Team:UCL London/Week 4


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Champions week - Week 4

Monday 19th July


Tuesday 20th July


Today was our first real glimpse at the real competition at stake here. WE got a chance to meet and mingle with other universities in Newcastle who were hosting this years UK iGEM conference/get together/briefing/ travel across the country to play with marshmellows and sticks/ or whatever you want to call it. We arrived on "time", with a well prepared "presentation" and we had a .... hmm how to put it .... a quite "unique presentation". And to top it all of it was raining ALL day. Did I mention we also got to play with Marshmellows? We were then lead to La Tasca restaurant by a ......Yeh so to sum up, it was an eventful day!

Wednesday 21st July


Had to wake up early to go to iGEM lectures, second day in Newcastle. Finished at 12 pm, and we were desperate to kill time, so we decided to watch "Inception". By 5 pm we were out of their and back to good old London and its kebab shops.


Thursday 22th July

UCL London test-tubes.jpg

The 1st Portico meeting took place at 9.00 in the morning..with a cup of coffee on everyone's hands and sleepy faces talking about championships and splitting of tasks. Remind me, why did I choose not to go on holiday and spend my summer doing labs, modelling and mascots? Okay, point being, it was a friendly and nice meeting, where we established the goals of the final projet and outlined targets for the following weeks.


Friday 23th July

UCL London test-tubes.jpg

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