

Revision as of 21:59, 26 October 2010 by Liszabruder (Talk | contribs)

Check out these important project links!



We definitely enjoy working with other iGEM teams and learning about their projects, ideas and people. We have done multiple surveys as well as sent or exchanged BioBrick parts with other teams. This includes:

Team METU Turkey Software

We filled out the METU Turkey Software survey that was based upon creating a standard for parts entry on the Registry of Standard Parts.

Team Hong Kong CUHK

The survey from Hong Kong CUHK was based on information security and inquirers about the public's awareness of information protection and the development of bacteria-based encryption.


The survey from Mexico UNAM CINVESTAV asked about the teams as well as questions about our knowledge of patents and our feelings towards them. The survey results can be found here.

Team Northwestern

Northwestern approached us early in the iGEM season inquiring about our magnetic nanoparticle project. We sent them our Mms6 expression construct in hopes that we could work together on the project. The expression of the protein is toxic to the cell and neither team has successfully expressed this protein at a sufficient concentration to date.

Team Calgary

Calgary is a team we have communicated with extensively throughout the season. In an attempt to pinpoint the expression of the Mms6 protein we have sent them the coding sequence for the protein and they have sent us their expression-test construct, which is their project this season. This was an attempt to both determine our Mms6 expression issue as well as test their construct.