Team:TU Munich/PartnersAndPress


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We thank Prof. Herrmann for support and his "Schirmherrschaft" over our project. This does not only make us feel like we are really representing the Technical University Munich but also equips us with the hope that we did only start an iGEM team at the TUM and younger students will proceed our work. Thank you very much for the appreciation for our work and effort!

We would also really like to thank all the people working in [ Professor Simmel's group, E14] in the chemistry/physics department/ZNN/WSI. A lot of our work could not have done without your help and support and none of our work could have been done without the equipement. Thanks for offering us a working space, virtual space and a coffee machine. And thanks even more for nice conversations, endless patience and accepting weird people running around in your corridors, changing every week. We also like to thank Prof. Simmel himself for his personal effort, there won't be too many professors around who pay the registration fee from their private money without knowing if they will ever get it back... (don't worry, he got it back in the end). And of course for the initiation to start an iGEM team at the TU Munich and finally adding some of the TUM's glamour to iGEM ;)

In Prof. Simmels group there are more people we would like to thank in person. Helene Budjarek for endless patience in the lab, showing us everything, introducing us to everything, caring for everything... Maximilian Weitz and Korbinian Kapsner for their help, especially with in vitro transcription and PAGE, but also for everything else and beside all nice company. Andreas Müller and Stephan Renner for being especially nice roommates in the WSI, Erika Bischof for organizing everything for us. We also thank the whole Simmel group for having us over, nice company in between measurements, patience, help and for just accepting us in their group!

Furthermore we would like to thank a couple of other chairs who also helped us a lot by sharing their instruments and lab space with us. Our gratitude goes to E22, were all our S1 work took place as well as the in vivo measurements. Sorry, we blow an Erlenmeyer flask in your shaker...

To [ Prof. Dietz] who provided excellent help all the time, no matter if we asked for supply or help with our simulations or crititical feedback concerning our project itself. Thank you very much for the willingness to help us and the support which can not be taken for granted.
We would also like to thank Melissa Poynor from Prof. Groll's department for our cutest little mascot, the one and only E. coli. Thank you very much!
Furthermore we would like to thank Andra Jebelean, a student at the University of Erlangen in Padagogy for translating our abstract into Rumanian and French and for proof-reading our flyers if they fit for non-biochemists. Thank you so much for your effort!

We thank the [ Fachschaftenrat der TU München and Asta] for supporting us in the name of the students of the TU Munich. We really appreciate you for trusting us with your StudiTUM money and the support from different departments and disciplines which is implicated here. Thank you very much!

We thank [ TUM International] for supporting us by paying our flights to the Jamboree! We are really grateful for your immense support which really made the day of nine lab students and relieved us from our biggest fears. We also really appreciate the support by the TUM presidency who granted the money.

Support Organizations

We thank the [ DAAD], Germany Academic Exchange Service for supporting us from their international competition fund.

Industrial Partners

We thank [ Eurofins MWG Operon] for financial help. We really appreciate the effort you had in getting us an extra budget and are happy to get support from the industry. Thank you very much!

We thank [ Biomers] for discount on their sequences. We needed a lot of them and delivery was always fast, talking with you about orders was always nice and quality and amount of DNA were excellent! Thank you very much!

Like many other iGEM Teams we would like to thank [ Mr. Gene] for their discount! Thank you very much for the good price!

We would also like to thank [ New England Biolabs] for offering a good price on their enzymes. We really loved working with them, cutting and ligating was not really fun but much easier! Thanks a lot for nice phone calls and a positive attitude towards our work with iGEM!

First article and already headline! For all of you, who speak German, check out the [ interview] Andreas Hubel conducted with us (panik 26). Well, the mean idea seems to be that our bacterias will lead the world one day, so beware of the iGEM Team TU Munich!
An Interview of with our teammember Christoph. is an initiatve of the german... For more information, check our [ their website].