Team:UTDallas/Background References


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Environmental Biosensors Oil Spills Deepwater Horizon Deepwater Horizon Updates References


[1] [ Wikipedia, Biosensor.]

[2] [ Rodriguez-Mozaz, S., Marco, M., de Alda, M. L., & Barceló, D:"Biosensors for environmental applications: Future development trends", Pure and Applied Chemistry, 76(4):723-752, 2004.]

[3] [ Oil in the Sea, Ocean Studies Board and Marine Board of the National Academy of Sciences (2003)]

[4] [ Scientific American 303, 16-18 doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0710-16; July 2010.]

[5] [ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2010, June 29). NOAA- supported scientists predict 'larger than average' Gulf dead zone. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 5, 2010, from ]

[6] [ Johnson, J., & Torrice, M. (2010, June 14). BP's Ever-Growing Oil Spill | Cover Story | Chemical & Engineering News. C & EN: Chemical & Engineering News. Retrieved July 6, 2010, from]