21/10/2010seeding HeLa and Huh7 in 96-well plates 22/10/201023/10/2010seeding HeLa and Huh7 in 96-well plates 24/10/2010HeLa cells were transfected with miMeasure constructs with GFP expression regulated by different imperfect binding sites for miRsAg. As controls we used miMeasure construct with perfect binding site and no binding site. Each miMeasure was cotransfected with pcDNA plasmid expressing synthetic miRsAg and pcDNA5 expressing synthetic shRNA3.
Transfection of HeLa and Huh7 cells with miMeasure with binding sites for miR122. Huh7 were transfected with 50ng of miMeasure. HeLa cells were used as a control they were transfected with miMeasure constructs and miR122. Control without miR122 expression plasmid was made. 26/10/2010microscopy measurements Flow cytometry measurements