Team:Stockholm/30 August 2010


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Cloning of SOD into pMA.His

Transformation results

From 28 28/8 Good colony yield. Four colonies (SH1-SH4) picked for colony PCR.

Colony PCR

  • SH1-SH4: pMA.SOD⋅His
  • PC: Positive control; pMA.His
  • NC: Negative control; blank

Procedures according to standard colony PCR protocol. Elongation time 1:00.

Gel verification

Gel verification of SOD cloning into pMA.His.
3 μl λ, 4 μl sample.
λ=O'GeneRuler 1 kb DNA ladder.

1 % agarose, 100 V

Expected bands:

  • pMA.SOD⋅His: 831 bp
  • pMA.His: 348 bp

Well corresponding bands indicating successful insertion of SOD into the vector.

ON cultures

SH1 and SH2 selected for plasmid prep and sequencing. Set 5 ml LB + 100 Amp ON cultures. 37 °C, 225 rpm.

N-CPP extraction

Gel extraction

From 28/8 samples Purification using the E.Z.N.A. Gel Extraction kit. Elution in 30 μl dH2O; double elution.

Phenolate contaminated sample? High absorbtion at 230 nm []
DNA concentrations
Sample Conc. [ng/μl] A260/A280
Tra10 13.56 1.86
TAT 1.736 1.20
LMWP † 2.523 2.69

Gel verification

Gel verification of extracted N-CPPs.
3 μl λ; 2 μl sample.
λ=GeneRuler 50 bp DNA ladder

Ran a gel to verify that the presence and size of our extracted DNA fragments.

1 % agarose, 100 V

Weak band for Tra10, no bands for TAT and LMWP. Proceeded to cloning anyway.

Cloning of N-CPPs into pSB1C3

A last-minute decision was made to also make a bulk cloning of all three N-CPPs by digesting directly from the N-CPP cluster vector.


[N-CPP plasmid]=672 ng/μl (28/8)

[ng/μl] Tra10 TAT LMWP N-CPP
10X FD buffer 3 3 3 3
dH2O 3 3 8 23
FD XbaI 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
FD AgeI 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
DNA 23 23 18 3
  30 30 30 30

Incubation: 37 °C, 30 min
Inactivation: 80 °C, 10 min


Treated the N-CPP sample with FastAP alkaline phosphatase to prevent multiple insertions (3, 5, etc...) into target vector.

  • 3 μl FastAP
    • Incubation: 37 °C, 10 min
  • Inactivation at 75 °C, 5 min


[Dig. pSB1X3 X+A EXTR]=13.72 ng/μl (digested and extracted vector from 9/8) [Dig. N-CPP X+A]=60 ng/μl

[ng/μl] N-CPP Tra10 TAT LMWP
Vector DNA 3 3 3 3
Insert DNA 9 12 12 12
5X Rapid Lig. buf. 4 4 4 4
dH2O 3 0 0 0
T4 DNA Ligase 1 1 1 1
  20 20 20 20


Standard transformation protocol.

  • 2 μl ligation mix
  • Cm 25



Colony PCR

  • Made by Andreas --> ~280bp bands, empty vector? should not be possible...
  • Try again, more colonies

Mix (µl) X8 Primers Conditions
sH2O 22.5 180 pSB1_VF2 time °C
F primer 1 8 pSB1_VR 2m 94
R primer 1 8 30s 94 )
DNA 0.5 8x0.5 30s 50 > 30 cycles
tot 25µl 2m40s 72 )
10m 72
oo 10


well sample
1 ladder
2 pSB1C3.MITF-M 1
3 pSB1C3.MITF-M 2
4 pSB1C3.MITF-M 3
5 pSB1C3.MITF-M 4
6 pSB1C3.MITF-M 5
7 pSB1C3.MITF-M 6
8 pSB1C3.MITF-M 7
9 blank

  • No product, trying another 7 colonies over night...

The Faculty of Science at Stockholm University Swedish Vitiligo association (Svenska Vitiligoförbundet) Geneious Fermentas/ Sigma-Aldrich/