Agenda for the formal Meeting: 14th July 2010
Start Time: 3pm
1. Roll call and apologies
2. Approval of minutes
3. Action points of last meeting
4. UK iGEM gathering [20th-21st]
5. Presentation
6. Research Feedback
BioBrick 1 (CaCO3/Urease):
BioBrick 2 (End of crack & signalling system): (Rachel, Steve, Alan, Da)
BioBrick 3 (Non-target-environment kill switch):
BioBrick 4 (Spider silk & filamentous cells):
BioBrick 5 (Glue & lysis):
BioBrick 6 (Swarming):
7. Lab feedback
LacI Transformation, MiniPreps and Resttriction digests (Phil&Younus)
8. Action points
1. Logo/ T-shirts
2. Visas
3. Travel plans
9. Flights
10. Accommodation
11. Funding
12. Other business
13. Items for next agenda
14. Next meeting
1. Chair
2. Minutes
3. Computer