Team:TU Delft/newsletters/1


Revision as of 12:36, 30 July 2010 by Ptmvanboheemen (Talk | contribs)

Dear ,

The past few months have flown by; time for an update. After intensive preparation period we are now in the stage of realizing our project: the development of an E. coli chassis for the degradation of oil (hydrocarbons). This newsletter will give some insight into our recent activities concerning the TU Delft iGEM project.

TU Delft iGEM Team in the News

Shortly after we had announced our project, we were overwhelmed by attention from various media. What started with a short story in the TU Delta (a weekly magazine of the Delft Technical University), ended with a item on the Dutch nation news (NOS, TU Delft iGEM 2010 - NOS News – 16 juni 2010) and NOS radio (NOS radio)

iGEM Spring Workshop in Paris

From all European teams a number of delegates travelled to Paris for a first meet-up: the 2010 Europe Spring Workshop. We decided to make it into a team outing: almost the entire team was able to attend the workshops. Fortunately it turned out that we were already up-to-date on most things that have to be considered when competing in iGEM, giving us a head-start compared to the competition.

Next to serious business there was also enough room to meet the other teams, the organization, and the French kitchen. Other teams had very divers projects, and those with similar ideas give room for cooperation.

The assembly of our “Genetic Machine”

In the mean time were have been busy to express the DNA we designed. With only 99 days to go until the Jamboree, no day goes by without digestions, ligations, transformations agarose gels or PCRs. Even the assays and characterizations of genes are beginning to take shape, for example we will be using P.putida as a positive control. Whether our “little machine” will work as planned remains a surprise!

It’s going to be a great summer!

Instead of a trip to more sunny places we will be working in the lab during the summer to realize our project. Without your support this would not have been possible!

Thanks again!

TU Delft iGEM Team 2010

Phone:+31 15 278 1625
Address:Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft

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