Team:USTC Software/attribution



Attribution and Contributions

No iGEM project is done in a day. It requires good team work for 12 months to achieve it. USTC_Software team is built up by 10 students (7 undergraduates, 3 graduates) and two main instructors. Throughout the summer of 2010, our team members have been working cooperatively with our instructors to realize the idea of iGaME. We also appreciate the help from numerous people caring about USTC Software team. Our thank goes to all the listed and unlisted names on the Acknowledgments page.

Details about each team member's work are listed below: Instructors:

Zhaofeng Luo

  • Build up the team, organize the early training of iGEM, which includes brainstorming, previous work summary, and basic training on synthetic biology experiments.

Hao Jiang

  • Brainstorm together with team members, and raise the prototype of Chain-Node Model in the process. Contribute to develop the concept of Chain-Node Model into a complete language of MoDeL. Answering questions for non-biological students. Help with the parameter adjustment in our process of modeling.

Chen Liao

  • Contribute to develop the concept of Chain-Node Model into a complete language of MoDeL. Construct the automatic modeling algorithm for MoDeL, and finish most of the relevant codes. Cooperate in the structure constructing of MoDeL. Do the modeling of our demos, and related wiki editing.

Zhen Wang

  • Contribute to develop the concept of Chain-Node Model into a complete language of MoDeL. Construct database examples in MoDeL. Define the syntax and refine the language. Finish the RFC and other documents on MoDeL and edit related wiki pages. Design the User Interface of input process. Cooperate in algorithm developing and modeling.

Kun Jiang

  • Write codes on DBXML interface, UI and so on. Integrate the core algorithm with Qt, COPASI and DBXML. Take charge of code merging on Github. Design and construct wiki.

Soimort Yao

  • Cooperate in the design of UI and write relevant codes. Design and construct our wiki.

Luojun Wang

  • Take charge of our human practice – the C project, and write related wiki contents. Correct grammar errors in documents and wiki pages.

Jue Wang

  • Take charge of trip scheduling, sponsor contact, T-shirt designing, and so on. Write related wiki contents.

Zhaoyi Li

  • Investigate the work of synchronized E.coli clock and finish the database for it in MoDeL with Zhen Wang. Correct grammar errors in documents and wiki pages.

Yubo Qi

  • Investigate the work of EPF-Lausanne 2009 and finish the database for it in MoDeL with Zhen Wang and Zhengda He.

Zhengda He

  • Investigate the work of EPF-Lausanne 2009 and finish the database for it in MoDeL with Yubo Qi and Zhen Wang. Summarize some of the previous work briefly. Raise ideas about User Interface.

Shangyu Luo

  • Join the brainstorming about MoDeL structure. Investigate on database formats. Summarize useful information from previous work.