Team:TU Munich/Lab


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(Experiment Design)
(Chronological Lab Book)
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*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
** 10 µl template (No1, 50 ng/µl)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
** 28 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
**Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O
*'''[[Protocols#Ligation|Ligation]]''' of Signals and PSB1K3-B0014
**3 µl of each sample, end volume 20 µl
*Preparation of Measurement Plasmid from Folder, Transformation
**Plate 1022, Spots 1E, 1G, 2A: pSB1A10 with different Inserts, all inserts are Zinc-finger constructs with about 1,6 kb
*'''[[Protocols#Transformation|Transformation]] ''' of XL10 with Ligation Products (8 µl each) and pSB1A10 (2 µl each)
*'''[[Protocols#Preparation of BioBricks from distribution 2008|Preparation]]''' of Measurement Plasmid from Folder, Transformation
**Plate 1022, Spots 1E, 1G, 2A: pSB1A10 with different Inserts, all inserts are Zinc-finger constructs with about 1,6 kb
*growing over night cultures of remaining PSB1K3-B0014-transformed cells
**2x 5 ml, 2x 1 ml
*Plenty of cultures on both HisSig and TrpSig Ligation plates, but nothing on pSB1A10 plates! --> repeat DNA extraction, ask Prof. Simmel for new Distribution
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
**7Colonies picked and resuspended in 20 µl LB+Kana (each)
**PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
**10 µl of each sample mixed with 2 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
Many colonies with pSB1K3-B0014, not one with pSB1K3-Sig-B0014
*Miniprep of PSB1K3-B0014
**Samples I and II: 5 ml overnight cultures, centrifuged 10 min @ 3200 g, resuspended in 600 µl of the same culture
**Samples III and IV: 600 µl overnight cultures
**all samples mixed with 100 µl lysis buffer, Miniprep with Zyppy kit, each sample eluted in 50 µl H2O
**Concentration measured (Nanodrop, LP=1mm, Factor 10, 4 µl sample)
***cI=61.5 ng/µl
***cII=33.5 ng/µl
***cIII=103 ng/µl
***cIV=108 ng/µl
--> Better results for 600 µl cultures without centrifuging!!!
*'''[[Protocols#Preparation of BioBricks from distribution 2008|Preparation]]''' of Measurement Plasmid from Folder, Transformation
**Plate 1022, Spots 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H, 2A: pSB1A10 with different Inserts, all inserts are Zinc-finger constructs with about 1,6 kb
*No colonies on plates from Yesterday's transformations, but on the older plates (from monday) some colonies appeared
**7 Colonies picked and resuspended in 20 µl LB0 (each)
**1&2 from plate "1E", 3&4 from plate "1G", 5,6&7 from plate "2A", 8 LB0
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
**PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
**15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
**1% Agarose in 1xTAE, 95 V, after 50 minutes changed to 110 V
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
** 10 µl template (No1, 50 ng/µl)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
** 28 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
** heat inactivation 5min @60°C
*'''[[Protocols#Dephosphorylation|Dephosphorylation]]''' of restricted vector
**Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O
**loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn) (Gel shown above)
*Gel excision with Zymo Kit
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
** 10 µl template (NoIV, 108 ng/µl)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
** 28 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
** heat inactivation 5min @60°C
*'''[[Protocols#Dephosphorylation|Dephosphorylation]]''' of restricted vector
**Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O
**loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn)
*Gel excision with Zymo Kit
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of R0011 with SpeI
** 10 µl template (R0011, X ng/µl)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl SpeI
** 29 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
** 5 µl R0011 (S-digested) with 12 µl TrpSig or HisSig, respectively (X-digested)
** complete ligation (20 µl) loaded on Gel (with 4 µl GLPn)
** Gel excision with Zymo Kit, eluted in 42 µl H2O
**50 µl XL-10 transformed with 2 µl of pSB1A10 prepared from IGem 2009 Distribution (13 µl left in pink Box @-20°C)
PCR R0011-HisSig and R0011-TrpSig --> 13 ng/µl x 20 µl
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This is what we did in week xxx.
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
** 10 µl template (NoIII, 103 ng/µl)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
** 28 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
**Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 15 µl H2O
**loaded on gel (with 3 µl GLPn)
*Gel excision with Zymo Kit
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of R0011-HisSig and R0011-TrpSig with EcorI and SpeI
** 10 µl template (PCR-product)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl SpeI
** 28 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
**Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O
** 4 µl R0011-Signal (E/S-digested) with 4 µl pSB1K3-B0014 (E/X-digested)
**15 min @ RT, 20 min heat inactivation @ 65°C
**50 µl XL-10 transformed with 10 µl of Ligation mix
*Overrnight liquid cultures of pSB1A10-RFP made from
**1 and 2: picked clones from original plates from *[[29.04.2010|Do 29.04.2010]]
**3a: picked clone from copy plate from *[[30.04.2010|Fr 30.04.2010]]
**3b: resuspended clone N° 3 from *[[30.04.2010|Fr 30.04.2010]]
--> each in 600 µl LB+Carbenicillin (=Ampicillin) @37°C
*'''[[Protocols#Miniprep|Miniprep]]''' of pSB1A10; 4 samples (1, 2; 3a; 3b)
**eluted in 50 µl H2O each
*** c1=37,5 ng/µl
*** c2=56,5 ng/µl
*** c3a=46,5 ng/µl
*** c3b=30 ng/µl
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1A10 with EcorI and PstI, 4 samples (1, 2; 3a; 3b)
** 15 µl template
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#3
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl PstI
** 23 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
** heat inactivation 5min @60°C
**Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 15 µl H2O
**loaded on gel (with 3 µl GLPn)
Insert @ 1 kb as expected, but vector @ 2kb and not @ 5kb as expected!!!!
--> Wrong Plasmid! Comparison to the [ Gel in the registry] shows: The Distribution contains the wrong plasmid!
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of HisTerm and TrpTerm with EcorI and PstI
** 5 µl template
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#3
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl PstI
** 33 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
*Clones picked: 7 from each Plate (pSB1K3-R0011-TrpSig-Boo14 and pSB1K3-R0011-HisSig-Boo14)
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
**PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR)
**15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
**2% Agarose in 1xTAE, 130 V, 90 min
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1K3 with EcorI and XbaI
** 20 µl template (sample III, 103 ng/µl)
** 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#3
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
** 18 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
** heat inactivation 5min @60°C
**loaded on gel (with 10 µl GLPn) in 4 lanes
*Gel excision with Zymo Kit (lanes 1&2) and with Qiaquick Kit (lanes 3&4)
** c1=4.5 ng/µl
** c2=3.5 ng/µl
** c3=2 ng/µl
** c1=7 ng/µl
* A260/A230 and A260/A280 values were strange (see labbook)
** 4 µl R0011-Signal (E/S-digested) with 10 µl pSB1K3-B0014 (E/X-digested, from [[23.04.2010|23.04.]])
**15 min @ RT, 20 min heat inactivation @ 65°C
**50 µl XL-10 transformed with 7 µl of Ligation mix
*Clones picked: 7 from each Plate (pSB1K3-R0011-TrpSig-Boo14 and pSB1K3-R0011-HisSig-Boo14)
<font size=6>8=======o</font> <br> <br>
---Too damn stupid to do a PCR!!!---<br> <br>
<font size=6>8=======o</font> <br>
* replated picked clones on new plates, incubated at RT
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This is what we did in week xxx.
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]''' of picked clones from [[07.05.2010|Fr 07.05.2010]]
**PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
**15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
**2% Agarose in 1xTAE, 120 V, 110 min
**stained in SybrSafe 50 min
Colonies contain an Insert with Prefix and Suffix, length is 200 bp. This is too short for the desired R0011-Signal-B0014 (245 or 247 bp) construct, but longer than B0014 (136 bp) which was the Insert in the digested vector.
Possible explanation: Ligation worked, but not with R0011-Signal-construct but with R0011 '''or''' Signal. Which?
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="center" width="80%"
| fragment
| length without Prefix/Suffix
| length with Prefix/Suffix
| R0011
| 55 bp
| 96 bp
| B0014
| 95 bp
| 136 bp
| TrpSig/HisSig
| 34 bp/32 bp
| 75 bp/73 bp
| TrpSig-B0014/HisSig-B0014
| 135 bp/ 133 bp
| 176 bp/ 174 bp
| R0011-TrpSig-B0014/R0011-HisSig-B0014
| 206 bp/ 204 bp
| 247 bp/ 245 bp
| R0011-B0014
| 156 bp
| 197 bp
| R0011-TrpSig/R0011-HisSig
| 95 bp/93 bp
| 136 bp/134 bp
Prefix: 20 bp; Suffix: 21 bp; X-S-scar: 6 bp
--> it looks as if R0011 is ligated to B0014, which makes the whole construct wothless. The R0011-HisSig control looks more like R0011 alone as well.
** 4 µl Signal (E/S-digested; from ) with 5 µl pSB1K3-B0014 (E/X-digested; from)
**15 min @ RT
**50 µl XL-10 transformed with 7 µl of Ligation mix
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]''' of picked clones from [[11.05.2010|Tu 12.05.2010]]
**PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
**15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
**2% Agarose in 1xTAE, 120 V, 110 min
**stained in SybrSafe 60 min
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="center" width="80%"
| fragment
| length without Prefix/Suffix
| length with Prefix/Suffix
| length after PCR
| R0011
| 55 bp
| 96 bp
| 104 bp
| B0014
| 95 bp
| 136 bp
| 154 bp
| TrpSig/HisSig
| 34 bp/32 bp
| 75 bp/73 bp
| 93 bp/91 bp
| TrpSig-B0014/HisSig-B0014
| 135 bp/ 133 bp
| 176 bp/ 174 bp
| 194 bp/ 192 bp
| R0011-TrpSig-B0014/<br>R0011-HisSig-B0014
| 206 bp/ 204 bp
| 247 bp/ 245 bp
| 265 bp/ 263 bp
| R0011-B0014
| 156 bp
| 197 bp
| 215 bp
| R0011-TrpSig/R0011-HisSig
| 95 bp/93 bp
| 136 bp/134 bp
| 154 bp/152 bp
Prefix: 20 bp/29 bp after PCR; Suffix: 21 bp/30 bp after PCR; X-S-scar: 6 bp
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of pSB1K3 with EcorI and XbaI
** 10 µl template (sample III, 103 ng/µl)
** 2 µl BSA, 2 µl Buffer NEB#4
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
** 4 µl H2O
** 1 h @ 37°C
**loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn) in 1 lane
*Gel excision with Zymo Kit
*'''[[Protocols#Digestion|Digestion]]''' of HisSig and TrpSig with EcorI and SpeI
** 10 µl template ("1:100")
** 2 µl BSA, 2 µl Buffer NEB#3
** 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl SpeI
** 4 µl H2O
** 1.5 h @ 37°C
** Purification with [[Protocols#ZYMO RESEARCH DNA Clean&amp;Concentration Kit|Zymo 5 ]]
** or heat inactivated (20 min @ 80°C)
**50 µl XL-10 transformed with 10 µl of Ligation mix
**50 µl untransformed cells plated on Kana-plate as control
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This is what we did in week xxx.
*Plates from Friday:
**plenty colonies on control plate --> XL10 cells are impure!
**use DH5α from now on!!!!!
**50 µl DH5α transformed with 10 µl of Friday's Ligation mix
**plated on Kana-Plates; Overnight @ 37°C
*DNA Isolation from BioBrick Distribution 2010
** 10 µl H2O added to Well 1A of plate 1 containing pSB1A10 with RFP-insert
** 2 µl used for [[Protocols#Transformation|Transformation]] of 50 µl DH5α-cells
** plated on Carbenicillin (=Amp-analogon)-plates, Overnight @ 37°C
*'''[[Protocols#Preparation of Gels|Polyacrylamide Gel]]''' prepared for tomorrow
** 1 big denaturing Gel with 20 pockets
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]''' of picked clones
**PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR)
**10 µl of each sample mixed with 10 µl Formamide loading buffer and loaded to Polyacrylamide Gel
*'''[[Protocols#Running of Gels|Polyacrylamide Gel]]'''
LMW|R0011|HisSig|TrpSig|HisSig E/S-Dig|TrpSig E/S-Dig|B0014|LMW2|Colony PCR His1|His2|Trp1|Trp2|control|HisTerm|TrpTerm|HisTerm E/P-Dig|TrpTerm E/P-Dig
*5 µl of each samples mixed with 5 µl formamide loading dye and loaded to gel(except Ladder and colonyPCR)
**LMW: 3 µl LMW (Korbinian) + 3 µl Formamide loading Dye
**LMW2: 5 µl LMW Quickload (with GLP) + 10 µl Formamide loading Dye
*stained in SybrSafe
<font color=red>Important Mistake! See below Gel! </font>
(*R0011 and B0014 look normal
*ColonyPCR: bands that look like B0014 in all clones (and in control???? strange!) --> Religation?
*Signals at the wrong size: should be about 75 bp, look like 200 bp!!!
*terminators completely strange: should be around 100 bp!
--> are all of our sequences just wrong???
What are we going to do? Order everything new?)
*  Gel from Korbinian
*5 µl of each samples mixed with 5 µl formamide loading dye and loaded to gel(except Ladder and colonyPCR)
**LMW: 3 µl LMW (Korbinian) + 3 µl Formamide loading Dye
**colonyPCR: from Tuesday, 8 µl sample with 8 µl Formamide loading Dye
*stained in SybrSafe 20 min
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
** 4 colonies picked from each Plate (Ligations from yesterday; Signal-B0014)
**15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
** 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 130 V
** template
** 2 µl BSA
** 2 µl Buffer
** 1 µl of each enzyme
** water to reach 20 µl
{| width="618" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="center" style=""
| '''Template'''<br>
| '''Enzymes'''<br>
| '''NEB Buffer #'''
| HisTerm & TrpTerm (10 µl)<br>
| EcoRI, PstI<br>
| 3
| HisSig & TrpSig (10 µl)<br>
| EcoRI, SpeI<br>
| 4<br>
| B0014 (5 µl)<br>
| XbaI, PstI<br>
| 3<br>
| pSB1A10_RFP (14 µl)<br>
| EcoRI, PstI<br>
| 3
| pSB1K3_RFP (14 µl)<br>
| EcoRI, PstI<br>
| 3
| pSB1K3_B0014 N° 4 (14 µl)<br>
| EcoRI, XbaI<br>
| 4
** incubated @37°C for 1.5 h
**digested inserts heat inactivated (20 min @ 80°C)
**digested plasmids loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn) in 1 lane
*Gel excision with Zymo Kit
**c(pSB1A10, I)=4.5 ng/µl
**c(pSB1A10, II)=1.5 ng/µl ?!?!?!
**c(pSB1K3 E/P)=7 ng/µl
**c(pSB1K3_B0014 E/X)=2.5 ng/µl
*Gel of PCR products
**3% Agarose in 1x TBE; 2h @130 V
** templates
**2 µl T4-buffer 10x
**1 µl T4-Ligase
**Water to reach 20 µl
{| width="618" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="center" style=""
| '''Vector'''<br>
| '''Insert'''<br>
| psB1A10 (E/P; sample I) (10 µl)<br>
| TrpTerm (E/P) (4 µl)<br>
| psB1A10 (E/P; sample I) (10 µl)<br>
| HisTerm (E/P) (4 µl)<br>
| psB1K3_B0014 (E/X) (12 µl)<br>
| HisSig (E/S) (2 µl)<br>
| psB1K3_B0014 (E/X) (12 µl)<br>
| TrpSig (E/S) (2 µl)<br>
| psB1K3 (E/P) (8 µl)<br>
| HisSig (E/S)(2 µl) + B0014 (X/P)(1.5 µl)<br>
| psB1K3 (E/P) (8 µl)<br>
| TrpSig (E/S)(2 µl) + B0014 (X/P)(1.5 µl)<br>
** 50 µl DH5a transformed with 10 µl of Ligation mix
** 50 µl DH5a transformed with 2 µl of pSB1K3_B0014
** 50 µl DH5a transformed with 2 µl of pSB1K3_RFP
** 50 µl DH5a transformed with 2 µl of pSB1A10_RFP
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
** 4 colonies picked from each Plate (pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014, pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014, pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014 double ligation, pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014 double ligation)
** each clone resuspended in 20 µl LB0, 3 µl used as template for PCR
** 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
** 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 130 V
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This is what we did in week xxx.
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
** 4 colonies picked from each Plate
***pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014 double ligation
***pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014 double ligation
** each clone resuspended in 20 µl LB0, 2 µl used as template for PCR
** 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
** 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 220 V (double Gel, 35 cm)
** stained in SybrSafe
*overnight cultures made of
**HisSig 3, DL1, DL4
**TrpSig DL2, DL4
**HisTerm/TrpTerm 1,2,3
*'''[[Protocols##ZYMO RESEARCH DNA Clean&Concentration Kit|Miniprep]]''' of cultures set up [[25.05.2010]]
**HisSig 3, DL1, DL4
**TrpSig DL2, DL4
**HisTerm/TrpTerm 1,2,3
**analytical: E/P HisSig(3, DL2); TrpSig(DL2, DL4): 1.5 h 37 °C
**prep: E/X HisSig(3, DL2); TrpSig(DL2, DL4): 1.5 h 37 °C
**prep: E/S R0011: 1.5 h 37 °C, inactivation 20 min @ 80 °C
***total volume each 20 u, 10 uL template
*'''Gel''': 1% Agarose, TAE - 1,5 h 110 V
**[[Protocols##ZYMO RESEARCH Gel DNA Recovery Kit|bands excised]]: all E/X cleaved vectors
**HisSig_3 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
**HisSig_DL2 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
**TrpSig_DL2 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
**TrpSig_DL4 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
***total volume 20 uL
***2 uL R0011 (E/S)
***2 uL T4 buffer
***1 uL T4 Ligase
***15 uL vector
*'''[[Protocols#Transformation|Transformation]]''' of ligations
** DH5a
**His and TrpSig
**His and TrpTerm
***50 uL total volume<br>
***1 uL template<br>
***1 ul G1004<br>
***1 uLG1005<br>
***0.2 uL Taq<br>
***5 uL Taq standard buffer<br>
***rest water
*'''[[Protocols#PCR|Colony PCR]]'''
** 3 colonies picked from each Plate
***pSB1K3_R0011_HisSig_B0014 (N° 3 from yesterday)
***pSB1K3_R0011_HisSig_B0014 (N° DL1 from yesterday)
***pSB1K3_R0011_TrpSig_B0014 (N° DL2 from yesterday)
***pSB1K3_R0011_TrpSig_B0014 (N° DL4 from yesterday)
** each clone resuspended in 20 µl LB0, 2 µl used as template for PCR
** 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
** 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 220 V (double Gel, 35 cm)
** stained in SybrSafe
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="center" width="80%"
| fragment
| length without Prefix/Suffix
| length after PCR
| R0011
| 55 bp
| 104 bp
| B0014
| 95 bp
| 154 bp
| TrpSig/HisSig
| 34 bp/32 bp
| 93 bp/91 bp
| TrpSig-B0014/HisSig-B0014
| 135 bp/ 133 bp
| 194 bp/ 192 bp
| <font color=red>R0011-TrpSig-B0014/<br>R0011-HisSig-B0014
| 206 bp/ 204 bp
|  <font color=red>265 bp/ 263 bp</font>
| I712074 ("N6")
| 46 bp
| 105 bp
| I719005 ("N15")
| 23 bp
| 82 bp
Prefix: 29 bp after PCR; Suffix: 30 bp after PCR; X-S-scar: 6 bp
*overnight cultures made of
**HisSig 3_1, DL1_3
**TrpSig DL4_1, DL4_3
**N15 1&2
**HisTerm/TrpTerm (picked colonies from yesterdays plates #2 each)
*Purification of yesterday's PCR
**elution in 50 µl H2O
*** c(HisSig)=5.5 ng/µl
*** c(TrpSig)=10 ng/µl
*** c(HisTerm)=6.5 ng/µl
*** c(TrpTerm)=6.5 ng/µl
*** c(R0011)=13 ng/µl
*** c(B0014)=12.5 ng/µl
** 5 µl loaded on gel with 1 µl GLPn; 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 220 V (double Gel, 35 cm)
*'''[[Protocols#ZYMO_RESEARCH_DNA_Clean.26Concentration_Kit|Miniprep]]''' of cultures from [[27.05.2010]], Elution in 50 uL nuclease free water
** (1)HisSig 3_1
** (2)HisSig DL1_3
** (3)TrpSig DL4_1
** (4)TrpSig DL4_3
** (7)HisTerm#1
** (8)HisTerm#2 (7 ml culture)
** (9)TrpTerm#1
** (10)TrpTerm#2 (7ml culture)
** (5)N15-1 (=BBa_I719005)
** (6)N15-2 (=BBa_I719005)
*** ()=numbers on gel
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" style="width: 367px; height: 271px;"
| sample<br>
| DNA concentration (ng/uL)<br>
| HisSig 3_1 <br>
| 6<br>
| HisSig DL1_3<br>
| 11<br>
| TrpSig DL4_1 <br>
| 16<br>
| TrpSig  DL4_3 <br>
| 21.5<br>
| HisTerm#1<br>
| 27<br>
| HisTerm#2<br>
| 66<br>
| TrpTerm#1<br>
| 34<br>
| TrpTerm#2<br>
| 29.5<br>
| N15-1 (=BBa_I719005)<br>
| 19.5<br>
| N15-2 (=BBa_I719005)<br>
| 18.5<br>
*'''[[Protocols#Restriction|analytical digest]]''' (E/P)<br>
**of all samples. total volume 20 uL, 5 uL template used for Term-constructs, 10 uL teplate for all others
*'''Agarose Gel'''
**3% broad range agarose in TBE. Run in TBE, 140 V, 1.50 h
**stained with SybrGold, 45 min
**signals look fine
**terminators also (without pre/suffix 97/104 bp)
**T7 promoter without pre/suffix has a length of 23 bp + cut pre/szffix ca at 60 bp -->buffer?
{{:Team:TU Munich/Templates/ToggleBoxEnd}}
{{:Team:TU Munich/Templates/ToggleBoxEnd}}

Revision as of 21:13, 24 October 2010


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Experiment Design

We designed different experimental set-ups with varying complexity to test RNA signal/switch pairs based on our concept.
Our initial idea to prove our concept of antitermination was to use fluorescent proteins as reporters. This approach gives the opportunity to measure the termination and antitermination efficiency of our designed BioBricks in vivo as well as in vitro, the latter using a translation kit based on E. coli lysate. Later on, we decided to develop an experiment, that relies only on transcription. In this set-up, we used a fluorescent dye, malachite green, that binds a specific RNA aptamer and thus makes it possible to detect transcription activity.

In vivo Measurements

In vivo measurements have the highest complexity compared to any other experimental set-up. Our system has to deal with several circumstances a cellular environment comes with, such as interaction with other RNAs, degradation by RNases or unspecific interactions. Nevertheless, the measurements are essential, as our switches should finally work inside cells to fulfill our vision of an intracellular logic network.

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For the measurements in vivo we decided to use an expression cassette consisting of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) coding sequence upstream of the switch and another fluorescent protein coding sequence downstream of it. Both protein coding sequence carry the same ribosome binding site, therefore, the GFP fluorescence can be used as internal control in measurements. Since the spectra should not overlap and to avoid FRET as well as an pure overlap of the spectra, we settled on the usage of red fluorescent protein variants, namely mRFP1 in the first try. While the GFP fluorescence is used to normalize the measurements, the RFP fluorescence is used to detect termination/antitermination.

our idea

Upon binding of the signal, the stem loop of the switch would resolve leading to red fluorescence. The GFP fluorescence as internal control carries the advantage that errors in the measurement set can be detected easily. Lack of arabinose or promoter insensitivity can be recognized as well as problems with the fluorescence measurement itself. Plus, we have a way to normalize our measurements and compare different preparations in relation to each other.

our idea

Construction and Cloning

Our measuring plasmid is based on the BioBrick pSB1A10, A1, distribution 2010. Unfortunately after two months of cloning we had to recognize that the plasmid in use did not work (see also Biobrick validation--> link). So after the first unsuccessful attempts we decided to reclone the system, substituing RFP to mCherry, a dsRED derivative with a spectrum in the far red, and adding arabinose inducible promoters in front of both fluorescent proteins.

To control the expression of the switch, the particular DNA sequence itself is under the control of an IPTG dependent promoter. In the future we want our networks to be able to respond to a variety of external signals like small metabolites, ions or whatever can be found in the parts registry. For a start we went with an established and well-working system like the lac-operon. ---> PLASMID MAP
So upon induction with arabinose a rise of GFP expression can be seen. To monitor changes in gene expression we put our E. coli cells in a fluorimeter and measured fluorescent. It worked quite nicely with living cells in a fluorimeter, the only thing to avoid is too much scattering: the cell density should not exceed an OD600 of ???. Continious stirring and a set temparature at 37°C allowed measuring over severall hours. Cell density was checked in between.


For switch evaluation, IPTG was added to the cells after about two hours after arabinose induction (baseline). ??? Stimmt das?? A rise of RFP/mCherry emission should be visible in case of a working switch.
For evaluation of the measuring plasmid itself we incorporated a positive control in every measurement. A random sequence in between GFP and RFP/mCherry was chosen in a corresponding length. An increase in both GFP and mCherry was detectable in the positive control and in the same amount after quantum yield correction, proving that the measuring plasmid is working nicely.
As a negative control we measured the same plasmids as for every switch but without signal. Since our switches are effective terminators if no signal is bound, transcription can not occur and no RFP/mCherry is produced.

When measuring the termination of our BioBricks and the antitermination by their corresponding signal-RNA, we should be able to observe an increasing RFP emission compared to the GFP emission upon induced signal-RNA production in the cells/in the kit:

With these measurements, it should also be possible to observe differences in efficiency of termination as well as antitermination between our designed switches.


In vitro Translation

In vitro measurements with E. coli lysate make the fluorescence signals independent of cell growth and physical or biological factors, e.g. cell density or growth stadium.

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In this assay we used the same constructs as engineered for the in vivo studies.


We used the cell-free E. coli S30 extract system for circular DNA provided by promega[1], which is prepared by modifications of the Method Zubay et al.[2] described. The characterization of the kit can be obtained from the [ Parts Registry].
We perform our experiments at 37°C with an amount of approxim. 1 ug plasmid in a reaction volume of 50 uL. Measurements are carried out in a jasco fluorolog, where the fluorescent proteins RFP and GFP are excited and fluorescence is detected, so measurements are done more or less the same as in our in vivo studies. A general problem occuring in the experiments was the low capacity of the kit. The signal intensity is very low, which made it difficult to observe any signal intensity alterations.


In vitro Transcription

An experiment, in which we detect In vitro transcription, offers an elegant way for a fast and easy prove of principle, since our switch is RNA-based and the whole mechanism takes place on trancriptional level. Most side effects occuring in a complex environment given in a cell or a cell lysate do not arise here.

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If measureable effects with our basic concept can be seen in vitro we can use the so gained data to optimize the system in vivo. Since we are working on a totally new principle of trancriptional control, we used this approach for easy variation of different variables like the length of the core unit and the switch to signal ratio. To study the switches on the transcriptional level gives the advantage, that we would have less interferences and possible artefacts. Also, we are not sure how cellular mechanisms like degradation of RNases or interacting factors as well as molecular crowding influence our systems.
Working with in vitro systems also has the advantage that an input is not needed anymore and the output can also be generated easily. We used two readouts with two different transcription systems to check and investigate our devices: First, we used an malachitegreen-binding aptamer for an fluorescent output (which will be described in detail later) and second, we simply put our reaction educts on an denaturing acrylamide-gel to check for RNA varying in length. As for two different transcription systems we used on the one hand E. coli-RNA Polymerase (RPO) based transcription since the aim is to apply our system in vivo and on the other hand T7 based transcription which is well established through literature.

T7 RNA polymerase

The T7 RNA polymerase is known for satisfying RNA yields together with easy handling. In our approach we had PCR amplified, double stranded switches with an malachitegreen binding aptamer following after the switch (133 bp, see section below) and a single stranded signal with about 30 bp length.

For in vitro expression the T7 RNA Polymerase requires a double stranded promotor region at the beginning of the DNA template but is otherwise capable of handling single stranded DNA, so a sense strain corresponding to the T7 promoter region was added. Transcription is more effective with double stranded DNA as template. Since we ordered the signal sequences we tested we chose the cheaper way in the beginning by using single stranded signals with corresponding sense T7 pieces and switched to double stranded constructs after narrowing down the most promising switch/signal pairs.

E. coli RNA polymerase

In comparison to the T7 RNA Polymerase the E. coli RNA Polymerase requires slightly more sophisticated proceedings when it comes to the design of switches and handling of the enzyme. The biggest in our case was to store it properly since the only -80°C fridge was in another building.
E. coli RPO was ordered saturated with σ70-factor. The switch consists of an ???-promoter, the switch itself and a ???.

Denaturing Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

We also used Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) for evaluation of termination efficiency of our basic units. Gels containing 15 % acrylamide and 6 M urea were used for separation of 90 (terminated by switch) and 133 bp (continous reading) RNAs.
Polyacrylamide gels seperate RNA and DNA according to their size in an electric field. Since the negative charge equals the size of nucelotides in the RNA/DNA, the number of base pairs can be compared between two samples often with one base pair resolution. Since RNA forms three-dimensional structures, the samples are preheated and run in 6 M urea. The polyacrylamide gel is stained in SybrGold afterwards which binds to both single and double stranded DNA and RNA.
Denaturing PAGE is a simple yet elegant way to check for transcription efficiency and termination rates. Since it is a very direct way and it provides a simple yet clear readout, we used it as another method beside the more sophisticated malachitegreen binding assay to evaluate and characterize our switch.

Malachite green assay

Emission spectra of malachite green; A: without signal-RNA, B: with signal-RNA

Malachite-green is a dye with a negligible fluorescence in solution but undergoes a dramatic increase if bound by a RNA -aptamer. Upon binding to the aptamer, the fluorescence of malachite-green increases about 3000 times making it an exceptionel good marker. Since the binding is very specific, transcription in dependence of a signal can be monitored by measuring the fluorescence of malachite-green over time if the aptamer is located behind the switch. Transcription of the aptamer will only take place after anti-termination by a signal. An increase should be visible over time.

our idea
For the T7-based measurements we ordered single stranded signals for a first attempt and added matching single strands complementary to the T7 promoter region. The switch was amplified using PCR and consisted of the following elements: Primer-binding site - T7 promotor - switch - malachitegreen binding aptamer. Upon binding of a correct signal to the switch, the stem loop dissolves and transcription is possible.

OLD: A second possibility to measure parameters of our switches we came up with, was the idea to investigate our system on the transcriptional level only. Therefore, we decided to use malachite green as reporter. Malachite green in a fluorescent dye, whose emission increasing dramaticly (about 3000 times) upon binding of a specific RNA-aptamer. The RNA-aptamer

---concept to be described, as well as literature--- <ref>refs</ref>

We made constructs comprising of a sigma(70)-binding promoter followed by a short nonsense sequence, the switches and the aptamer sequence.
Also we made constructs, where the transcription of the signal-RNA is under the control of a sigma(70) promoter. These two linear DNA-constructs, together with the e.coli RNA-polymerase and the right buffer conditions should represent an easy-to-handle measurement kit on the transcriptional level.



[1] [2] Zubay, G. (1980) Meth. Enzymol. 65, 856–77, Zubay, G. (1973) Ann. Rev. Genet. 7, 267–87.

Experimental Results

In vivo Measurements

In vivo

In vitro Measurements

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Molecular Biology


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So geht ne PCR



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So geht ne PCR



In vivo Measurement

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So haben wir in vivo gemessen


In vitro Translation

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So haben wir in vitro gemessen


In vitro Transcription

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So haben wir in vivo gemessen


Lab Book


In the following we present an overview regarding our work in the lab. For easier understanding we summarized the work of each week using colored boxes. To get more information about the work and results of a specific week, just click on the according week number. To get a better overview we used the following color code for the boxes:

This box represents general cloning that were requirde for several measurements. See the protocol section for further details.
The blue box indicates in vivo measurements which are described here.
The green box indicates in vitro measurements relying on in vitro transcription and malachite green measurements. Details can be found here.
The yellow box represents measurements done with an in vitro translation kit and is described in more details here.

Chronological Lab Book


Constrcuts for in vivo measurments


Flo & Philipp


  • samples:
    • R0011_His
    • R0011_Trp
    • Control
  • protocol: protocols
    • templates: purified PCR products from 5.2.2010
    • primer G1004/1005
    • polymerase: Taq
    • programm: igempcr

Purification of PCR products with QIAquick PCR purification Kit

  • protocol followed. exceptions: DNA-binding/unbinding with 3min 6000rpm followed by 60sec full speed

2% Agarose Gel

  • in 1x TAE.


Philipp & Flo

Gel of PCR products from 08.04.2010

  • loaded: 10 uL sample+2 uL 6x GLD, 4/2 uL LMW standard
  • 110 V, 90min
  • stained with Sybrgold, 20min, 1:10.000 dilution in TAE
  • Standard - Control - R0011_His - R0011_Trp - Standard(=low molecular weight (see Protocols#Lab_Protocols))




Improved Constructs...


Philipp & Flo

[ PCR] of B0014 and R0011


Philipp & Flo

  • Concentrations measured with nanodrop:

B0014 2.5 ng/uL
27.5 ng/uL

--> worked for R0011, not for B0014
  • PCR of B0014
    • Purification with the Zymo Kit, Elution in 20 uL H2O
    • Concentration measured with nanodrop, 17.5 ng/uL --> worked

  • Digestions of:

restriction enzymes (biobrick assembly)
B0014 (from Christoph, verified PCR products, 21 ng/uL)
EcoRI, PstI
R0011 (from PCR [15042010], 27.5 ng/uL
HisSig (1:100 dilution)
TrpSig (1:100 dilution)
psB1K3 (with RFP insert, from HiWiPhilipp, 81 ng/uL) EcoRI, PstI

5 uL template used for each setup. protocol followed

  • Gel for purification of the cleaved plasmid
    • 2% Agarose in 1x TAE
    • 120 V, 90 min
    • stained with SybrGold
    • digestion, digestion, 1 kb ladder
      • Digestion worked (partly). band at 2000 bp (backbone) cut


  • Purification of DNA from Gel

  • Ligation of HisSig/TrpSig with R0011in 2 reactions

used Volume
approx. concentration*
6 uL
7 ng/uL
6 uL
5 ng/uL
3 uL
6 ng/uL

* approximated from the amount used in the digestion before





  • PCR of R0011-TrpSig and R0011-HisSig
    • Purification with the Zymo Kit, Elution in 30 uL H2O
    • Concentration measured with nanodrop: c(R0011-TrpSig)=20 ng/µL, c(R0011-HisSig)=12.5 ng/µl --> worked

  • Gel for analysis of ligation and PCR
    • 2% Agarose in 1x TAE
    • 110 V, 90 min
    • stained with SybrGold 1:10000 20 min
    • pure R0011 PCR product used as control

File:GEL 20100419beschriftet.png

4 µl
5 µL
5 µL
5 µL

Samples seem to have run further than the buffer/dye-Front! But: Ligation Products show bands at shorter lengths than R0011 alone --> Ligation didn't work ?!?

  • Ligation of HisSig/TrpSig with R0011in 2 reactions

used Volume
5 uL
10 ng/µL (nanodrop)
3 uL
5 ng/µL approx.*

* approximated from the amount used in the digestion before


  • Gel for analysis of ligation and PCR (repeat of yesterday's gel)
    • 2% Agarose in 1x TAE
    • 130 V, 75 min
    • stained with SybrGold 1:10000 60 min
    • pure R0011 PCR product used as control
    • Excision and purification of marked bands at 200bp using QIA Kit, elution in 30 µl H2O


  • PCR of excised and purified bands of R0011-TrpSig and R0011-HisSig
    • complete samples (30 µl) used as templates
    • Purification with the Zymo Kit, Elution in 30 uL H2O
    • Concentrations of PCR-products: 0.5-1 ng/µl --> Gel excision or PCR didn't work

  • Transformation (Woehlke-Lab)
    • 8 µl of ligation product pSB1K3-B0014 to 50 µl XL-10 competent cells
    • 200 µl plated on a Kanamycin-containing Plate
    • remaining 800 µl stored @4°C in S1-lab


  • Gel for analysis of ligation and PCR (repeat of yesterday's gel)
    • 2% Agarose in 1x TAE
    • 110 V, 90 min
    • stained with SybrGold 1:10000 80 min
    • pure R0011 PCR product used as control
    • Excision and purification of marked bands at 200bp using Zymo 5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O


  • PCR of excised and purified bands of R0011-TrpSig and R0011-HisSig
    • complete samples (20 µl) used as templates
    • Purification with the Zymo Kit, Elution in 25 uL H2O
    • Concentrations of PCR-products:
      • R0011-TrpSig: 22.5 ng/µl
      • R0011-HisSig: 9.5 ng/µl

--> worked!!!!!

  • 'Colony PCR
    • 7Colonies picked and resuspended in 20 µl LB+Kana (each)
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
    • 15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel


  • Overnight cultures:
    • remaining 18 µl of samples 1, 3, 6, and 7 added to 5 ml LB + kanamycin
    • 37°C on Shaker


  • Gel for purification of PCR products R0011-TrpSig and R0011-HisSig (yesterday's result)
    • 2% Agarose in 1x TAE
    • 110 V, 90 min
    • stained with SybrGold 1:10000 30 min
    • pure R0011 PCR product used as control
    • Excision and purification of marked bands at 200bp using Zymo 5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O


  • Miniprep
    • Result: about 4 µg Plasmid


template volume
restriction enzymes
HisSig (1:100 dilution)
5 µl
EcoRI, SpeI
TrpSig (1:100 dilution)
5 µl
EcoRI, SpeI
psB1K3-B0014 from Miniprep (No 7, 35 ng/µl) 5 µl
EcoRI, XbaI NEB4

Incubated 90 min @ 37°C

  • Gel for purification of the cleaved plasmid
    • 2% Agarose in 1x TAE (leftover from yesterday)
    • 140 V, 90 min
    • stained with SybrGold 40 min
    • 4 µl 1 kb ladder, 10 µl purified digestion + 2 µl GLPn, 10 µl purified digestion + 2 µl GLPn
      • Digestion worked (partly). band at 2400 bp cut out


  • Purification of DNA from Gel
    • using the Zymo Kit
    • elution in 25 µl H2O
  • A260/A230 and A260/A280 values were strange (see labbook)





  • Digestion of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
    • 10 µl template (No1, 50 ng/µl)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
    • 28 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O

  • Ligation of Signals and PSB1K3-B0014
    • 3 µl of each sample, end volume 20 µl

  • Preparation of Measurement Plasmid from Folder, Transformation
    • Plate 1022, Spots 1E, 1G, 2A: pSB1A10 with different Inserts, all inserts are Zinc-finger constructs with about 1,6 kb

  • Transformation of XL10 with Ligation Products (8 µl each) and pSB1A10 (2 µl each)

  • Preparation of Measurement Plasmid from Folder, Transformation
    • Plate 1022, Spots 1E, 1G, 2A: pSB1A10 with different Inserts, all inserts are Zinc-finger constructs with about 1,6 kb

  • growing over night cultures of remaining PSB1K3-B0014-transformed cells
    • 2x 5 ml, 2x 1 ml


  • Plenty of cultures on both HisSig and TrpSig Ligation plates, but nothing on pSB1A10 plates! --> repeat DNA extraction, ask Prof. Simmel for new Distribution

  • Colony PCR
    • 7Colonies picked and resuspended in 20 µl LB+Kana (each)
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
    • 10 µl of each sample mixed with 2 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel


Many colonies with pSB1K3-B0014, not one with pSB1K3-Sig-B0014

  • Miniprep of PSB1K3-B0014
    • Samples I and II: 5 ml overnight cultures, centrifuged 10 min @ 3200 g, resuspended in 600 µl of the same culture
    • Samples III and IV: 600 µl overnight cultures
    • all samples mixed with 100 µl lysis buffer, Miniprep with Zyppy kit, each sample eluted in 50 µl H2O
    • Concentration measured (Nanodrop, LP=1mm, Factor 10, 4 µl sample)
      • cI=61.5 ng/µl
      • cII=33.5 ng/µl
      • cIII=103 ng/µl
      • cIV=108 ng/µl

--> Better results for 600 µl cultures without centrifuging!!!

  • Preparation of Measurement Plasmid from Folder, Transformation
    • Plate 1022, Spots 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H, 2A: pSB1A10 with different Inserts, all inserts are Zinc-finger constructs with about 1,6 kb


  • No colonies on plates from Yesterday's transformations, but on the older plates (from monday) some colonies appeared
    • 7 Colonies picked and resuspended in 20 µl LB0 (each)
    • 1&2 from plate "1E", 3&4 from plate "1G", 5,6&7 from plate "2A", 8 LB0

  • Colony PCR
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
    • 15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
    • 1% Agarose in 1xTAE, 95 V, after 50 minutes changed to 110 V


  • Digestion of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
    • 10 µl template (No1, 50 ng/µl)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
    • 28 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • heat inactivation 5min @60°C
  • Dephosphorylation of restricted vector
    • Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O
    • loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn) (Gel shown above)
  • Gel excision with Zymo Kit


  • Digestion of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
    • 10 µl template (NoIV, 108 ng/µl)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
    • 28 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • heat inactivation 5min @60°C
  • Dephosphorylation of restricted vector
    • Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O
    • loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn)


  • Gel excision with Zymo Kit

  • Digestion of R0011 with SpeI
    • 10 µl template (R0011, X ng/µl)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl SpeI
    • 29 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
  • Ligation
    • 5 µl R0011 (S-digested) with 12 µl TrpSig or HisSig, respectively (X-digested)
    • complete ligation (20 µl) loaded on Gel (with 4 µl GLPn)


    • Gel excision with Zymo Kit, eluted in 42 µl H2O

  • Transformation
    • 50 µl XL-10 transformed with 2 µl of pSB1A10 prepared from IGem 2009 Distribution (13 µl left in pink Box @-20°C)


PCR R0011-HisSig and R0011-TrpSig --> 13 ng/µl x 20 µl





  • Digestion of pSB1K3-B0014 with EcorI and XbaI
    • 10 µl template (NoIII, 103 ng/µl)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
    • 28 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 15 µl H2O
    • loaded on gel (with 3 µl GLPn)


  • Gel excision with Zymo Kit
  • Digestion of R0011-HisSig and R0011-TrpSig with EcorI and SpeI
    • 10 µl template (PCR-product)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl SpeI
    • 28 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 20 µl H2O

  • Ligation
    • 4 µl R0011-Signal (E/S-digested) with 4 µl pSB1K3-B0014 (E/X-digested)
    • 15 min @ RT, 20 min heat inactivation @ 65°C

  • Overrnight liquid cultures of pSB1A10-RFP made from

--> each in 600 µl LB+Carbenicillin (=Ampicillin) @37°C


  • Miniprep of pSB1A10; 4 samples (1, 2; 3a; 3b)
    • eluted in 50 µl H2O each
    • Concentrations:
      • c1=37,5 ng/µl
      • c2=56,5 ng/µl
      • c3a=46,5 ng/µl
      • c3b=30 ng/µl
  • Digestion of pSB1A10 with EcorI and PstI, 4 samples (1, 2; 3a; 3b)
    • 15 µl template
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#3
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl PstI
    • 23 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • heat inactivation 5min @60°C
    • Purification with Zymo5 Kit, elution in 15 µl H2O
    • loaded on gel (with 3 µl GLPn)

Insert @ 1 kb as expected, but vector @ 2kb and not @ 5kb as expected!!!! --> Wrong Plasmid! Comparison to the [ Gel in the registry] shows: The Distribution contains the wrong plasmid!

  • Digestion of HisTerm and TrpTerm with EcorI and PstI
    • 5 µl template
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#3
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl PstI
    • 33 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C

  • Clones picked: 7 from each Plate (pSB1K3-R0011-TrpSig-Boo14 and pSB1K3-R0011-HisSig-Boo14)
  • Colony PCR
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR)
    • 15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
    • 2% Agarose in 1xTAE, 130 V, 90 min



  • Digestion of pSB1K3 with EcorI and XbaI
    • 20 µl template (sample III, 103 ng/µl)
    • 5 µl BSA, 5 µl Buffer NEB#3
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
    • 18 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • heat inactivation 5min @60°C
    • loaded on gel (with 10 µl GLPn) in 4 lanes


  • Gel excision with Zymo Kit (lanes 1&2) and with Qiaquick Kit (lanes 3&4)
    • c1=4.5 ng/µl
    • c2=3.5 ng/µl
    • c3=2 ng/µl
    • c1=7 ng/µl
  • A260/A230 and A260/A280 values were strange (see labbook)

  • Ligation
    • 4 µl R0011-Signal (E/S-digested) with 10 µl pSB1K3-B0014 (E/X-digested, from 23.04.)
    • 15 min @ RT, 20 min heat inactivation @ 65°C


  • Clones picked: 7 from each Plate (pSB1K3-R0011-TrpSig-Boo14 and pSB1K3-R0011-HisSig-Boo14)


---Too damn stupid to do a PCR!!!---


  • replated picked clones on new plates, incubated at RT





  • Colony PCR of picked clones from Fr 07.05.2010
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
    • 15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
    • 2% Agarose in 1xTAE, 120 V, 110 min
    • stained in SybrSafe 50 min


Interpretation: Colonies contain an Insert with Prefix and Suffix, length is 200 bp. This is too short for the desired R0011-Signal-B0014 (245 or 247 bp) construct, but longer than B0014 (136 bp) which was the Insert in the digested vector. Possible explanation: Ligation worked, but not with R0011-Signal-construct but with R0011 or Signal. Which?

fragment length without Prefix/Suffix length with Prefix/Suffix
R0011 55 bp 96 bp
B0014 95 bp 136 bp
TrpSig/HisSig 34 bp/32 bp 75 bp/73 bp
TrpSig-B0014/HisSig-B0014 135 bp/ 133 bp 176 bp/ 174 bp
R0011-TrpSig-B0014/R0011-HisSig-B0014 206 bp/ 204 bp 247 bp/ 245 bp
R0011-B0014 156 bp 197 bp
R0011-TrpSig/R0011-HisSig 95 bp/93 bp 136 bp/134 bp

Prefix: 20 bp; Suffix: 21 bp; X-S-scar: 6 bp

--> it looks as if R0011 is ligated to B0014, which makes the whole construct wothless. The R0011-HisSig control looks more like R0011 alone as well.


  • Ligation
    • 4 µl Signal (E/S-digested; from ) with 5 µl pSB1K3-B0014 (E/X-digested; from)
    • 15 min @ RT


  • Colony PCR of picked clones from Tu 12.05.2010
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR, modified)
    • 15 µl of each sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel
    • 2% Agarose in 1xTAE, 120 V, 110 min
    • stained in SybrSafe 60 min


fragment length without Prefix/Suffix length with Prefix/Suffix length after PCR
R0011 55 bp 96 bp 104 bp
B0014 95 bp 136 bp 154 bp
TrpSig/HisSig 34 bp/32 bp 75 bp/73 bp 93 bp/91 bp
TrpSig-B0014/HisSig-B0014 135 bp/ 133 bp 176 bp/ 174 bp 194 bp/ 192 bp
206 bp/ 204 bp 247 bp/ 245 bp 265 bp/ 263 bp
R0011-B0014 156 bp 197 bp 215 bp
R0011-TrpSig/R0011-HisSig 95 bp/93 bp 136 bp/134 bp 154 bp/152 bp

Prefix: 20 bp/29 bp after PCR; Suffix: 21 bp/30 bp after PCR; X-S-scar: 6 bp


  • Digestion of pSB1K3 with EcorI and XbaI
    • 10 µl template (sample III, 103 ng/µl)
    • 2 µl BSA, 2 µl Buffer NEB#4
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl XbaI
    • 4 µl H2O
    • 1 h @ 37°C
    • loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn) in 1 lane


  • Gel excision with Zymo Kit

  • Digestion of HisSig and TrpSig with EcorI and SpeI
    • 10 µl template ("1:100")
    • 2 µl BSA, 2 µl Buffer NEB#3
    • 1 µl EcoRI, 1 µl SpeI
    • 4 µl H2O
    • 1.5 h @ 37°C
    • Purification with Zymo 5
    • or heat inactivated (20 min @ 80°C)

  • Transformation
    • 50 µl XL-10 transformed with 10 µl of Ligation mix
    • 50 µl untransformed cells plated on Kana-plate as control





  • Plates from Friday:
    • plenty colonies on control plate --> XL10 cells are impure!
    • use DH5α from now on!!!!!

  • Transformation
    • 50 µl DH5α transformed with 10 µl of Friday's Ligation mix
    • plated on Kana-Plates; Overnight @ 37°C

  • DNA Isolation from BioBrick Distribution 2010
    • 10 µl H2O added to Well 1A of plate 1 containing pSB1A10 with RFP-insert
    • 2 µl used for Transformation of 50 µl DH5α-cells
    • plated on Carbenicillin (=Amp-analogon)-plates, Overnight @ 37°C


  • Colony PCR of picked clones
    • PCR of 2 µl of each sample, 2 µl as negative control (Program: ColonyPCR)
    • 10 µl of each sample mixed with 10 µl Formamide loading buffer and loaded to Polyacrylamide Gel

Samples: LMW|R0011|HisSig|TrpSig|HisSig E/S-Dig|TrpSig E/S-Dig|B0014|LMW2|Colony PCR His1|His2|Trp1|Trp2|control|HisTerm|TrpTerm|HisTerm E/P-Dig|TrpTerm E/P-Dig

  • 5 µl of each samples mixed with 5 µl formamide loading dye and loaded to gel(except Ladder and colonyPCR)
    • LMW: 3 µl LMW (Korbinian) + 3 µl Formamide loading Dye
    • LMW2: 5 µl LMW Quickload (with GLP) + 10 µl Formamide loading Dye
  • stained in SybrSafe

Important Mistake! See below Gel! File:100518beschriftet.png

(*R0011 and B0014 look normal

  • ColonyPCR: bands that look like B0014 in all clones (and in control???? strange!) --> Religation?
  • Signals at the wrong size: should be about 75 bp, look like 200 bp!!!
  • terminators completely strange: should be around 100 bp!

--> are all of our sequences just wrong??? What are we going to do? Order everything new?)


  • Gel from Korbinian
  • 5 µl of each samples mixed with 5 µl formamide loading dye and loaded to gel(except Ladder and colonyPCR)
    • LMW: 3 µl LMW (Korbinian) + 3 µl Formamide loading Dye
    • colonyPCR: from Tuesday, 8 µl sample with 8 µl Formamide loading Dye
  • stained in SybrSafe 20 min


  • Colony PCR
    • 4 colonies picked from each Plate (Ligations from yesterday; Signal-B0014)
    • 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
    • 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 130 V



  • Digestion
    • template
    • 2 µl BSA
    • 2 µl Buffer
    • 1 µl of each enzyme
    • water to reach 20 µl

NEB Buffer #
HisTerm & TrpTerm (10 µl)
EcoRI, PstI
HisSig & TrpSig (10 µl)
EcoRI, SpeI
B0014 (5 µl)
XbaI, PstI
pSB1A10_RFP (14 µl)
EcoRI, PstI
pSB1K3_RFP (14 µl)
EcoRI, PstI
pSB1K3_B0014 N° 4 (14 µl)
EcoRI, XbaI

    • incubated @37°C for 1.5 h
    • digested inserts heat inactivated (20 min @ 80°C)
    • digested plasmids loaded on gel (with 4 µl GLPn) in 1 lane


  • Gel excision with Zymo Kit
    • c(pSB1A10, I)=4.5 ng/µl
    • c(pSB1A10, II)=1.5 ng/µl ?!?!?!
    • c(pSB1K3 E/P)=7 ng/µl
    • c(pSB1K3_B0014 E/X)=2.5 ng/µl

  • Gel of PCR products
    • 3% Agarose in 1x TBE; 2h @130 V


  • Ligation
    • templates
    • 2 µl T4-buffer 10x
    • 1 µl T4-Ligase
    • Water to reach 20 µl
psB1A10 (E/P; sample I) (10 µl)
TrpTerm (E/P) (4 µl)
psB1A10 (E/P; sample I) (10 µl)
HisTerm (E/P) (4 µl)
psB1K3_B0014 (E/X) (12 µl)
HisSig (E/S) (2 µl)
psB1K3_B0014 (E/X) (12 µl)
TrpSig (E/S) (2 µl)
psB1K3 (E/P) (8 µl)
HisSig (E/S)(2 µl) + B0014 (X/P)(1.5 µl)
psB1K3 (E/P) (8 µl)
TrpSig (E/S)(2 µl) + B0014 (X/P)(1.5 µl)
  • Transformation
    • 50 µl DH5a transformed with 10 µl of Ligation mix
    • 50 µl DH5a transformed with 2 µl of pSB1K3_B0014
    • 50 µl DH5a transformed with 2 µl of pSB1K3_RFP
    • 50 µl DH5a transformed with 2 µl of pSB1A10_RFP


  • Colony PCR
    • 4 colonies picked from each Plate (pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014, pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014, pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014 double ligation, pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014 double ligation)
    • each clone resuspended in 20 µl LB0, 3 µl used as template for PCR
    • 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
    • 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 130 V






  • Colony PCR
    • 4 colonies picked from each Plate
      • pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014
      • pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014
      • pSB1K3_HisSig_B0014 double ligation
      • pSB1K3_TrpSig_B0014 double ligation
      • pSB1A10_TrpTerm
      • pSB1A10_HisTerm
    • each clone resuspended in 20 µl LB0, 2 µl used as template for PCR
    • 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
    • 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 220 V (double Gel, 35 cm)
    • stained in SybrSafe


  • overnight cultures made of
    • HisSig 3, DL1, DL4
    • TrpSig DL2, DL4
    • HisTerm/TrpTerm 1,2,3


  • Miniprep of cultures set up 25.05.2010
    • HisSig 3, DL1, DL4
    • TrpSig DL2, DL4
    • HisTerm/TrpTerm 1,2,3
  • Restriction
    • analytical: E/P HisSig(3, DL2); TrpSig(DL2, DL4): 1.5 h 37 °C
    • prep: E/X HisSig(3, DL2); TrpSig(DL2, DL4): 1.5 h 37 °C
    • prep: E/S R0011: 1.5 h 37 °C, inactivation 20 min @ 80 °C
      • total volume each 20 u, 10 uL template
  • Gel: 1% Agarose, TAE - 1,5 h 110 V


  • Ligation:
    • HisSig_3 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
    • HisSig_DL2 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
    • TrpSig_DL2 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
    • TrpSig_DL4 (E/X) with R0011 (E/S)
      • batches
      • total volume 20 uL
      • 2 uL R0011 (E/S)
      • 2 uL T4 buffer
      • 1 uL T4 Ligase
      • 15 uL vector
  • PCR
    • His and TrpSig
    • His and TrpTerm
    • R0011
    • B0014
      • 50 uL total volume
      • 1 uL template
      • 1 ul G1004
      • 1 uLG1005
      • 0.2 uL Taq
      • 5 uL Taq standard buffer
      • rest water


  • Colony PCR
    • 3 colonies picked from each Plate
      • pSB1K3_R0011_HisSig_B0014 (N° 3 from yesterday)
      • pSB1K3_R0011_HisSig_B0014 (N° DL1 from yesterday)
      • pSB1K3_R0011_TrpSig_B0014 (N° DL2 from yesterday)
      • pSB1K3_R0011_TrpSig_B0014 (N° DL4 from yesterday)
      • "N6"
      • "N15"
    • each clone resuspended in 20 µl LB0, 2 µl used as template for PCR
    • 15 µl of each Sample mixed with 3 µl GLPn and loaded to Gel:
    • 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 220 V (double Gel, 35 cm)
    • stained in SybrSafe


fragment length without Prefix/Suffix length after PCR
R0011 55 bp 104 bp
B0014 95 bp 154 bp
TrpSig/HisSig 34 bp/32 bp 93 bp/91 bp
TrpSig-B0014/HisSig-B0014 135 bp/ 133 bp 194 bp/ 192 bp
206 bp/ 204 bp 265 bp/ 263 bp
I712074 ("N6") 46 bp 105 bp
I719005 ("N15") 23 bp 82 bp

Prefix: 29 bp after PCR; Suffix: 30 bp after PCR; X-S-scar: 6 bp

  • overnight cultures made of
    • HisSig 3_1, DL1_3
    • TrpSig DL4_1, DL4_3
    • N15 1&2
    • HisTerm/TrpTerm (picked colonies from yesterdays plates #2 each)

  • Purification of yesterday's PCR
    • elution in 50 µl H2O
      • c(HisSig)=5.5 ng/µl
      • c(TrpSig)=10 ng/µl
      • c(HisTerm)=6.5 ng/µl
      • c(TrpTerm)=6.5 ng/µl
      • c(R0011)=13 ng/µl
      • c(B0014)=12.5 ng/µl
    • 5 µl loaded on gel with 1 µl GLPn; 3% Agarose in 1x TBE, 220 V (double Gel, 35 cm)



  • Miniprep of cultures from 27.05.2010, Elution in 50 uL nuclease free water
    • (1)HisSig 3_1
    • (2)HisSig DL1_3
    • (3)TrpSig DL4_1
    • (4)TrpSig DL4_3
    • (7)HisTerm#1
    • (8)HisTerm#2 (7 ml culture)
    • (9)TrpTerm#1
    • (10)TrpTerm#2 (7ml culture)
    • (5)N15-1 (=BBa_I719005)
    • (6)N15-2 (=BBa_I719005)
      • ()=numbers on gel

DNA concentration (ng/uL)
HisSig 3_1
HisSig DL1_3
TrpSig DL4_1
TrpSig DL4_3
N15-1 (=BBa_I719005)
N15-2 (=BBa_I719005)

  • analytical digest (E/P)
    • of all samples. total volume 20 uL, 5 uL template used for Term-constructs, 10 uL teplate for all others
  • Agarose Gel
    • 3% broad range agarose in TBE. Run in TBE, 140 V, 1.50 h
    • stained with SybrGold, 45 min
    • signals look fine
    • terminators also (without pre/suffix 97/104 bp)
    • T7 promoter without pre/suffix has a length of 23 bp + cut pre/szffix ca at 60 bp -->buffer?

File:100528 beschriftet.png




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.




This is what we did in week xxx.
