


The University executives, including the Office of the Provost, have again shown themselves to be continually committed to being the world’s best university in every possible regard by generously supporting our team.

The provincial Government of Alberta has been aggressively supporting the growth of emerging technologies working towards a clean, sustainable future. We thank them for giving us the resources we needed to flourish.

We thank this faculty for being a major supporter of our endeavours. The faculty of engineering is committed to being the forefront of technologies that combine rational design with biology.

We thank the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology for providing us with financial support, our lab to work in, and the much appreciated help of great support staff.

We thank New England Biolabs for their extensive in-kind donations of reagents and enzymes used throughout the project.

Thanks to the Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN) for their generous monetary donation. OSRIN is a university-based, independent organization that compiles, interprets and analyses available knowledge about returning landscapes and water impacted by oil sands mining to a natural state and gets that knowledge into the hands of those who can use it to drive breakthrough improvements in reclamation regulations and practices. OSRIN was launched with a start-up grant of $4.5 million from Alberta Environment and a $250,000 grant from the Canada School of Energy and Environment Ltd.

The National Institute for Nanotechnology is located directly on the University of Alberta campus and, is the only collaborative partnership of its kind in Canada. They kindly supplied us with laboratory materials.

We would thank IDT for their financial support and oligo synthesis discount.

This life science company gave us a substantial financial donation as part of their continued commitment to giving back to the community and promoting new advancements in emerging fields of science. Cedarlane labs specializes in supplying laboratory reagents, particularly in the field of immunology.

Project PharmaMatix is a joint venture between Alberta Health Services and the University of Alberta for design of novel drugs.

Thanks to this industry association for financially contributing to our team and, continuously working to promote the growth of the life sciences industry in Alberta.

Thanks to The University of Alberta Student Union, Student Group Services, and the Office of the Dean of Students for their generous contribution.

We appreciate the generous financial contribution of the Department of Cell Biology.

We would like to thank this post-secondary institution for supporting our team. We hope to compete against this school in future iGEM competitions.

This company generously donated the Taq polymerase the team used throughout our project.

This life science supply company gave financial support to help cover the costs of attending the jamboree.

We thank the Department of Pharmacology for their continued support providing a stipend to send a student to the Jamboree.