

Monday, June 21 2010

Made LB agar; followed protocol found [ Agar Plates.pdf]

Autoclaved after boiling solution (until it looked clear).

Ampicillin Stock Solution (James)

  • 0.08 g ampicillin trihydrate
  • 50 mL dH2O
  • 50 mL EtOH

800 µg/mL

Placed stock solution at -20°C

IPTG Stock Solution (also store in fridge)

Aliquots should be stored at -20°C and thawed only 3 to 4 times.

1M stock solution:

  1. Dissolve 2.38 g IPTG in 8 mL dH2O
  2. Bring to final volume of 10 mL with dH2O
  3. Filter sterilize (is this necessary?)
  4. Store in 1mL aliquots at -20°C.

0.1 mM IPTG corresponds to 0.0119 g IPTG per 0.5 liter

Every 1 mL has 0.238 g (1 M stock)

0.238 g / 0.0119 g = 20

Chloramphenicol Stock Solution

  1. 2.7216 g of chloramphenicol solid
  2. 80 mL EtOH
  3. Store in 1 mL aliquots at -20°C.

Motility Stab LB Agar Recipe

  • 500 mL dH2O
  • 1.34 g tryptone
  • 0.67 g yeast extract
  • 1.34 g NaCl
  • 2.00 g agar
  1. Bring into solution; boil for up to 1 minute.
  2. Autoclave
  3. Add dissolved media into a culture tube.

Buffer for CaCl2 competence protocols

TfBI – 500 mL total

  • 30 mM KoAc = 1.472 g
  • 50 mM MnCl2*4H2O = 4.948 g
  • 100 mM KCl = 3.728 g
  • 10 mM CaCl2*2H2O = 0.735 g
  • 15% glycerol = 75 mL
  • dH2O = 425 mL

TfBII – 50 mL

  • 10 mM Na-MOPS (1M stock) = 0.5 mL
  • 75 mM CaCl2*2H2O = 0.5513 g
  • 10 mM KCl = 0.0373 g
  • 15% glycerol = 7.5 mL
  • dH2O = 42.5 mL

L. lactis

6:40 PM – L. lactis put into 30°C incubator