

Revision as of 09:58, 26 October 2010 by Djokehendriks (Talk | contribs)


What we did for others: We participated in a Human Practices interview for Sheffield. We filled in a survey for METU Turkey, Mexico and Edinburgh We provided code snippets for Lyon

We visited the TU Delft iGEM team.

Acknowledgements Eize Stamhuis who invited us in his laboratory in Bremen for measurements on surface activity of chaplin coated objects. The department of Molecular Genetics for using their space and equipment. Our sponsors without whom our trip to Boston would not have been possible.

And last but not least we thank our advisors:

  • prof. dr. Oscar Kuipers: [ Molecular Genetics] (Head)
  • dr. Dennis Claessen: [ Microbial Physiology]
  • prof. dr. Jan Kok: [ Molecular Genetics]
  • prof. dr. Bert Poolman: Biochemistry; [ Centre for Synthetic Biology] (Director)
  • prof. dr. Roel Bovenberg: Synthetic biology and Cell engineering; Corporate Scientist Biotechnology, [ DSM]