Team:Caltech/Week 3


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==Wednesday 6/30==
==Wednesday 6/30==
* Transformation results: Only two plates did not have colonies on them.
** The liquid cultures of the red and orange dyes, [ K274110] and [ K274210], seemed to be different colors than the other cultures.  When centrifuged down, the cells showed signs of pigment production.
** Both the colonies and the liquid culture of [ K274004 (light green)] were darkly colored.  There was pigment production; however, the pigment did not appear to be a light green color.
* Prepared glycerol stocks.
* Retransformed three bricks and one new brick (GFP):
** [ I765001] [ K274004] [ C0077] [ I13504]
==Thursday 7/1==
==Thursday 7/1==
* Transformation results: All transformations were successful!  There was no problem with the antibiotic used.
** [ K274003 (dark green)] was a dark gray color - evidence of production of pigment.
** The colonies of [ I13504 (GFP reporter gene)] did not fluoresce under UV light.
* Performed minipreps and created glycerol stocks from the liquid cultures.
* Received requested bricks from the Registry of Standard Parts.  We plated and created liquid cultures of the cells containing the bricks.
* Began digests of bricks according to the NEB BioBrick assembly kit protocol.
** [ KI765001] (upstream)
** [ KI13504] (downstream)
** [ B0034] (upstream)
** [ K274100] (downstream)
** [ pSB1C3] (plasmid backbone)
==Friday 7/2==
==Friday 7/2==

Revision as of 00:11, 2 July 2010

iGEM 2010



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Monday 6/28

  • Tested the success of the construct we made using digest and gel electrophoresis.
    • Digested ligation product from 6/26 with EcoRI and PstI.
    • Ran digests on gel along with 1kb and 100kb molecular ladders.
  • Gel result: No bands were visible other than those of the ladders. Amount of DNA used was most likely too low and thus the ligation product could not be confirmed.
Image of a test gel of our third ligation product. Note that the middle two lanes are sadly empty.
  • Transformed additional BioBricks from 2010 Spring DNA Distribution into DH5alpha cells
    • [ K274100], [ K274200], [ K274002], [ K274003], [ K274004]

Tuesday 6/29

  • Transformation results: Transformation of the ampicillin-resistant BioBricks seemed to be successful. However, no bacterial growth was present in the plates and liquid cultures with tetracyclin present. This seems to indicate a problem with the tetracyclin used.
    • Of the plates with bacterial growth ([ K274100 (red)], [ K274200 (orange)]), there was evidence of pigment production, indicating a successful transformation.
  • Transformed 7 more bricks (pigments & our AND gate components):
    • [ K274110], [ K274210], [ K274003], [ K274004], [ C0076], [ C0077], [ R0077], [ I1765001]

Wednesday 6/30

  • Transformation results: Only two plates did not have colonies on them.
    • The liquid cultures of the red and orange dyes, [ K274110] and [ K274210], seemed to be different colors than the other cultures. When centrifuged down, the cells showed signs of pigment production.
    • Both the colonies and the liquid culture of [ K274004 (light green)] were darkly colored. There was pigment production; however, the pigment did not appear to be a light green color.
  • Prepared glycerol stocks.
  • Retransformed three bricks and one new brick (GFP):
    • [ I765001] [ K274004] [ C0077] [ I13504]

Thursday 7/1

  • Transformation results: All transformations were successful! There was no problem with the antibiotic used.
    • [ K274003 (dark green)] was a dark gray color - evidence of production of pigment.
    • The colonies of [ I13504 (GFP reporter gene)] did not fluoresce under UV light.
  • Performed minipreps and created glycerol stocks from the liquid cultures.
  • Received requested bricks from the Registry of Standard Parts. We plated and created liquid cultures of the cells containing the bricks.
  • Began digests of bricks according to the NEB BioBrick assembly kit protocol.
    • [ KI765001] (upstream)
    • [ KI13504] (downstream)
    • [ B0034] (upstream)
    • [ K274100] (downstream)
    • [ pSB1C3] (plasmid backbone)

Friday 7/2

Weekend 7/3-4

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