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The fireworks using AHL as a transmitter.

The bacteria communicate with each other in the same way as people do so using some languages.This was called Quorum Sensing, and we paid our attention to this Quorum Sensing. In Quorum Sensing, the bacteria use the chemical substance called "autoinducer" in substitution for words to say with a human being. The bacteria confirm how much density the same type of bacteria exist by around oneself with autoinducers. When they sense the density is high, the bacteria take action all at once. We produce bioart using Quorum Sensing as materials in a colon bacillus this time. E. coli uses a chemical substance called "N-Acyl-Homoserin-Lacton(AHL)" as autoinducers.

We thought whether we could reproduce fireworks by bioart using AHL as a communication factor.We use the GFP to express flower firelight.The GPF,which is fluorescence protein discovered by Aequorea victoria,has the property of forming a chromophoric group (chemical structure to develop a color) alone.

For a rough procedure, fireworks are launched and turned off by the following methods.

① GPF is expressed in E.coil using AHL as a communication factor

② Turn off the expressed GPF like a chain reaction.

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