Pieter van Boheemen
Ever since reading Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park I have been fascinated by what Life Science might achieve. It is not so much unraveling the processes in the living cell, but truly designing new ones that I think will really cause major scientific advancements in the future. The iGEM project is a first glimpse of this and I am honored to be part of our team.
After completing the bachelors programme of Life Science & Technology I choose to study the molecular mechanism of gene expression further in the Functional Genomics programme. This resulted in an internship at the Leiden Universirty Medical Center's Virology Department, where I learned many of the skills I use in the iGEM team every day. It also triggered my interest in membrane complexes and proteins, which is why I mainly focus on the emulsifier/solubility subproject.
Besides all this scientific work I am a freelance webdeveloper and e-commerce retailer. If you live in Western Europe, you probably visited one of my stores before to, for example buy a squash racket at or to get a tennis racket at
Of course iGEM is about much more than just work in the lab. Together with Nadine I convinced as many companies, funds and institutes as possible to fund our project. Once we accomplished to get enough financial support, I took the responsibility of making the budget and keeping track of all the spending.
Even if we don't succeed in winning any prices at the Jamboree, I am still convinced that all that we invested was well worth it!
"Omne vivum ex ovo" - no more!
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