Team:Newcastle/Meetings/15 July 2010


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==Formal Meeting - 15th July 2010==
==Formal Meeting - 15th July 2010==
*[[Team:Newcastle/Agendas/15_July_2010| Agenda]]
====Roll call====
====Roll call====

Latest revision as of 10:57, 27 October 2010

iGEM Homepage Newcastle University BacillaFilla Homepage Image Map


Formal Meeting - 15th July 2010

Roll call

  • Everyone present except Colin Harwood


  • Rachel - Introduction
  • Harsh - General Outlook
  • Alan - Swarming BioBrick, Urease BioBrick
  • Steve - Subtilin cell-signalling System, Computational model of SR1
  • Younus - LacI BioBrick, yneA BioBrick
  • Suggestions: One slide to list all Biobricks, a conclusion at the end, an introduction to microbacteria, costs of earthquake buildings, amount of co2 emitted from cement production, photo of hand drawn BioBrick process, put more animation/pictures and less words on slides, models that were drawn (sbml, copasi), point to things on screen when presenting, use clear colours for words, darker backgrounds with lighter words look better, make sure border not cut off, have logo on top right corner, get rid of spider web, images of ahrC and SR1 on slides.

Research feedback

  • SR1 BioBrick
    • Done with SR1 BioBrick. Cloning strategy of SR1.
    • SR1 - argenine, rocF - arginase

Lab feedback

  • Phil and Younus - LacI Transformation, MiniPrep and Restriction digests
    • Transformants with LacI and RFP in it. Not sure how to test if LacI is in the plasmid
    • Whether gel, transformation worked, Miniprep did not work, plasmid moving at the wrong band (too many bands)
  • Arrangement in lab - yneA (synthesizing), SR1 (Sending to synthesize), Swarming
  • Have Bacillus parts in one place (ask Wendy)

iGEM UK get together

  • Starts at 12.30 on the 200710 and ends at 12.30 on 210710. Each team to give a 20 minutes talk, all teams from UK except Imperial are coming, 2 slides for each brick. Team building exercise. Dinner at La Tasca at Quayside. Next morning: talks. Matthew Robinson talk.
  • Visitors staying in university halls

Logo and T-shirts

  • Have all logos on t-shirt
  • Bacilla filla words on top of logo


  • Harsh to travel to London on 160710.

Travel plans

  • Book flights from 041110 to the 081110
  • Accommodation open for booking


  • School of Biomedical Sciences
  • Mr. Gene might be able to fund us because we display their logo on wiki

Other business

  • If start later, email everyone first.

Action points

  • Write thank you letter to David Parker
  • CEG logo on website
  • Talk to Lula about funding
  • Get back to Centre of Life person
  • Contact Megan Lazara for iGEM badges and stickers
  • Phil to send an email to Jill Green about Get Together
  • Legends on figures(table caption goes on top, picture captions bottom), write on, description
  • Create a page for cloning strategy like last year's
  • Twitter feed
  • Jannetta to change the gliffs
  • What to do with yneA when it comes back
  • Plan every step before going into lab
  • Fill in wiki everyday for lab work
  • Put down where we get protocols from
  • Have a protocol page and link all experiments to that page
  • Put Jane Calvert on iGEM mailing list
  • Put all school logos on website
  • Fill immigration form about 2 weeks before jamboree

Next meeting

  • Chair: Steven, Computer: Deena, Minutes: Alan
  • Next Friday, 4pm
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