Template:Leanna newesttoggle

From 2010.igem.org

Revision as of 03:40, 10 October 2010 by Supacalafrglstic (Talk | contribs)

MIT iGEM 2010

toggle by parts
toggle abstraction
the bacterial uv toggle

In the beginning, there was a UV Toggle (Collins, 2000).
The 2010 MIT iGEM team saw that it was good, and decided to implement the Collins toggle in E.coli to create cells with bistable phenotypes.

The first picture of mCherry fluorescence induced by UV light.
The team planned for the toggle to control fluorescence and phage polymerization in response to exposing the cells to UV light. After much fine-tuning of the power of the UV exposure, the concentrations of AHL and IPTG, and mask cutting, a pattern of fluorescence finally emerged -- the first image.

Then the team decided to make the signal amplify itself, and record a movie to see its propogation.

But the team noticed a circle of cell death where the UV exposure had killed some of the cells in the lawn. They decided to make a pLPTa, a low power toggle that

Here we see cells controlled by the Low Power Toggle. The cells fluoresce red with UV induction, but at higher UV levels cell death can be seen in the green field.
still provided bistability, but required less UV power to induce a toggle switch. By site-directed mutagenesis, the team changed the lambda repressor (cI) gene in the Collins pTSMa to a cI that is more sensitive to cleavage by Rec-A, the enzyme activated by UV light exposure.