Start Time: 2 p.m.
1. Roll call and apologies
2. Approval of minutes
3. Action points of last meeting
4. Any tutorial needed?
5. Research Feedback:
BioBrick 1 (CaCO3/Urease):
BioBrick 2 (End of crack & signalling system): (Rachel, Steve, Alan, Da)
BioBrick 3 (Non-target-environment kill switch):
BioBrick 4 (Spider silk & filamentous cells):
BioBrick 5 (Glue & lysis):
BioBrick 6 (Swarming):
6. Lab feedback
Arginine and Urease Tests (Alan&Harsh)
Transformation (Phil&Younus)
Swarming test (Phil&Younus)
DNA extraction (Da&Deena)
7. Action points
1. Logo/ T-shirts
2. Visas
3. Travel plans
8. Flights
9. Accommodation
10. Funding
11. Time line discussion
12. Other business
13. Items for next agenda
14. Next meeting
1. Chair
2. Minutes
3. Computer