Team:Yale/Our Project/Notebook


Revision as of 02:48, 26 October 2010 by Dzhu (Talk | contribs)

iGEM Yale

lab notebook: week 1 (6/7 - 6/13)

  • Monday 6/7--We successfully defend our project to our sponsors(yay!)
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  • Wednesday 6/9--First day in lab!--got set up & started cultures of two E. coli strains
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    Began growing two strains of E. coli--LE392 chosen as a generally healthy option, and DH5alpha chosen because Keasling et. al. used it in their thiosulfate reductase work. * Spread samples of LE392 (Grindley lab) and DH5alpha (Modis lab) on LB plates and left to incubate overnight at 37
  • Thursday 6/10--inoculated liquid cultures in AM, made up different copper sulfate & LB solutions, then ran an assay measuring bacterial growth in the presence of copper, trying both strains at three different initial ODs and measuring for four hours
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  • Friday 6/11--Ran another growth assay with middling concentrations based on results of first, but bacteria failed to grow well--b/c allowed to overgrow?
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