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Ideas discussed Before choosing topic:

   * Thermometer, change color with temp (10-45 degree), E.coli express 2 color proteins in different ratio under various temp
   *  *singing e.coli* E.coli produce magnetosome--so create magnetic field ---vibration-- amplify-- sound!!
   * Compass, also e.coli produce magnetosome-- line up to
   * *post-modern arts* E.coli produce different color(fluorescent) protein under different conditions(temp, pH, growth level,oxygen conc...) the colors will change randomly and show our *post modern* picture
   * Electricity generationg E.coli, produce 2 kind of charged e.coli culture, electron in the buffer will moving and electrical potiential will be created.
   * *e.coli plasma* produce different color, but in the controlled way to show some pic.
   * Snow melting e.coli product(especially useful in sweden): e.coli will grow in low temperature and the protein will melt the snow, Great idea for Sweden. coz swedish government use a lot of money to gather the snow in one particular field and wait the snow to melt. this will save a lot of time to melting the snow. and it could be possible the protein is useful in other way.
   *Cleaning agent - Express proteases, lipases etc.. in same microbe. Allows for cleaning of organic matter from objects like clothes and utensils.
   *BioAmplifier - Detects low amounts of input signal and amplifies it while maintaining intensity. Can be very useful in Amplifying Intenstiy specific values.
   *Variable Regulator - Allows for changing a system for different values. Ex: Volume control knob on a sterio.
   *Display device - Selective expression of colored proteins to display characters(alphabets or numbers).The character to be displayed is given as input by a protein. It will be possible to write word by just adding a drop of the protein for each letter.
   *Bio Timer - a timing device which can produce a time delayed signal. The amount of delay is regulated by the input signal. Possible to build a clock based on this? Compare with mechanical clock?

We brainstormed about the advantages and disadvantages of going with each of the different project ideas and finalised few of the ideas for further work. After researching the ideas we had further discussions about choosing a single topic to work on.