Team:St Andrews/project/ethics/community


Revision as of 14:38, 8 September 2010 by SarahS (Talk | contribs)

St Andrews from East Sands

University of St Andrews iGEM 2010


The Saints

University of St Andrews iGEM 2010

Our first year at iGEM!

Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project is considered the father of Free Software however he does not believe that at the current stage of development that Free Software principles can be applied to synthetic biology. In [ an interview with] Mr Stallman claimed that realistically we are decades off being able to full comprehend the base genetic code behind both humans and bacteria and as such until we reach that point we will be unable to generate a Free Software like community around synthetic biology. The reason for this Stallman suggests is that genetic code is akin to a compiled binary, a program ready for execution on the computer hardware which is optimized for machines to understand and not humans. Stallman asserts that until individuals are able to easily modify and redistribute changes to organisms there is little hope for a Free Software like community. The argument proposed here is quite valid, the Free Software community has its roots in academia where in the 1960s hackers from various US institutions improved and redistributed each others software and this notion of sharing and cooperation served as the basis of a community. If synthetic biology wishes to generate an identically styled community to the Free Software community then there is the required prerequisite of being able to easily modify and redistribute artificial organisms. At present this is a difficult task which requires expensive equipment and supplies. Does this therefore sound the death knell of a potential synthtetic biology