Team:EPF Lausanne/Acknowledgements


Revision as of 17:40, 27 October 2010 by Gwen (Talk | contribs)

Thank you!


  • We thank Prof. Guido Favia and Dr. Claudia Damiani from the University of Camerino for the Asaia strains and their helpful advice and protocols on how to grow and manipulate Asaia.
  • We would like to thank Prof. Bruno Lemaitre from EPFL for his advice and the possibility to conduct experiments with drosophila in his lab.
  • Many thanks to Prof. Christian Doerig for having kindly provided us with the genomic DNA of Plasmodium falciparum .
  • Many thanks to Vincent Pillaud for his help and advice in creating a scientifically reliable social study on synthetic biology for the Human Practices project
  • We thank Catherine Bourgouin from the Pasteur Institute for her help and her interest in our project.

We also would like to thank:

  • Sebastian for letting us work in his lab and for his guidance throughout the whole iGEM competition.
  • Bart for his lab too, his advice, his good humor and for seeing p25 in the gels when no one else could.
  • Henrike for her incredible patience, for all her help and for being a really good friend to us all.
  • The Maerkl lab for bearing our presence in the lab. You guys rock :)
  • Onya for his patience whilst we redid the same experiments with drosophila again and again. And again.
  • Carine for helping us in the lab, particularly with the billions of westerns and silver staining we did.
  • Nicolas for many things, amongst them sharing his bench, the microscope and ordering the pizzas.
  • Dixon for his interest in our project and for sharing his ideas about it.
  • Solange for her amazing drawings and her never depleted imagination
  • Effie for bringing sweet food each time we meet.
  • Alex for donating his magnificent positive control.
  • Lorenzo for his help for the wiki.
  • And last but definitely not least, we thank the pizza guy for... well... the pizzas.

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