Don't take your E. coli everywhere - they might smell bad.
Don't put your E. coli on your sophisticated laser apparatus - you might regret it and it might smell bad.
Don't put your E. coli to close to your Millipore ion exchanger - the water quality might suffer.
Don't vortex your E. coli cells too hard - they might puke and this is not nice...
Don't spoil your E. coli cells everwhere - keep your stuff clean!
If you put your E. coli cells into a fluorimeter and try to repeat our in vivo measurements and then wonder why they don't work - well may be crossed the OD600 of 0.05.
If you don't understand why you only measure noise and ask your E. coli - most likely it won't tell you anything new...
Colony PCR!
Again, don't spill everywhere.
In the end of the day, enjoy your beer. Don't let E. coli get into your way...