Team:MIT gateway


Revision as of 21:36, 18 October 2010 by Supacalafrglstic (Talk | contribs)

bacterial biobrick construction

The Mammalian team used Gateway cloning to assemble its composite parts.

General Gateway Protocol

Commented Protocol

Design PCR-Primers
Gel Purify PCR Product
Confirm PCR Product
Measure DNA
Calculate PCR Product Needed
Calculate volume of DONTR(TM) needed
Prepare Gateway Reaction
Retrieve 5x BP-Clonase II
Add BP-Clonase to Gateway Reaction
Add ProteinaseK
Transform Bacteria
Plate Bacteria
Known Issues


1. Untergasser A. “Cloning – Gateway BP-Reaction II” Untergasser's Lab. Summer 2006. (include here the date when you accessed these page). .