Timea Beregi: Cloning work, wiki writing, team image, protocols writing
Erika Berényi: I prepared some psB1A3-TRECMV-polyA plasmid constructs( cloning, transfection, PCR), and prepared western blots after transfection. I uploaded description from apoptosis parts to the wiki and partsregistry.
Shun Chieh Liu - took part in the cloning task initially, demonstrated some in silico work, scriptwriter of the video projects, modified the side project page in the wiki.
Lior Malka begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting - Wiki design and programming, Culture team, Wiki Video Project design, Parts Registry moderator.
Daniel Markovits - Wiki design and graphics, Help for teams PCR, Cell Culture and Luciferase teams, Video Project Narrator
Katalin Nagy - Cloning work
Lilla Ozgyin - Cloning work, coordinator of transfections, actress in video protocols, protocol writing, uploading a part, Parts Registry work, some wiki work, making photos of labwork.
Katalin Sandor- Cloning, transfections, luciferase measurements, extraction of contaminated environmental samples, uploading to the wiki, making photos about labwork.
Student Team Coordinators (in alphabetical order)
Bence Daniel- Supervisor of the whole labwork, optimization of the luciferase measurements and the two hybrid system, 3D protein structures, wiki writing.
Endre Kristof - Cloning (e.g. new expression vector from standard Biobrick parts), transfections and coordination in the wet lab. Participating in project selection, fund raising, in silico design, video and media project. Uploading materials of project description, future possibilities etc. to the wiki and informations about the composite and some basic parts to the partsregistry.
Yakir Guri - Project selection and planning, cell culture team, cloning and in silico design. The supervisor of the video tutorial team (planning, film making, editing, soundtracks). Coordinator of PR and fundraising, writing articles to different newspapers (media, images, interviewing the team). As member of the wiki team coordinating the protocols formulation, reviewing, editing and writing into the OpenWetWare (online sourse).
Ophir Keret - Intiated project together with Balint.L.Balint, Team recruitment, project selection, work planning and coordination, team tutorials, labwork supervision, in silico design/modeling of the parts, construction of the expression vector, PCR work, Chief wiki editor, contributed to wiki writings (abstract, introduction, minimals, on the media).
Team Instructors (in alphabetical order)
Balint L. Balint - Initiated the project, made the team recruitment, fund raising, some of the PR, laboratory setup, helped shaping the project, seting up of the team. I supervised the first lab experiments and planned some of the experiments later on, ordered parts and reagents, organized finances, organized administrative issues of the trip. Supervised wiki and partsregistry work.
Peter Brazda
Mate Demeny
Gabor Zahuczky- Supported the initiation of the project, fund raising, organization of finances and administration. Participated in the design of parts and wet lab education.