Team:Macquarie Australia/Notebook2


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16th September 2010 <p>
Genomic DNA extraction <p> </big> </font> </b>
<li type="disc">
<i> D. radiodurans </i>genomic DNA extracted using the BioLine Genomic DNA Extraction kit as per the manufacturer’s protocols.</li>
<li type="disc">
The extractions were run on a GelRed stained 1% agarose gel and photo taken for visualization (see figure 6).</li>
<li type="disc">
A NanoDrop spectrophotometer reading was also recorded to check the quality of the extracted genomic DNA.</li>
<li type="disc">
The extraction was successful for all <i>D. radiodurans </i>cell lysate samples (labeled DEINO1, DEINO2, DEINO3 (See figure below) </li>
<p><h3><i><b>D. radiodurans  </i> genomic DNA extraction agarose results: <p> </b> </h3>
All three DNA samples show a smear of gDNA. Because the samples were treated with RNase there is no band indicative of RNA visible = SUCCESS!  <p>
<h4> <center><h3> Figure 6.  Results of <i> D. radiodurans </i> genomic DNA extraction  </h4></center></big> <p></h3>
<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href=''><img src='' border='0'/></a>
<b>Figure 6. </b> GelRed post-stained 1% agarose gel of genomic DNA extraction from <i> D. radiodurans </i>. In lanes 1 and 5 there is a 1kb ladder. In lane 2 is the DEINO1 sample, lane 3 is the DEINO2 sample, lane 4 is the DEINO3 sample.  All three samples show a smear that is indicative of genomic DNA.  The extraction has been successful!!!</p>
<h4>Nanodrop absorbance readings: </h4>
<th>Genomic DNA sample</th>
<th>260/280 OD ratio</th>
<th>Concentration (ng/mL)</th>
Overall, the Nanodrop readings show that we have obtained good DNA concentration with minimal protein contamination <p>= <u>SUCCESS! </u><p>
27th August 2010 <p>
Primer design <p> </big> </hr></b>
<li type="disc">
Various primers were designed manually and using Primer 3 Software package for PCR amplification. </li> <p>
<li type="disc"> The primers were ordered and supplied through Integrated DNA Technologies.</li> <p>
<li type="disc"> There was an array of various primers ordered for amplification of different products. The details of the primers are described below.
</li> <p>
<h4>Fwd and Rvs primers for amplification of the full length <i> D. radiodurans </i> BphP gene: </h4>
<th>Primer name</th>
<th>Primer Sequence</th>
<td> (DR-FWD-1)</td>
<td>5’-ATG AGC CGG GAC CCG TTG -3’</td>
<td>5’-TCA GGC ATC GGC GGC TCC -3’</td>
<h4>Fwd and Rvs primers for amplification of the full length <i> D. radiodurans  </i>BphP gene for insertion in the operon <u>BEFORE</u> the HO gene:
<th>Primer name</th>
<th>Primer Sequence</th>
Fwd and Rvs primers for amplification of the full length <i>D. radiodurans  </i> BphP gene for insertion in the operon <u>AFTER </u>the HO gene in the operon:
<th>Primer name</th>
<th>Primer Sequence</th>
<td> (DR-AHO-R)</td>
Fwd and Rvs primers for amplification of the full length <i>D. radiodurans  </i> BphP gene for insertion in the operon <u>AFTER </u>the HO gene as well as the addition of a ribosome binding site or Shine Delgano sequence:
<th>Primer name</th>
<th>Primer Sequence</th>
<big> <b>
22nd September 2010  <p>
Initial PCR (gradient PCR)<p> </big> </hr> </font> </b>
<li type="disc"> The reaction mastermix for the PCR was set up as per the following recipe (per sample): </li>
<th>Amount per sample (ul)</th>
<td>Gibco H2O</td>
<td> 13.75</td>
<td>10x Buffer</td>
<td> 2.00</td>
<td>Polymerase enzyme</td>
<td> 0.25</td>
<td> 1.00</td>
<td>Fwd primer </td>
<td> 1.00</td>
<td>Rvs primer </td>
<td> 1.00</td>
<td>Genomic DNA</td>
<td> 1.00</td>
<td><b>Total </b></td>
<td> <b>20.00</b></td>
<h4> The PCR program was set up as per the following: </h4>
<li> 94˚C for 2 minutes </li>
<li>94˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li> 55-65˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li>72˚C for 2 minutes & 30 seconds</li> <p>
(This was repeated for another 25 cycles)
<li> 72˚C for 5 minutes </li>
<li> 4˚C to end. </ol></li> <p>
<li type="disc">
Different combinations of the primers were used for the initial PCR reaction (see below ‘Experimental Design’ section following) </li>
<li type="disc">
Not all possible primer combinations were used </li>
<li type="disc">
The PCR products were run on a 2% GelRed post-stained agarose gel for visualisation (see picture of gel below). </li>
<h4>Experimental Design – Primer combinations and annealing temperatures:  </h4>
<th> DNA template </th>
<th> Dilution </th>
<th> Fwd primer </th>
<th> Rvs primer </th>
<th> Annealing temp (Degrees Celsius) </th>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD)</td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65 </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD)</td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65</td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS) </td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65 </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS) </td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65 </td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R) </td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65 </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R) </td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65 </td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> 1:20</td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R) </td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65</td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO1 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> DEINO2 </td>
<td> (DR-FWD-RBS) </td>
<td> (DR-AHO-R)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<td> (-) control </td>
<td> (DR-FWD) </td>
<td> (DR-RVS)</td>
<td> 55, 57, 60, 62, 65  </td>
<li type="disc">All 85 reactions were unsuccessful and no bands were visible on the gel = BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD! </li>
<big> <b>
27th September 2010 <p>
PCR with FailSafeTM PCR system<p> </big> </hr> <p> </font></b>
<li type="disc">As the 85 reactions that were run were unsuccessful we decided to purchase a commercial PCR system called the FailSafeTM System from EpiCentre Biotechnologies </li>
<li type="disc">It was speculated that the amplification didn’t work due to either the enzyme / buffer or the combination. It didn’t seem to be the annealing temperatures because a range of temperatures were tested in the previous PCR </li>
<li type="disc">The FailSafeTM PCR System includes 12 different enzyme / buffer combinations so we decided to try this with two different annealing temperatures (56˚C and 60˚C) </li>
<h4> The PCR program was set up as per the following: </h4>
<li> 94˚C for 2 minutes </li>
<li>94˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li> 56˚C or 60˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li>72˚C for 3 minutes </li> <p>
(This was repeated for another 25 cycles)
<li> 72˚C for 10 minutes </li>
<li> 4˚C to end. </ol></li> <p>
<li type="disc">
The PCR products were run on a GelRed stained 2% agarose gel using a 1kb ladder for visualization (see figure 2 below)</li>
<li type="disc">
We have successfully amplified the D. radiodurans bacteriophytochrome gene! SUCCESS! </li>
<h4>Experimental Design – Primer combinations: </h4>
<th>Template DNA</th>
<th>Fwd Primer</th>
<th>Rvs primer</th>
<th>FailSafe system</th>
<td> 1:100 </td>
<td> DR-FWD-1</td>
<td> DR-RVS-1</td>
<td> (All 12 FailSafe premixed combinations)</td>
<td> 1:100</td>
<td> DR-FWD-1</td>
<td> DR-RVS-1</td>
<td> (All 12 FailSafe premixed combinations)</td>
<p><h3><b> FailSafe PCRTM System results: </p></B></h3>
*******************FIGURE 7 ***********
<b>Figure 7. </b> GelRed post-stained 2% agarose gel of FailSafeTM PCR System. In lanes 1, 15, 16 and 30 there is a 1kb ladder. In lanes 2 to 29 is the <i> D. radiodurans </i> DNA template amplified with the (DR-FWD-1) and (DR-RVS-1) primer pair using the 12 different premixed enzyme / buffer combinations from the FailSafeTM PCR System. The top lanes (2-15) have a 56˚C annealing temperature. The bottom rows have a 60˚C annealing temperature. It is obvious by looking at the gel that there are differences in the non-specific binding patterns using the different temperature, enzyme and buffer combinations.  </p>
<big> <b>
8th October 2010  <p>
PCR (with FailSafeTM PCR System and DR-FWD-RBS primer)<p> </big> </hr> <p> </font></b>
<li type="disc">We used the FailSafeTM PCR System to amplify the D. radiodurans bacteriophytochrome with the additional RBS inserted (using DR-FWD-RBS primer)</li>
<li type="disc">The most successful enzyme/buffer combinations (J & K) from the previous PCR were used with an annealing temperature of 60C for this amplification </li>
<h4> The PCR program was set up as per the following: </h4>
<li> 94˚C for 2 minutes </li>
<li>94˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li> 60˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li>72˚C for 3 minutes </li> <p>
(This was repeated for another 25 cycles)
<li> 72˚C for 10 minutes </li>
<li> 4˚C to end. </ol></li> <p>
<li type="disc">
The PCR products were run on a GelRed stained 2% agarose gel using a 1kb ladder for visualization (see figure 3 below) </li>
<li type="disc">We have successfully amplified the D. radiodurans bacteriophytochrome gene with the additional RBS site! SUCCESS! </li>
<p><h3><b> PCR results using DR-FWD-RBS primer with FailSafe PCR system: </p></h3></b>
*******************FIGURE 8 ***********
<b>Figure 8. </b> GelRed post-stained 2% agarose gel of FailSafeTM PCR System. In lanes 1 and 5 there is a 1kb ladder. In lane 2 there is the XXX PCR product amplified with the (DR-FWD-RBS) and (DR-RVS-1) primer pair using buffer J from the FailSafeTM PCR System. In lane 3 there is the XXX PCR product amplified with the (DR-FWD-RBS) and (DR-RVS-1) primer pair using buffer K from the FailSafeTM PCR System.  </p>
<big> <b>
9th October 2010  <p>
PCR with FailSafeTM PCR System and (DR-AHO-F) and (DR-AHO-R) primer pair<p> </big> </hr> <p> </font></b>
<li type="disc">We used the FailSafeTM PCR System to amplify the D. radiodurans bacteriophytochrome with the additional RBS product obtained from the previous PCR using the (DR-AHO-F) and (DR-AHO-R) primer pair to insert the HO site </li>
<li type="disc">Again, the most successful enzyme/buffer combinations (J & K) from the previous PCR were used with an annealing temperature of 60˚C for this amplification </li> <p>
<h4> The PCR program was set up as per the following: </h4>
<li> 94˚C for 2 minutes </li>
<li>94˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li> 60˚C for 30 seconds </li>
<li>72˚C for 3 minutes</li> <p>
(This was repeated for another 35 cycles)
<li> 72˚C for 10 minutes </li>
<li> 4˚C to end. </ol></li> <p> </p>
<li type="disc">
The PCR products were run on a GelRed stained 2% agarose gel using a 1kb ladder for visualization (see figure 3 below) </li>
<li type="disc">
We have successfully amplified the D. radiodurans bacteriophytochrome gene with the additional RBS site as well as the HO site! SUCCESS! </li>
<li type="disc">
We are ready for cloning! </li>
<p><h3><b>PCR results of bacteriophytochrome and RBS template using (DR-AHO-F) and (DR-AHO-R) primer pair with FailSafeTM PCR System: </p></h3></b>
*******************FIGURE 9 ***********
<b>Figure 9. </b> GelRed post-stained 2% agarose gel of FailSafeTM PCR System. In lanes 1 and 5 there is a 1kb ladder. In lane 2 there is the 1st PCR product (bacteriophytochrome and RBS) amplified with the (DR-AHO-F) and (DR-AHO-R) primer pair using buffer J from the FailSafeTM PCR System. In lane 3 there is the 2nd PCR product (bacteriophytochrome and RBS) amplified with the (DR-AHO-F) and (DR-AHO-R) primer pair using buffer K from the FailSafeTM PCR System.  We have successfully amplified the D. radiodurans bacteriophytochrome gene with both the RBS and HO site inserted. This is now ready for cloning!!  </p>

Revision as of 22:39, 22 October 2010

Macquarie University IGM