

Revision as of 23:14, 24 October 2010 by Liszabruder (Talk | contribs)

Want some quick links to the important stuff? Check these out!



This page is to help the judges find the information that they need quickly and easily. Happy browsing!

Gold Criteira

UofLgoldcheck.jpg We took a closer look at the previously submitted xylE construct. You can take a look at what we did on our Characterized Existing Parts page and on the registry for part BBa_K118021.
UofLgoldcheck.jpg Take a look at our collaborations!



(D) coming soon!

Figure 2. Theoretical lumazine synthase (LS) and fluorescent protein (FP) expression under different IPTG and arabinose (ara) concentrations. (A) Increasing concentrations of both ara and IPTG. As the concentration of IPTG increases the production of LS increases; as the concentration of ara increases the production of FPs decreases. (B) When initially induced with IPTG and ara, the production of LS would increase over time. The production of FPs would not occur until the ara is degraded by the cell (reducing it’s concentration), then the production of FPs would increase. (C) When there is no ara present the production of FP would immediately occur. LS production would not occur until IPTG was present. The conditions shown in B and C would allow us to determine the optimal expression conditions to get the maximum localization of protein within the compartment. We will determine this by using FRET between CFP and YFP. (D) The LS microcompartment with YFP and CFP localized within.

Silver Criteria

UofLsilvercheck.jpg It worked!! Take a look at some of our new BioBrick parts that me made and characterized! You can find it on our Characterized Parts page and on the Registry for part BBa_K331027.

Bronze Criteria

UofLbronzecheck.jpg We had a SPECTACULAR summer!! Check out our Artsmith and Publicity pages!
UofLbronzecheck.jpg We are no doubt having fun at the Jamboree!
UofLbronzecheck.jpg Come and check our our poster and presentation! We love talking about our project and hearing alternate ways to approach it.
UofLbronzecheck.jpg Definitely registered for the Jamboree
UofLbronzecheck.jpg Submitted the iGEM 2010 Judging form
UofLbronzecheck.jpg Have a look at our team's project description. We have four subsections to our project; catechol degradation, compartmentalization, DNA degradation and magnetic nanoparticles.
UofLbronzecheck.jpg Here is the list of parts we have submitted.
UofLbronzecheck.jpg We have submitted ___ new BioBricks to the registry along with entering their information.

Attribution and Contributions

We, the Lethbridge iGEM team, declare there is no scientific overlap between our project and the advisors or instructors. The project was thought up by our undergraduates and a grant was written by the undergraduates for the Oil Sands Initiative Grant, which we were ecstatic to receive in June 2010. Through our own research we were able to investigate the benefits of using the catechol-2,3-dioxygenase for bioremediation of the tailings ponds and create a plan to execute the project. The characterization and development of the project in the laboratory was done by the undergraduates with the supervision of the advisors and instructors where necessary. All the information found within our wiki was done by the team's undergraduates with the exception of the Modelling which was carried out by the advisors and the Artsmith which was done primarily by or in collaboration with Anonymous Smith from our new media department at the University of Lethbridge.

Other Awesome Stuff!

Important Team Parts

Take a look at part ___________, _____________, and ____________. They are a few of the parts that we have characterize and are proud of that you can find on our Characterized Parts page.

Human Practice

“Study the past, if you would divine the future” – Confucius

Scientific study is generally perceived as the development of new ideas and novel data, but underlying this is the fact that scientific advancement is made by building formerly known information on top of new innovation. Indeed, without the discovery of the cell, synthetic biology would never exist.

In the same way that scientific advancements can be made by looking at prior invention, the Lethbridge iGEM Team believes that synthetic biology ethical advancements can also be made by looking at ethical concerns of the past. Due to the fact that synthetic biology is such a new science, we are in the position to dictate ethical rules that should be implemented as new discoveries are made.

Lethbridge iGEM Team has chosen to look at significant scientific discoveries of the past and analyze them from ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social standpoints. Learning how ethics has been dealt with (or should have been dealt with!) in the past can significantly shape the direction of ethical development in the field of synthetic biology.

Through our analysis of cloning, antibiotics, the steam engine, internet and nuclear power, the Lethbridge iGEM Team will “divine the future” of ethics and its relationship with the newly developing field of synthetic biology.

Click here for more ethics information!


What has our team looked at to ensure the lab, the public and the environment are safe? Take a look at our Safety page!