Start time: 4pm
Attendance: Philip Hall, Rachel Boyd, Zoltan Balogh, Harsh Sheth, Younus Essa, Alan Koh, Steven Woodhouse, Da Ye, Jannetta, Richard, Matt, Jen and Anil
1. Summary of the last meeting
- We will need to look over B. subtilis and winners ...and the rest of the projects- need a novel twist
2. Summary of last informal meeting
- B. subtilis must be in italics!
3. Wiki update
- Login will be changed to password protected
4. Ideas Brainstorm
- Arsenic sequestering or heavy metal
- Detect using fluorescence
- Last year did it/ Cambridge
- Pigments... can we improve?
- Degrading hydrocarbons
- B.subtillis can do this already can we improve it
- Problem biofilms, we must stop the bacteria forming a biofilm
- Oil slicks
- Bacteria already do it, not as fit.
- Ethics
- Environment not contained
- Damaging to wild life, counterproductive to cleaning up the oil slick
- Removal of CO2
- Making biotechnology safer
- Kill switches
- Reducing rates of mutation
- CO2 to isobutynol
- Cut cyclic chain , fuel instead of fat
- Spores not germinate
- Weaponised hydrocarbon spores
- Need clean burn
- Nitrogen fixation in soil
- Enhance
- Better promoter
- Nitrogenase genes
- Anaerobic
- 2009 heavy metal sequestering plus fertiliser
- Plant root , protect(fungicide), fertilise
5. Timeline
- Work backward from November
- Igem deadlines ... last years
- Personal constraints ... exam periods
- Booking flights etc
- On agenda again next week
- Project decision
6. Action points
Security –Zoltan /Anil talk to Dan
Start learning code- Everyone (who hasn’t already)
Add new members to mailing list-Jen
Send then the link to the wiki- Zoltan
Extend Monday meeting time-Zoltan
Project management software-Jennetta
Aim~ 5 projects in each area
Tutorials -clone manager and sequential, what is a biobrick tutorial, modelling tutorial –Anil and Jen/ We need to ask for them in advance
Register!- Anil and Jen
Add our own personal deadlines to the wiki- everyone
Program to sort out who's going to go through each of the past Igem projects –Zoltan
Breaking up past igems, review 30 each, linking up on wiki- all
7. Any other business
- May need to change 5pm meeting time
- More ideas all our ideas are environmental
- How many areas?- Best food/energy, Best environment, Best Health and medicine, Best manufacturing, Best new app, Best information processing, Best software tool
- We should have a standing agenda
- We need to start characterising early on
What is a bio brick?
- Chunk of DNA
- Defined start / end
- Easily connected
- No scars
- Same restriction sites
- Cut ends not middle
- Like Lego bricks
Terminology not sorted out yet!