Team:UCL London/Week 11


(Difference between revisions)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sodales libero quis felis condimentum aliquet. In elit nunc, mollis vel dictum a, eleifend non enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque ac congue metus. Donec vitae massa mi. Pellentesque quis neque turpis. Pellentesque tortor felis, sodales ac laoreet a, egestas non lectus. Nam ac urna ipsum, eget faucibus metus. Nunc eget turpis mi, at fringilla libero. Ut feugiat feugiat velit non aliquet. Nunc ut ornare tortor.
Line 36: Line 36:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sodales libero quis felis condimentum aliquet. In elit nunc, mollis vel dictum a, eleifend non enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque ac congue metus. Donec vitae massa mi. Pellentesque quis neque turpis. Pellentesque tortor felis, sodales ac laoreet a, egestas non lectus. Nam ac urna ipsum, eget faucibus metus. Nunc eget turpis mi, at fringilla libero. Ut feugiat feugiat velit non aliquet. Nunc ut ornare tortor.

Revision as of 23:10, 2 October 2010



Crucial Deadlines week - Week 10

Monday 30th August


Today was a very decisive day indeed, we had to overcome several obstacles, one being the possibility of losing one of our main sponsorship bids. But nevertheless, we had to do some urgent reshuffling of tasks and have now unleashed a new wave of sponsorship haggling,... biopharmaceutical companies, be prepared!!!


Tuesday 31st August


Day 1 without the biochemists! Alas the time has come for us biochemical engineers to take over the lab work due to the departure of our biochemists. It just happened that there was also a tube strike this same day, but no, this was not going to stop us! Plan was to start lab work at 10 am, nevertheless, we got into uni about 4pm, but you know what they say, better late then never. We had to carry out a comment.


Wednesday 1st September

UCL London test-tubes.jpg

Elena made an attempt to update the wiki...but without Omar's help that didn't really work out! A few more photos were added, a few more comments were made. Everyone in the team, on their own way, are working on it. Some wet lab, some modeling, some efforts to approach sponsors.


Thursday 2nd September

UCL London test-tubes.jpg


Friday 3rd September

UCL London test-tubes.jpg





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