

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Miniprep of Lovtwo

Used white culture from XL1B blue-white selection. Final concentration was 227.1ng/ul.

Digest of Lovtwo miniprep with EcoRI

50ul total volume:

  • 5ul NEB buffer 2
  • 2ul DNA
  • 0.5ul 100x BSA
  • 1ul EcoRI
  • 41.5ul dH2O

Vortexed, spun down, incubated @37C at 12:18PM

Gel of AraC, CI, Mnt

Gel 81210 1.jpg

Gel of AraC, Mnt, CI, LovTwo

16ul DNA, 4ul buffer per well. AraC little tube only had 10ul DNA (labeled).

Gel 81210 2.jpg

Glycerol Stocks

Made glycerol stock of BL-21 line that contains J04421 LacI reporter

AraC RFC25 gel extract

Gel extract of AraC (RFC25) PCR product resulted in a low yield of only 3.4ng/ul. Will re-PCR

Re-PCR of AraC with RFC25 sites

20ul total:

  • 10ul 2x Master mix
  • 1ul fwd primer
  • 1ul rev primer
  • 1ul DNA
  • 7ul dH2O


Picked culture from plate with expression vector J13002. Grew overnight in LB Amp+ liquid culture