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Thursday, July 8 2010

Transformation of pPTPi into BL-21s

Note: XL1 Blue is endogenously resistant to Tetracycline and cannot be used for selection of a Tet-R plasmid.

  • 150 µl BL-21 (stored at -80°C) in each tube (Z)
  • Added 1 µl RFP control Plasmid
  • 2.5 µl pPTPi

Incubated on ice for 24 minutes.

Heat shock at 42°C for 2 minutes.

Added 0.5 mL LB to each tube and placed in incubator at 3:00 PM.

4:00 PM – Spun at 3500 RPM for 4.5 minutes.

Resuspended in 100 µl LB per tube.


  • RFP Control -- 50 µl on tet+ plate, 50 µl on amp+ plate
  • pPTPi -- 50 µl on tet+ plate, 50 µl on tet+ plate

Placed at 37°C at 4:27 PM. Overnight.

Cell Transformation of LovTAP into BL-21 and XL-1

  • Spread 40 µl of 0.1 M IPTG over five Kanamycin plates and one Ampicillin plate.
  • Thawed three centrifuge tubes with 150 µl competent XL1 Blues and three tubes with 150 µl competent BL-21s.
  • Added 1 µl control RFP to 1 tube of XL1B and 1 tube BL-21s.
  • Added 2 µl LovTAP (rehydrated from well 20-F, plate 3 of distribution with 10 µl dH2O) to two tubes of XL1-Blues and two tubes of BL-21s.
  • Incubated tubes for 22 minutes on ice
  • Heat shock for 2 minutes at 42°C
  • Removed from bath and placed on ice, added 500 µl LB media to each tube and placed in incubator.
  • Removed from incubator, pelleted cells in centrifuge and resuspended in 100 µl fresh LB per tube.
  • Plated cells on corresponding plates

Left plates on bench (room temperature) over weekend.

Redo Ligation (WillRS + pGEM T Easy)

  • 7.5 µl 2X DNA ligase buffer (rapid)
  • 1 µl T4 DNA ligase
  • 0.5 µl vector (pGEM T Easy)
  • 1.5 µl insert (WillRS)
  • 4.5 µl MilliQ H2O

15 µl total volume

Ran parallel ligation reactions, using Gary’s and our reagents (Ligase, buffer, and pGEM) – 6:30 PM.

1’ RT.


7:40 PM Did four transformation tubes:

  1. Diluted 1000-fold (1 µl in 1 mL) of RFP control (5 µl)
  2. Non-diluted RFP control: 1 mL (5 µl)
  3. Gary’s buffers, ligase and pGEM (15 µl)
  4. iGEM’s buffers, ligase, and pGEM (15 µl)

Used Adrian’s transformation protocol:

  • Thaw competent cells on ice – each tube with 150 µl XL1-B
  • Adjust final volume of cells to 100 µl with cold 50 mM CaCl2
  • Add ligation mixture (if in low melt, heat to 67°C, and then transfer to 37°C)
  • Incubate on ice for 30 minutes.
  • Heat shock at 42°C for 1 minute.
  • Incubate 2” on ice.
  • Add 100 µl LB

'Growing in a shaking incubator for an hour is only for baterocidal antibiotics; amp is bacteriostatic, so don’t do it for Amp.'

Blue-White Screen

  • Add 50 µl X-gal (20 mg/mL stock) to cells
  • Add 2 µl IPTG (1M stock) to cells
  • Plate out on four amp+ plates
  • Grow overnight at 37°C

To further develop color after colonies grow up, allow growth at 4°C for a few more hours. There is a chance that the fragment of interest does not introduce a STOP codon, resulting in lighter blue colonies. If unsure, or there are comparable numbers of both colonies, test a few of both.