Team:Lethbridge/Notebook/Lab Work/September


Revision as of 03:28, 26 September 2010 by Adam.smith4 (Talk | contribs)

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September 20, 2010


Objective: Analyze PCR of mms6 (HB) and fluorescent proteins (AV).
Method: Analyzed on 2% TAE agarose gel.
Load order:

Sample (µL)
Volume Loading
Dye (µL)
6100bp Ladder (Fermentas)0.52(+10 H20)

Results: ADD IMAGE

  • mms6 was not amplified
  • RFP was amplified
    • Expected size is ~800bp
    • Actual size is >1000bp
      • We believe that the suffix segment of the fusion primer annealed rather than the FP segment. This would cause the promoter (R0040) of J04450 to be amplified, adding ~200bp, giving a final size of >1000bp.

Objective: Confirm assembly (3 antibiotic) of K118021 and B0015 from Sept. XX, 2010 via PCR.
Method: Set up 50uL reaction mixture with 2uL of ligated DNA. Used VF2 and VR primers.
Used PFU setting on Thermocycler
Results: ADD IMAGE
Conclusion: Assembly did not work as intended.

September 21, 2010


Objective: Insert xylE (with N and C terminal fusion standards, obtained by PCR of K118021 by KG) into pSB1C3 plasmid for submission to registry.


  • Restriction of xylE PCR product and pSB1C3 (containing J04450 biobrick) via BioBrick Method using EcoRI-HF and PstI (Enzymes from NEB)
  • Ligation of xylE PCR product and pSB1C3 via BioBrick Method using T4 DNA ligase (Enzyme from NEB)
  • Transform into Library Efficiency Compentent DH5α Cells (Invitrogen)


  • Obtained too numerous to count (TNTC) colonies.
    • Obtained ~100 white colonies (indicating removal of RFP and insertion of new BioBrick)

Parent plasmid (from PCR) not digested, possibly K118021 moved into pSB1C3 backbone.

Screen white colonies by addition of catechol to solution containing white cells.

September 21, 2010


Objective: Analyze PCR of K118021-B0015 and subsequent PCR (ADS) and PCR of <partinfo>K118021</partinfo> to add either N or C terminal fusion standard (KG).
Method: Analyze on 2% TAE agarose gel.
Load Order:

Sample (µL)
Volume Loading
Dye (µL)
1xylE F-S 151
2xylE F-S 251
3xylE F-S 351
4xylE F-S 451
5xylE F-S 551
6xylE F-S 651
7100bp Ladder (NEB)0.51(+5 H20)
8xylE S-F 151
9xylE S-F 251
10xylE S-F 351
11xylE S-F 451
12xylE S-F 551
13xylE S-F 651
15PCR of K118021-B0015 (ADS)11

Results: ADD IMAGE

  • Both KG PCR (Standard-Fusion and Fusion-Standard) amplified
  • ADS PCR Amplified, but no insert present.

September 23, 2010


Objective: Characterized catechol degradation by xylE enzyme

Method: Measured absorbance of catechol (275nm) and 2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde (380nm).

  • Protocol:
  • 1) Grow cells in M9 minimal medium
  • 2) Take 1/10 dilution of cells
  • 3) Introduce 1µL of 0.05M catechol solution into the cell dilution. (Final concentration of 50&microM;).
  • 4) Quench the reaction with 5A% w/v trichloroacetate at certain time points. (0,15sec, 30sec, 45sec, 60sec, 2min, 3min, 4min, 5min, 10min).
  • 5) Spin down cells.
  • 6) Measure absorbance of supernatant.

Results: Cuvette used interfered with Spectra.


NOTE: In all transformations, heat shock step was missed. HOWEVER, all transformations showed significant number of colony forming units.
Objective: Move xylE (two biobrick; one with Fusion prefix, one with fusion suffix) into pSB1C3.

  • Restriction of xylE PCR product and pSB1C3 (containing J04450 biobrick) via BioBrick Method using EcoRI-HF and PstI (Enzymes from NEB)
  • Ligation of xylE PCR product and pSB1C3 via BioBrick Method using T4 DNA ligase (Enzyme from NEB)
    • Incubated 30 min at RT
  • Transform into Subcloning Efficiency Compentent DH5α Cells (Invitrogen)

Results: TBD
Follow-up: TBD

Objective: Create glycerol stocks of <partinfo>J04450</partinfo> in pSB1A3 and pSB1T3 for use in RFP-BioBrick Assembly.
Method: Transform into Subcloning Efficiency Competent DH5α Cells (Invitrogen)
Obtained all plasmid DNA from 2010 Kit Plate 1

  • J04450 in pSB1A3 - Well 1C
  • J04450 in pSB1T3 - Well 7A

Results: Obtained TNTC colonies

  • Grow overnight cultures
  • Generate Glycerol Stocks
  • Generate Plasmid DNA via Maxiprep

Objective: Create glycerol stocks of received synthesized (Mr. Gene) signal peptides.
Method: Transform into Subcloning Efficiency Competent DH5α Cells (Invitrogen) plasmid DNA containing the following BioBricks:

  • 1) K331007 - β-lactamase Bla Signal Sequence
  • 2) K331008 - Outer Membrane Protein ompA
  • 3) K331009 - Heat Stable Toxin I
  • 4) K331012 - Penicillin Binding Protein DacA
  • All inserts in pMA-T vector (Standard Mr. Gene vector)

Results: Obtained TNTC Cells

  • 1) Grow overnight cultures
  • 2) Purify pDNA
  • 3) Move into pSB1C3 plasmid
  • 4) Verify sequence
  • 5) Submit to registry for sequencing

September 24, 2010


Objective: Generate plasmid DNA of E1010 for downstream PCR
Method: Transform plasmid DNA into Subcloning Efficiency Competent DH5α Cells (Invitrogen)
DNA obtained from 2010 Kit Plate 1 Well 18F (E1010 in pSB2K3)
Results: Obtained TBD colonies

  • Grow overnight cultures (Generate glycerol stocks)
  • Purify plasmid DNA (Generate pDNA stocks)
  • PCR to add terminal fusion standards

Objective: Create glycerol stocks of J04450 in pSB1K3 for use in RFP-BioBrick Assembly.
Method: Transform into Subcloning Efficiency Competent DH5α Cells (Invitrogen)
Obtained plasmid DNA from 2010 Kit Plate 1 well 5A (J04450 in pSB1K3)
Results: Obtained TNTC colonies

  • Grow overnight cultures
  • Generate Glycerol Stocks
  • Generate Plasmid DNA via Maxiprep

September 25, 2010


Objective: Extract Plasmid DNA from DH5α cells.

Method:Qiagen spin column protocol.

  • K331007 (in pMA-T vector)
  • K331008 (in pMA-T vector)
  • K331009 (in pMA-T vector)
  • K331012 (in pMA-T vector)

Cells containing plasmids were put into glycerol stocks and put into HJ's -80oC.