULL, NULL, NULL ); while( (res = sqlite3_step(statement)) == SQLITE_ROW) { local_freq = (float)sqlite3_column_double(statement, 2); if ( sqlite3_bind_text( stmt_select, 1, sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0), -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error binding 1: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } sqlite3_step( stmt_select ); global_freq = (float)sqlite3_column_double(stmt_select, 2); if ( sqlite3_bind_double( stmt_update, 1, (double)local_freq) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error binding 2: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_bind_double( stmt_update, 2, (double)global_freq) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error binding 3: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } if ( sqlite3_bind_text( stmt_update, 3, sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0), -1, SQLITE_STATIC) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("compute_sip() : Error binding 4: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(*conn)); close_sqlitedb( &conn ); exit(1); } sqlite3_step( stmt_update ); sqlite3_reset( stmt_select ); sqlite3_reset( stmt_update ); } sqlite3_exec(*conn, "commit", NULL, NULL, NULL ); sqlite3_finalize( statement ); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_select ); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_update ); } void make_sipword( char *team_list, char *database_name) { FILE *fp_wiki, *fp; float nbr_of_words = 0; char word[MAXBUFFER], digest_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD], team_name[MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD]; char sqlite_query[MAXBUFFER]; int size_name; sqlite3_stmt *stmt_select, *stmt_insert, *stmt_update; sqlite3 *conn; if ( sqlite3_open( database_name, &conn ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error opening the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn)); exit(1); } fp = fopen(team_list, "r"); if ( fp == 0 ) { printf("Can't open %s file\n", team_list); exit(1); } while( !feof(fp) ) { fgets( team_name, (MAXBUFFER - LEN_CMD), fp ); if ( feof(fp) ) { break; } size_name = strlen( team_name ); team_name[size_name - 1] = '\0'; chgchar( team_name, '-', '_', size_name); printf("On the %s Team\n", team_name); // pre-compile the query to optimize the process snprintf( sqlite_query, MAXBUFFER, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE word=?", team_name); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, sqlite_query , -1, &stmt_select, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } snprintf( sqlite_query, MAXBUFFER, "INSERT INTO %s \ VALUES (?, 1, NULL, NULL)", team_name); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, sqlite_query, -1, &stmt_insert, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } snprintf( sqlite_query, MAXBUFFER, "UPDATE %s \ SET global_occ = global_occ + 1 WHERE word=?", team_name); if ( sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, sqlite_query, -1, &stmt_update, NULL ) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error compiling the request: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn) ); goto CLOSE_DB; exit(1); } if ( chdir(team_name) == -1 ) { printf("error changing directory to %s\n", team_name); exit(1); } strncpy( digest_name, team_name, MAXBUFFER-LEN_CMD-4 ); strcat( digest_name, ".xtr"); fp_wiki = fopen( digest_name, "r" ); if( fp_wiki == 0 ) { printf("error when you open %s file", digest_name); exit(1); } if ( chdir("..") == -1 ) { printf("error changing directory to ..\n"); exit(1); } sqlite3_exec(conn, "begin", NULL, NULL, NULL ); while ( !feof(fp_wiki) ) { read_next_word( word, fp_wiki ); if ( is_word_valid( word ) == FALSE ) { continue; } if ( is_word_exists( word, &stmt_select, &conn ) == FALSE ) { add_to_the_list( word, &stmt_insert, &conn ); } else { inc_occ( word, &stmt_update, &conn ); } nbr_of_words++; } sqlite3_exec(conn, "commit", NULL, NULL, NULL ); fclose(fp_wiki); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_select ); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_insert ); sqlite3_finalize( stmt_update ); compute_freq( &conn, nbr_of_words, team_name ); compute_sip( &conn, team_name); } CLOSE_DB : if ( sqlite3_close(conn) != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("Error closing the db: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(conn)); } } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if ( argv[TEAM_NAME] == 0 || argv[DATABASE_NAME] == 0 ) { printf("usage : %s [list of team name] [name of database] [year]\n \ - don't put [year] if you want to skip the download step.\n", argv[0] ); exit(1); } if ( argv[YEAR] == 0 ) { printf("skip the downlad step !\n"); } else { printf("start to download wiki !\n"); download_wiki( argv[TEAM_NAME], argv[YEAR] ); } printf("make the database !\n"); make_database( argv[TEAM_NAME], argv[DATABASE_NAME] ); printf("start to make a dictionary !\n"); make_dictionary( argv[TEAM_NAME], argv[DATABASE_NAME] ); printf("start calculate SIP words !\n"); make_sipword( argv[TEAM_NAME], argv[DATABASE_NAME] ); return 0; }