Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ligation of Lov2 into pGEM T-Easy
15ul total volume
- 7.5ul ligase buffer
- 1ul T4 DNA ligase
- 0.5ul vector DNA
- 1.5ul insert DNA
- 4.5ul dH2O
Incubated overnight at 4C (starting 3:45PM)
Result of LacI reporter retransformation
5ul of DNA added, ~8ng total
- Plate still grew at a very high density
- We will repeat with even less DNA
Re-retransformation of LacI reporter
Used 0.5ul DNA @ 1.6ng/ul so ~800pg total. Plated @37C overnight.
Miniprep+Glycerol stock of araC
Miniprep yielded a final concentration of 35.3ng/ul. A glycerol stock of araC (in DFBalpha, Kan+) was stored.