Team:Newcastle/Meetings/15 July 2010


Revision as of 14:35, 15 July 2010 by Deenatsu (Talk | contribs)

iGEM Homepage Newcastle University BacillaFilla Homepage Image Map


Roll call

Everyone here.


  • Rachel - Introduction
  • Harsh - General Outlook
  • Alan - Swarming BioBrick, Urease BioBrick
  • Steve - Subtilin cell-signalling System, Computational model of SR1
  • Younus - LacI BioBrick, yneA BioBrick
  • Questions

Research feedback

Lab feedback

  • Phil and Younus - LacI Transformation, MiniPrep and Restriction digests

iGEM UK get together

  • Starts at 12.30 on the 200710 and end at 12.30 on 210710. Each team to give a 20 minutes talk. 2 slides for each brick. Dinner at La Tasca.

Logo and T-shirts

  • Put CBCB logo on the t-shirt


  • Harsh to travel to London on 160710.

Travel plans

  • Book flights from 041110 to the 081110


  • School of Biomedical Sciences
  • Mr. Gene

Other business

Action points

Next meeting

Younus is chair, Steven is computer, Deena is minutes.

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