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== 9-02-2010 ==
== 9-02-2010 ==
<font color="#009933">Agarose gel electrophorese of PCR 4a P2, 4b P2</font>
-> Protocol: [[Team:LMU-Munich/Notebook/Protocols/11 Agarose gel electrophoresis| 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis]]
- 120V, 45min, 1,5% Agarose gel
[[Image:2 9 10 apo.jpg|170px|Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PCR4aP2, Marker and PCR4bP2]]
Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PCR4aP2, Marker and PCR4bP2
- Cut out bands at ~~ 350bp and extract
<font color="#009933">PCR Agarose gel extraction</font>
-> Protocol:[[Team:LMU-Munich/Notebook/Protocols/14 QIAEX II gel extraction| 14 QIAEX II gel extraction]]
|PCR nr.
|12,5 ng/µl
|72,5 ng/µl
<font color="#009933">New PCR 7a with Pfu and Phusion</font>
template: 190-6, Primer 13,14
Mixture with Pfu
|template (~2ng)
|Primer *2
|2,5µl *2
|10x buffer
|dNTP Mix
-> Protocol: [[Team:LMU-Munich/Notebook/Protocols/10 PCR with Pfu| 10 PCR with Pfu]]
PCR mixture with Phusion
|template (~2ng)
|1,0 µl
|1  µl
|0.5 µl
|10 µl
-> Protocol:[[Team:LMU-Munich/Notebook/Protocols/15 PCR with Phusion| 15 PCR with Phusion]]
<font color="#009933">New PCR 4a, 4b with Pfu</font>
-> Protocol: [[Team:LMU-Munich/Notebook/Protocols/10 PCR with Pfu| 10 PCR with Pfu]]
Mixture see 9-1-10, twice 4a and 4b
== 9-05-2010 ==
== 9-05-2010 ==

Revision as of 13:07, 2 September 2010

Apoptosis Notebook


Week Days
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
31 8-02-2010 8-03-2010 8-04-2010 8-05-2010 8-06-2010 8-07-2010 8-08-2010
32 8-09-2010 8-10-2010 8-11-2010 8-12-2010 8-13-2010 8-14-2010 8-15-2010
33 8-16-2010 8-17-2010 8-18-2010 8-19-2010 8-20-2010 8-21-2010 8-22-2010
34 8-23-2010 8-24-2010 8-25-2010 8-26-2010 8-27-2010 8-28-2010 8-29-2010
35 8-30-2010 8-31-2010 9-01-2010 9-02-2010 9-03-2010 9-04-2010 9-05-2010
36 9-06-2010 9-07-2010 9-08-2010 9-09-2010 9-10-2010 9-11-2010 9-12-2010
37 9-13-2010 9-14-2010 9-15-2010 9-16-2010 9-17-2010 9-18-2010 9-19-2010
38 9-20-2010 9-21-2010 9-22-2010 9-23-2010 9-24-2010 9-25-2010 9-26-2010
39 9-27-2010 9-28-2010 9-29-2010 9-30-2010 10-01-2010 10-02-2010 10-03-2010


  • Some test text here.


Some test text in bold We created following tests:

  • test1
  • test2
  • test3

- test4
- test5


Example of a table

header 1 header 2 header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3


this too is a table:

H2Oddes 10,3 µl
RE10 + Buffer H 2,0 µl
acetylated BSA 0,2 µl
DNA 6,0 µl

table with 3 cells

apple banana peaches
green yellow red








text Knallroter Text
farbnummern für farbige schrift:

test grüner text


Transforming competent cells

- eGFP Biobrick: BBa_I714891 SDY_eGFP (Kanamycin)

- TEV recogn N Degron SF3 = pDS7 (Ampicillin)

- TEV p14 recogn = 190-6 (Ampicillin)

-> Protocol: (3 Transformation)

- We added 2 µl DNA

- We plated out 200 µl

Plasmid Isolation

- CMV-Promoter Biobrick: BBa_J52034

-> Protocol:(4 Plasmid extraction from cells)

- Prepared overnight culture, measured concentration of DNA

-> Poor results -> thrown away


New Plasmid Extraction

- CMV-Promoter Biobrick: BBa_J52034

-> Protocol: (4 Plasmid extraction from cells)

- Plasmid concentration: 143ng/µl

Prepared overnight culture of eGFP BBa_I714891

- 3 ml LB-Media + 4 µl Kanamycin

- Inoculated iangeimpft) with 1 colony of BBa_I714891 -> 37°C

Prepared overnight culture of 190-6 and pDS7 and eGFP (BBa_I714891) in falcons

- for 190-6 and pDS7: 10µl Ampicillin + 10 ml LB-Media + colony of plate

- for eGFP: 13,3 µl Kanamycin + 10 ml LB-Media + 1 colony of plate

Restriction digest (Restriktionsverdau) of CMV-Promoter BBa_J52034 with EcoRI and PstI

H2Oddest, sterile 10,3 µl
RE10 + Buffer H 2,0 µl
acetylated BSA (18ng/µl) 0,2 µl
DNA (0,143µg/µl) 6,0 µl

-> mixed

- plus: EcoRI (10µg/µl): 0,5 µl resp. PstI (10µg/µl): 0,5 µl

- incubated at room temperature from 12:10 to 15:00, 1 hour at 37°C, 2 hours at 60°C

- frozen at -20°C

Prepare new/fresh overnight culture of CMV-Promoter Biobrick: BBa_J52034

- 1 ml of "old" culture + 3 ml LB-Media + 4 µl Kanamycin -> 37°C


Plasmid Extraction of pDS7, eGFP, 190-6

-> Protocol: (4 Plasmid extraktion from cells)

- pDS7 (458ng/µl), eGFP (55ng/µl), 190-6 (193ng/µl)

Restriction digest of pDS7, eGFP, 190-6

- with EcoRI and PstI in buffer H (for testing DNA is correct)

-> Protocol: (5 Restriction digest)

- 10µg DNA: pDS7 (2µl), eGFP (15µl), 190-6 (10µl)

Plate colonies for plasmid extrction

- CMV (Kanamycin), eGFP (Kanamycin), pDS7 (Ampicillin), 190-6 (Ampicillin))

- PhiC31o plated on Ampicillin-Agar, stored at 37°C

50% Glycerol made

- for PhiC31o glycerol stock (produced later)


Gelfoto from the EcoR1 and Pst1 Restrictiondigest of 190-6, eGFP, pDS7 and CMV

Inoculate CMV into LB medium with amicillin

- CMV (BBa_J52034) from 10.8.2010 inoculated into LB medium with ampicillin, as falsly inoculated in Kanamycin

Agarosegelelectrophoresis with digestions

->Protocol (11 Agarose gel electrophoresis)

- Agarosegelelectrophoresis with the digestions (CMV, eGFP, pDS7, 190-6), 125V for 30 minutes and then for 20 minutes;

- expected DNA bands: 190-6 (4840bp, 1903bp), pDS7 (8027bp, 6bp), CMV (654 bp (Insert), 2079bp (Plasmid)), eGFP (720bp (Insert), 2750bp (Plasmid))

- Correct DNA bands for 190-6 (~4800bp, ~1900bp, ~6700bp (undigested plasmid)) and eGFP (~2000bp (Plasmid), ~750 bp (Insert)); CMV probably not digested (two bands; one probably normal, one supercoiled) and pDS7 not clear

Restriction digest from CMV and pDS7

-> Protocol (5 Restriction digest)

- Restriction digest from CMV (EcoR1, Pst1; 6µl DNA, buffer H) and pDS7 (EcoR1, Spe1; 2µl DNA, buffer B)

Agarosegelectrophoresis with digestions

->Protocol (11 Agarose gel electrophoresis)

- Agarosegelelectorphoresis for 30 minutes, 150V

- Expected DNA bands: CMV see above, pDS7 (3647bp, 3369bp, 1011bp, 6bp)

- false DNA bands CMV (~1200 bp, ~2000 bp) and pDS7 (~8000bp two bands, ~1100 bp); required to isolate a new colony for these two Plasmidextractions

Plated CMV on Ampicllin-Agar

- Plated the colony from CMV (BBa_J52034) for Plasmidextraction (Ampicillin), as falsly plated on Kanamycin






Planting colonies

- transfer 1 ml PhiC31o culture to new LB medium + Amp, 37°C

- pick up CMV and pDS7 colonies from plates and transfer to LB medium+Amp, 37°C

Plasmid Extraction of PhiC31o

->Protocol (4 Plasmid extraktion from cells)

- plasmid extraction of PhiC310

->27,5ng/µl DNA and second plasmid extraction of PhiC310 (i. o. to get more DNA); first eluation-step with first eluation-extraction

-> 60ng/µl DNA

Restriction digest

->Protocol (5 Restriction digest)

- restriction digest of PhiC310 with EcoR1 and Spe1

H2Oddest, sterile 0 µl
Buffer B 2,0 µl
BSA (1:10) 2 µl
DNA (0,06µg/µl) 15,0 µl
EcoR1 0,5 µl
Spe1 0,5µl

restriction digest in the thermo cycler (program "Verdau", see protocol)

Handling primers after arrival (1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12)

->Protocol (9 Handling primers)

PCR preparations

- 10mM dNTP mix made from 100 mM dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP by taking 100µl of each and adding 600µl H 2 O

PCR 1 and 6

- PCR of the tet inducible CMV minimal promotor out of prevTRE (=PCR 1 with Primer 1 and 2) and SV40PA out of pcDNA3 (=PCR 6 with Primer 11 and 12)

->Protocol (10 PCR with Pfu)


pcDNA3 (0,6 µg/µl) pTRERev (0,15µg/µl)
Primer 2*2,5µl (P1+P2) " (P11+P12)
300ng template 0,5µl 2µl
10x Buffer Pfu 5µl "
dNTP Mix 1µl "
Pfu Polymerase (3u/µl) 0,5µl "
H2O 40,5µl 39µl
summ 52,5µl 52,5µl


Denaturation 95°C 2min
30 times: Denaturation 95°C 1min
Annealing 45°C 30sec
Extension 73°C 2min
Final Extension 73°C 5min
Soak (end) 12°C infinite

Glycerolstock of PhiC31o

- Glycerolstock of the colony of PhiC31o for the plasmidextraction

bacterial culture 800µl
Glycerol (50%) 500µl


Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR6 which shows that PCR6 is about 200bp

Plate CMV and pDS7 colonies on Ampicillin-Agar

- colonies for plasmidextraction of CMV and pDS7 plated on Ampicillinplates

Plasmid Extraction of CMV and pDS7

- plasmidextraction of CMV (2,5ng/µl) and pDS7 (10ng/µl) the A260/A280 value was 1.333, which means that it was 90% Protein and only 10% DNA (should be 1,8); new plasmidextraction needed

new overnight cultures of CMV and pDS7 for a new plasmidextraction made

Agarose gel electrophoresis

-> Protocol (11 Agarose gel electrophoresis)

- Agarose gel electrophoresis of the restriction digest of PhiC31o and PCR 1 and 6

- the right bands found for PhiC31o (~2900,~2400,~250)

- the right band found for PCR1 (~450)

- no band found for PCR6; new electrophoresis needed with more DNA loaded

Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PhiC31o, PCR1 and PCR6 Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PhiC31o, PCR1 and PCR6 which shows that PCR1 is between 250 and 500 bp

- new agarose gel electrophoresis from PCR6 with 5µl DNA instead of 3µl (image not yet shown)

- the right band found for PCR6 (~200)

New overnight cultures of CMV and pDS7

- the overnight colonies didn't grow; new colonies (CMV and pDS7) picked from plate and inoculated in LB Ampicillin

PCR purification of PCR 1 and 6

-> Protocol (12 Gel extraction or PCR Clean up)

- DNA concentration of the PCR 1 and 6 products measured: PCR1: 410ng/µl (A260/A280=1.253) PCR6: 568ng/µl (A260/A280=1.275)

- PCR Purification with Promega Kit

-> PCR1: 230ng/µl (A260/A280=1.769)

-> PCR6: 37.5ng/µl (A260/A280=1.667)


Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) CMV and pDS7 showing the right bands for pDS7

Plasmid Extraction of CMV and pDS7

-> Protocol (4 Plasmid extraction from cells)

- Plasmid extraction of CMV (97.5ng/µl; A260/A280=1.857) and pDS7 (212ng/µl; A260/A280=1.848)

Restriction digestion

-> Protocol (5 Restriction digest)

- Restriction digestion of CMV (EcoR1 + Pst1; 10µl DNA, buffer H) and pDS7 (EcoR1 + Spe1; 5µl DNA, buffer B)

-> expected DNA bands: CMV: 2079bp (plasmid) + 654bp (Insert); pDS7: 7022bp + 1011bp

Agarose Gel electrophoresis of digested CMV and pDS7

-> Protocol (11 Agarorse gel electrophoresis)

-> right DNA bands for pDS7 (~7000bp, ~1000bp)

-> false DNA bands for CMV

- Starting PCR 2a and 2b (replication and mutagenesis of pDS7): 3 µl DNA and 50°C Annealing Temperatur (other same as 8-16-2010)


Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 2a and 2b

-> Protocol (11 Agarose gel electrophoresis) (150V, 30min)

Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PCR2a and PCR2b
Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PCR2a and PCR2b

-> the right bands for PCR2a (~300bp) and PCR2b (~700bp)

- New agarose gel electrophoresis with all of the PCR product for gel extraction (150V, 30min)

Gel extraction of the DNA from PCR2a and PCR2b

-> Protocol (12 Gel extraction or PCR Clean up)

- DNA concentration measured; problem with nanodrop as too low concentration; lyophille used to reduce volume

- DNA concentration measured again: PCR2a: 70ng/µl A260/A280=1.647; PCR2b: 45ng/µl A260/A280=1.5

PCR 3 (joining PCR of 2a and 2b)

- PCR3 (the joining PCR of PCR2a and 2b; Joining of the TEVrecogn-N-Degron-SF3 part) done: 1.3 µl of PCR2a and 4.7 µl of PCR2b makes 300ng of a 1:1 solution of both to be joined DNA parts. Annealing temperature: 50°C

-> Protocol (10 PCR with Pfu)


Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR3

Gelfoto from PCR3

left column: marker; most right column: PCR3

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis (150V, 30min)

-> expected band: ~1000bp

-> false band: ~500bp

- probable reason: mini photometre was influenced by gel extraction chemicals, therefore it measured false DNA concentrations and false template masses were calculated

-> New 2a and 2b PCR

New PCR (2a and 2b)

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

(see 8-18-2010, but 35,5µl water)






Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 2b

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

- expected band: 700bp

-> no band shown on gel -> new PCR 2b

PCR 2b

- start PCR 2b with PCR 2b from 8-13-10 as template ( 1:20 and 1:100 diluted; 1µl)

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

- annealing temperature: 50°C; amount of water: 37,5µl

Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 2b 1:20 and 1:100

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

- expected bands: each ~ 700bp

- false bands: ~ 200bp

-> new PCR with 2ng, 5ng, 10ng template pDS7

PCR 2b with 2ng, 5ng, 10ng template pDS7

- pDS7 1:100 diluted(-> 2,1 ng/µl)


2ng 5ng 10ng
Primer 2*2,5µl (P5+P6) 2*2,5µl (P5+P6) 2*2,5µl (P5+P6)
10x Buffer Pfu 5µl 5µl 5µl
dNTP Mix 1µl 1µl 1µl
template pDS7 (dil.) 1µl 2,5µl 5µl
Pfu Polymerase (3u/µl) 0,5µl 0,5µl 0,5µl
DMSO 1,25µl 1,25µl 1,25µl
H2O 33,25µl 30,25µl 25,25µl

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR 2a gel extraction

- Quaigen kit (QuaiexII)

-> Protocol: 14 QIAEX II gel extraction

Start 3 CMV overnight cultures


agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 2b

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) CMV (2ng (cut out), 10ng, 5ng template) showing the right bands for 2ng, 5ng template

- expected bands: right bands with 2ng and 5ng template (~700bp), no band with 10ng template

CMV plasmid extraction

-> Protocol: 4 Plasmid extraction from cells

Plasmid extractionof 3 different overnight cultures.

- results:

  • 52,5 ng/µl A260/A280= 1.312
  • 133 ng/µl A260/A280= 1.710
  • 80 ng/µl A260/A280= 1.600

CMV restriction digest

-> Protocol: 5 Restriction digest

- CMV restriction digest: EcoRI, PstI, buffer H

  • 19µl, H2O : 0µl
  • 6µl, H2O : 9.5µl
  • 12.5µl, H2O : 3µl

PCR 2b gel extraction

- PCR2b was gel extracted (with Qiagen gel extraction kit), 17.5 ng/µl a260/A280= 1.750

-> Protocol: 14 QIAEX II gel extraction

PCR 3 (fusion of 2a and 2b)

- PCR3: conducted again at 52°C annealing temperature

  • 10.5 ng (from PCR2b) 0.6µl
  • 4.5 ng (from PCR2a) 0.9µl (1:10 diluted)
PCR2a 0.9 µl
PCR2b 0.6 µl
primer3 2.5 µl
primer6 2.5 µl
dNTPs 1 µl
Pfu 0.5 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
H2O 37 µl

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

agarose gel electrophoresis of CMV digestion

- agarose gel electrophoresis (150V, 25 min) of the CMV digestion

-> bands are wrong again ( ~ 1200bp, 2000bp)


Agarose gel electrophorese of PCR 3

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

- expected band: ~1000bp

- false band: ~400bp

Plasmid extraction of ccdB tet and ccdB strep

Plasmid extraction of pSB1C3 with BBa_P1010

-> Protocol: 4 Plasmid extraction from cells

- results:

ccdB tet: 50ng/µl; A260/A280= 1,818

Plate ccdB amp, cam, tet

- plate ccdB with ampicilline, chloramphenicol, tetracycline resistence on LB agar with appropiate antibiotic.

Overnight culture of ccdB kan

- Overnight culture of ccdB with kanamycine resistence in LB medium with kanamycine

PCR 7a, 7b, 9, 10

->Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR nr. template concentration dilution primer
7a 190-6 ~200ng/µl 1:100 13,14
7b 190-6 ~200ng/µl 1:100 15,16
9 eGFP 55ng/µl 1:25 20,21
10 PhiC31o 20ng/µl 1:10 22,23


template (~2ng) 1µl
Pfu 0,5µl
Primer *2 2,5µl *2
10x buffer 5µl
dNTP Mix 1µl
H2O 37,5µl
sum 50µl

Standard PCR; annealing temperature: 60°C


Agarose gelelectrophoresis of PCR 7a, 7b, 9, 10

->Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

- 150V, 25min

PCR nr. expected bands result
7a 850bp no band
7b 402bp false band (200bp)
9 808bp no band
10 1888bp no band

Plasmid extraction of ccdB kan

-> Protocol: 4 Plasmid extraction from cells

-result: concentration: 25ng/µl; A260/A280= 2,0

New PCR 7a, 7b, 9, 10


template (~2ng) 1µl
Pfu 0,5µl
Primer *2 2,5µl *2
10x buffer 5µl
dNTP Mix 1µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 36,25µl
sum 50µl


gradient PCR, 42-69°C annealing temp.

->Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

Overnight culture of ccdB amp, tet, cam

Inoculate one colony each in 5ml medium with approptraite antibiotic.


Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 7a, 7b, 9, 10

->Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

150V, 25min, 75mA

gel electrophoresis of new PCR 7a,7b, 9, 10

from left to right: 7a, 7b, 9, 10, Marker

PCR nr. expected bands result
7a 850bp no band
7b 402bp right band (~400bp)+ false band (~150bp)
9 808bp false band (~200bp)
10 1888bp right band (~1900bp)+false band (~500bp)

Plasmid extraktion of ccdB amp, tet, cam

->Protocol: 4 Plasmid extraction from cells


Plasmid concentration A260/A280
ccdB amp 57,5 ng/µl 1,917
ccdB cam 70,0 ng/µl 1,867
ccdB tet 50,0 ng/µl 1,818

New PCR 7a, 9


- 2ng template: see 26-8-10

- 4ng template: see 26-8-10, but 2µl template and 35,25µl water

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

Restriction digestion of ccdB amp, kan, cam, tet

-> Protocol: 5 Restriction digestion

- only 90min 37°C incubation

- EcoRI, PstI, Buffer H

template volume mass
ccdB amp 16µl 930ng
ccdB cam 14,3µl 1µg
ccdB tet 16µl 800ng
ccdB kan 16µl 400ng

Agarose gelelectrophoresis of PCR 7a, 9, ccdB restriction digestion

150v, 25min, 75mA

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

gel electrophoresis of new PCR 7a, 9, ccdb


- PCR7a, 9: false band at 200bp

- ccdB: each digestion leads to a right band with ~ 650bp






New PCR 7a and 9


template (~4ng) 2µl
Pfu 0,5µl
Primer *2 2,5µl *2
10x buffer 5µl
dNTP Mix 1µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 35,25µl
sum 50µl

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR program

PCR 7: Annealing Temperature 60°C - 25 x 1 min Annealing time and 5x 1,30 min Annealing time

PCR 9: Annealing Temperature 55°C - 25 x 1 min Annealing time and 5x 1,30 min Annealing time

Gel extraction of PCR 7b, 10

->Protocol: 14 QIAEX II gel extraction


PCR nr. concentration A260/A280
7b 10 ng/µl 2,0
10 17,5 ng/µl 1,4

Agarose gel electrophoresis of new PCR 7a, 9

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

150V, 25min

- results:

- 7a: no band shown

- 9: false band (~200bp)

New PCR 3

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR2a 0.9 µl
PCR2b 0.6 µl
dNTPs 1 µl
Pfu 0.5 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 36,75 µl
sum 45µl

- new method: standard PCR without primers (10 cycles, 56°C annealing temp.)

- then add 2,5µl of primer 3 and 6

- 30 cycles standard PCR (54°C annealing temp.)


Gel photo of (left to right) PCR4a(2.5ng template), PCR4a(5ng template),PCR4b(2.5ng template), PCR4b(5ng template), PCR3(Pfu), PCR3(Phusion)

Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 4a, PCR4b, PCR3(Pfu), PCR3(Phusion)

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

150V, 25min

- results:

- PCR4a(2.5ng template), PCR4a(5ng template),PCR4b(2.5ng template), PCR4b(5ng template), PCR3(Pfu): no band shown

- PCR3 (Phusion): right band (~1000bp)

New PCR PCR4a, PCR4b, PCR7a, PCR9

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR mixture for PCR4a, PCR4b

template 37.25 µl (200ng)
dNTPs 1 µl
Pfu 0.5 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
sum 50µl

Standard PCR program with annealing temperature PCR4a: 51.1°C, PCR4b: 48.5°C.

-> Protocol: 15 PCR with Phusion

PCR mixture for PCR7a, PCR9

template 4 µl (8ng)
dNTPs 1 µl
Phusion 0.5 µl
5xbuffer 10 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 28.25 µl
sum 50µl

PCR program: Phu62

98°C 1 min
98°C 10 sec
62°C 20 sec
73°C 30 sec
return to step 2 for 29 cycles
73°C 10 min
12°C forever

Gel photo of (left to right) PCR3, ladder, PCR7a, empty, PCR9

Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR 3, PCR7a, PCR9 for gel extraction

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

120V, 30min

- results:

- PCR3; right band (~1000bp) and side-product

- PCR7a: no band

- PCR9: right band (~800bp) and side-product

Gel extraction of the DNA from PCR3 and PCR9

-> Protocol (12 Gel extraction or PCR Clean up)


PCR 9: 22,5ng/µl; A260/A280=1,8

PCR 3: 22,5ng/µl; A260/A280=2,25

New PCR 4a, 4b, 7a with DreamTaq

-> Protocol: 16 PCR with DreamTaq

PCR mixture for PCR7a

template 5 µl (10ng)
dNTPs 5 µl
DreamTaq 0.33 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 28.5 µl
sum 50µl

Primers for PCR 7a: 13,14

Annealing temp: 60°C

PCR mixture for PCR4a,4b

template 36,5 µl (180ng HeLa cDNA)
dNTPs 5 µl
DreamTaq 0.33 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
sum 50µl

PCR 4a

Primers for PCR 4a: 7,8

Primers for PCR 4b: 9,10

Annealing temp: 50°C

PCR program:

95°C 1 min
95°C 30 sec
50/60°C 30 sec
72°C 1 min (1kb/min)
return to step 2 for 29 cycles
72°C 10 min
12°C forever


Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR4a, PCR4b, PCR7 (DreamTaq)

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

150V, 25min

results: no product

New PCR 4a, 4b with DreamTaq, Pfu, with concentration gradient and touch-down PCR

-> Protocol: 16 PCR with DreamTaq; 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR mixture for DreamTaq

Concentration Low Middle High
template 5 µl (1:1000) 31.75µl (1:1000) 2µl (1:10)
dNTPs 5 µl
DreamTaq 0.33 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 26.75 µl 0 29.75
sum 50µl

PCR mixture for Pfu

Concentration Low Middle High
template 5 µl (1:1000) 37.25µl (1:1000) 2µl (1:10)
dNTPs 1 µl
Pfu 0.5 µl
10xbuffer 5 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 32.25 µl 0 35.25 µl
sum 50µl

Primers for PCR 4a: 7,8; PCR 4b: 9,10

-> Protocol: Thermal cycler program: Touch down


Agarose gel electrophorese of PCR 4a P2, 4b P2

-> Protocol: 11 Agarose gel electrophoresis

- 120V, 45min, 1,5% Agarose gel

Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PCR4aP2, Marker and PCR4bP2

Agarose gel electrophoresis of (from left to right) PCR4aP2, Marker and PCR4bP2

- Cut out bands at ~~ 350bp and extract

PCR Agarose gel extraction

-> Protocol: 14 QIAEX II gel extraction


PCR nr. concentration A260/A280
4aP2 12,5 ng/µl 1,67
4bP2 72,5 ng/µl 1,53

New PCR 7a with Pfu and Phusion

template: 190-6, Primer 13,14

Mixture with Pfu

template (~2ng) 1µl
Pfu 0,5µl
Primer *2 2,5µl *2
10x buffer 5µl
dNTP Mix 1µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 36,25µl
sum 50µl

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

PCR mixture with Phusion

template (~2ng) 1,0 µl
dNTPs 1 µl
Phusion 0.5 µl
5xbuffer 10 µl
DMSO 1,25µl
H2O 31,25µl
sum 50µl

-> Protocol: 15 PCR with Phusion

New PCR 4a, 4b with Pfu

-> Protocol: 10 PCR with Pfu

Mixture see 9-1-10, twice 4a and 4b





























































