Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/0-10mM Assay


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Characterising the Biobrick - 0 - 10mM assay

Having established the biobrick was definitely switched on by 20mM of KNO3, we wanted to conduct a broader test of its behaviour across a range of different nitrate levels

An assay was set up between 0 – 10 mM of Potassium Nitrate at 2mM intervals. The same colony of MG1655 containing BBa_K381001 was used to inoculate six 5mL tubes of LB at varying nitrate levels as listed below. This was repeated twice to allow the results to be averaged.

0 to 10 assay.png


0 to 10 gfp average.png

Unfortunately, because we only ran two repeats, we cannot be certain whether the downward curve of the graph is true behaviour or the result of one the 10mM readings being extremely low