Team:Heidelberg/Notebook/Measurement Standard


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=Measurement Standard=
=Measurement Standard=
'''[[Igem2010/Main|⇐ Main Page]]'''
'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook|⇐ Measurements]]'''
seeding cells for test measurements - 96 well plate for plate-reader and FACS
*cells were grown in DMEM 10%FBS with phenol red
*washed with PBS
*trypsinised (2 ml trypsin)
*5ml of OptiMEM media (no FBS) added
*counted cells: HeLa 3.8*10^6 cells/ml, HEK 3.3*10^6 cells/ml, HEK T-Rex 1.5*10^6 cells/ml, Huh7 0.8*10^6 cells/ml
*seeded 5000 and 2500 cells/well as on the scheme [[96well plate 080810.jpg]]
*media: DMEM +L-Glu +PenStrep +10%FBS, OptiMEM +PenStrep, OptiMEM +PenStrep +2%FBS
*in all wells where T-Rex cells were seeded zeocin and blasticin were added, in wells with Huh7 cells - non essential amino acids
-> cells did not adhere well, coat plate with poly-L-lysine and repeat
seeding and transfecting cells for microscopy test measurements
* add 0.6ul FuGENE reagent to 20ul of OptiMEM
* mix and incubate 5' at RT
* add 0.2ug DNA
* mix and incubate 15' at RT
* add DNA-FuGENE solution to 10 000 cells (400ul)
* mix and incubate 10' 37degC 300rpm (shaker for 15ml falcon tubes is in the cell culture room at 3rd floor)
* transfere cells to the plate
* grow 48h
{| class="wikitable" style="border:solid 1px #AAAAAA; border-collapse:collapse;  background-color:#F9F9F9; font-size:95%; empty-cells:show;"
| style="text-align:right" | HeLa, EGPF || HeLa, EBFP2 || HeLa, EGPF and EBFP2 ||  HeLa, EGPF and EBFP2 1:10
| style="text-align:right" | HEK T-REx, EGFP || HEK T-REx, EBFP2 || HEK T-REx, EGPF and EBFP2 || HEK T-REx, EGPF and EBFP2 1:10
coating plates with poly-L-lysine
* add 15ul of poly-L-lysine solution to each well (make sure whole surface is covered with solution)
* leave for 30' in the incubator
* remove poly-L-lysine solution
* wash once with PBS
new 96-well plate was prepared (wells 2500 cells Huh7 are contaminated with HeLa) like previously
seeding cells for pilot FACS and Tecan measurements (96-well plate)
transfection - 96-well plate
pilot FACS and Tecan measurements (96-well plate)
'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/September|⇓ September]]'''
'''[[Igem2010/Main|⇐ Main Page]]'''
'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook|⇐ Measurements]]'''
'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/August|⇑ August]]'''
*seeding 1 96-well plate with all different cell lines we have (HelaP4, Hek293T and Huh7) for testing fluorescent measurement:
** purpose is to set up plate reader (TECAN), FACS and microscope and test whether it is possible to distinguish between GFP and BFP expression
** problem: forgot to coat the plate, therefore cells did not attach
[[Image:HeLa_pilot_GFP_BFP2.jpg|thumb|500px‎|FACS pilot experiment of EGFP and EBFP2 expression in Hela P4 cells]]
[[Image:Huh7_pilot_GFP_BFP2.jpg|thumb|300px|FACS pilot experiment of EGFP and EBFP2 expression in Hek T-Rex cells]][[Image:HEK_pilot_GFP_BFP2.jpg|thumb|300px|Tecan pilot experiment of EBFP2 and EGFP expression with in Hela P4 cells‎‎]]
[[Image:HEK_TREx_pilot_GFP_BFP2.jpg|thumb|300px|Tecan pilot experiment of EBFP2 and EGFP expression with in Hek T-Rex cells‎‎]]
*transfection of cells for fluorescent measurement (EGFP and EBFP2):
*set-up of the plate:
** non-transfected cell line
** each cell line transfected with EGFP control plasmid
** each cell line transfected with EBFP2 control plasmid
** each cell line double-transfected with EGFP and EBFP2 control plasmids
** Results:
*** too little cells have been plated
*** Huh7 cells are hard to transfect
*** expression of EBFP2 is much lower than expression of EGFP
*seeding 1 96-well plate with all different cell lines we have (HelaP4, Hek293T and Huh7) for testing fluorescent measurement:
** purpose is to set up plate reader (TECAN), FACS and microscope and test whether it is possible to distinguish between GFP and BFP expression
*transfection of cells for fluorescent measurement (EGFP and EBFP2):
*set-up of the plate:
** non-transfected cell line
** each cell line transfected with EGFP control plasmid
** each cell line transfected with EBFP2 control plasmid
** each cell line double-transfected with EGFP and EBFP2 control plasmids
*TECAN and FACS pilot measurements of cells transfected with EGFP and EBFP2
*seeding and transfection of HeLa and HEK cells for pilot microscopy measurements:
*pilot microscopy measurements:
*seeding 2 96-well plates with 5000 cells each well:
**test whether tuning construct is properly expressing firefly and renilla luciferase and thereby testing whether every part is functional
*transfection of both 96-well plates with K1-K8:
** transfect 50ng of each construct
** check for promoter strength and functionality of the constructs
[[Image:22092010promoters.jpg|thumb|400px|right|relative expression units(REU) of firefly luciferase compared to renilla luciferase of the different tuning consstructs without any binding sites for the expressed shRNA10]]
[[Image:22092010promoters2.jpg|thumb|400px|left|comparison of REU of firefly to renilla luciferase in the different cell lines]]
*dual luciferase assay on the 2 96-well plates:
** all constructs are functional as firefly and renilla luciferase are expressed
** transfection of construct into Hek t-Rex cells reveals that the CMVTetO2 (construct K4) is also functional as the expression of firefly to renilla counts is nearly zero
dual luciferase assay
seed two 96-well plates with HEK cells 5000 cells/well
*transfection of 24-well plates for 50 clones of shuffled capsid
*coat 6-well plates with collagen for primary hepatocytes
*measurements of miMeasure
* seed 1 96-well plate for transfection with miMeasure
** 6 lines Huh7
** 6 lines HepG2
*Dual Luciferase assay for ??
*seed 24-well plates with Huh7 for second selection round
* seeding of primary hepatocytes for first selection round of capsid library on a 6-well plate
* seeding of primary hepatocytes for selection round of 50 clones on 2 24-well plates
* transfection of 1 96-well plate with off targeting constructs:
** M23-M29 with or without co-transfection of miR122 of miRsag as a control
* transfection of tuning construct K4 with or without co-transfection of miRsAg and miRhaat as a control
* Dual luciferase assay on tuning construct with co-transfection of shRNA miRsag and miR122
* Dual luciferase assay of off target constructs
* seeding of :
** 1 96-well plate of half Huh7 and half HepG2
** 1 plate for testing nuclei staining with Hela, HepG2 and Huh7
* prepare 3 bottles of media
* organize 500 Million Hek293T cells :)
*change media from primary hepatocytes
* plate 1 96-well plate with half of the wells with Huh7 and other half with HepG2
* plate half of a 96-well plate with Hela, HepG2 and Huh7 for testing nuclei staining for TECAN
*transfect 96-well plate of liver cell lines with miMeasure with perfect, imperfect 9-12 and imperfect 9-22 binding site
* transfect test staining plate with miMeasure in different concentrations:
** 10ng of miMeasure in 3 wells of each cell line
** 30ng of miMeasure in 3 wells of each cell line
* plate 8 96-well plates with Hela cells
* plate 1 96-well plate with half Huh7 and HepG2
* transfect 3 96-well plates with tuning construct for in vivo:
** tuning construct M1-M10 without any synthetic miRNA
** co-transfection of tuning construct M1-M10 with synthetic miRhaat
** co-transfection of tuning construct M1-M10 with synthetic miRSag
* transfect 3 96-well plates with miMeasure with different binding sites against miRsag:
** miMeasure M12-M22 without any synthetic miRNA
** co-transfection of miMeasure M12-M22 with synthetic miRhaat
** co-transfection of miMeasure M12-M22 with synthetic miRSag
* coat 1 6-well plate with collagene for primary hepatocytes
* measure 3 96-well plates with tuning construct for in vivo by Dual luciferase assay
** measurement did not work, no luciferase activity could be measured
* measure 1 96-well plate of miMeasure with binding sites for miR122
** measurement did not work, maybe too little DNA transfected in the cells (10ng) as Huh7 are not easily transfected
* measure plate for testing nuclei staining
** measurement did not work
* coat plates with collagene (2* 6-well plate) for primary hepatocytes
* plate 1 96-well plate with Huh7 and HepG2
* plate 24 well plate with Hela cells for haat Elisa
* transfect miMeasure into Huh7 and HepG2 on 96-well plate again with binding sites of miR122:
** perfect binding site
** imperfect binding sites (randomized 9-12)
** imperfect binding sites (randomized 9-22)
*transfect haat cDNA constructs into Hela cells on 24-well plates
*measurement M12-M19
**did not work, because cells were clustered
**cells from the 96 well plate were pooled together and single pictures were made.
*who deleted what I wrote here??? hallooo?? hmm I guess I just didn't save it. damn.
* measurement of Hela and Hek Cells transfected with miMeasure M12-M22. Four conditions were transfected with four replicates each: a = not cotransfected, b = cotransfected with miRsAg on pcDNA5, c = cotransfected with empty pcDNA5 (CMV promoter), d = cotransfected with pcDNA5 containing different shRNA (shRNA3 from Elena).
** because of a contamination, not all replicates could be considered. Plates were screened for positive transfections
** cells were trypsinated (30µl Trypsin) for 10min and then resuspended with 170µl PBS/BSA. Replicates for each condition were pooled into 24 well plates.
**200µl of each was transferred to a 96 well plate for FACS measurement.
**100µl of each was used for confocal analysis
how do I get a calendar in here??? anyone??
'''[[Igem2010/Main|&lArr; Main Page]]'''
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! colspan="7" style="background:#4e93a4;" | [[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/July|<font color="#ffecba">July</font>]]
|- style="background:#4e93a4; color:white"
|colspan="3"| ||'''1'''||'''2'''||'''3'''||'''4'''
| colspan="7"| <span style="color:#ffffff">-</span>
{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: center; color:#f3d675; border: 3px solid #4e93a4;"
|- border="0"
! colspan="7" style="background:#4e93a4;" | [[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/August|<font color="#ffecba">August</font>]]
|- style="background:#4e93a4; color:white"
|colspan="6"| ||'''1'''
{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: center; color:#f3d675; border: 3px solid #4e93a4;"
|- border="0"
! colspan="7" style="background:#4e93a4;" | [[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/September|<font color="#ffecba">September</font>]]
|- style="background:#4e93a4; color:white"
|colspan="2"| ||'''1'''||'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/September#02/09/2010|2]]'''||'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/September#03/09/2010|3]]'''||'''4'''||'''5'''
| colspan="7"| <span style="color:#ffffff">-</span>
{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: center; color:#f3d675; border: 3px solid #4e93a4;"
|- border="0"
! colspan="7" style="background:#4e93a4;" | [[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/October|<font color="#ffecba">October</font>]]
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|colspan="4"| ||'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/October#1/09/2010|1]]'''||'''[[Igem2010/Main/Measurements/Notebook/October#2/09/2010|2]]'''||'''3'''
| colspan="7"| <span style="color:#ffffff">-</span>

Latest revision as of 09:49, 25 October 2010


Measurement Standard

⇐ Main Page

⇐ Measurements


seeding cells for test measurements - 96 well plate for plate-reader and FACS

  • cells were grown in DMEM 10%FBS with phenol red
  • washed with PBS
  • trypsinised (2 ml trypsin)
  • 5ml of OptiMEM media (no FBS) added
  • counted cells: HeLa 3.8*10^6 cells/ml, HEK 3.3*10^6 cells/ml, HEK T-Rex 1.5*10^6 cells/ml, Huh7 0.8*10^6 cells/ml
  • seeded 5000 and 2500 cells/well as on the scheme 96well plate 080810.jpg
  • media: DMEM +L-Glu +PenStrep +10%FBS, OptiMEM +PenStrep, OptiMEM +PenStrep +2%FBS
  • in all wells where T-Rex cells were seeded zeocin and blasticin were added, in wells with Huh7 cells - non essential amino acids

-> cells did not adhere well, coat plate with poly-L-lysine and repeat


seeding and transfecting cells for microscopy test measurements

  • add 0.6ul FuGENE reagent to 20ul of OptiMEM
  • mix and incubate 5' at RT
  • add 0.2ug DNA
  • mix and incubate 15' at RT
  • add DNA-FuGENE solution to 10 000 cells (400ul)
  • mix and incubate 10' 37degC 300rpm (shaker for 15ml falcon tubes is in the cell culture room at 3rd floor)
  • transfere cells to the plate
  • grow 48h

HeLa, EGPF HeLa, EBFP2 HeLa, EGPF and EBFP2 HeLa, EGPF and EBFP2 1:10


coating plates with poly-L-lysine

  • add 15ul of poly-L-lysine solution to each well (make sure whole surface is covered with solution)
  • leave for 30' in the incubator
  • remove poly-L-lysine solution
  • wash once with PBS

new 96-well plate was prepared (wells 2500 cells Huh7 are contaminated with HeLa) like previously


seeding cells for pilot FACS and Tecan measurements (96-well plate)


transfection - 96-well plate


pilot FACS and Tecan measurements (96-well plate)

⇓ September

⇐ Main Page

⇐ Measurements

⇑ August


  • seeding 1 96-well plate with all different cell lines we have (HelaP4, Hek293T and Huh7) for testing fluorescent measurement:
    • purpose is to set up plate reader (TECAN), FACS and microscope and test whether it is possible to distinguish between GFP and BFP expression
    • problem: forgot to coat the plate, therefore cells did not attach


File:HeLa pilot GFP BFP2.jpg
FACS pilot experiment of EGFP and EBFP2 expression in Hela P4 cells
File:Huh7 pilot GFP BFP2.jpg
FACS pilot experiment of EGFP and EBFP2 expression in Hek T-Rex cells
File:HEK pilot GFP BFP2.jpg
Tecan pilot experiment of EBFP2 and EGFP expression with in Hela P4 cells‎‎
File:HEK TREx pilot GFP BFP2.jpg
Tecan pilot experiment of EBFP2 and EGFP expression with in Hek T-Rex cells‎‎
  • transfection of cells for fluorescent measurement (EGFP and EBFP2):
  • set-up of the plate:
    • non-transfected cell line
    • each cell line transfected with EGFP control plasmid
    • each cell line transfected with EBFP2 control plasmid
    • each cell line double-transfected with EGFP and EBFP2 control plasmids
    • Results:
      • too little cells have been plated
      • Huh7 cells are hard to transfect
      • expression of EBFP2 is much lower than expression of EGFP


  • seeding 1 96-well plate with all different cell lines we have (HelaP4, Hek293T and Huh7) for testing fluorescent measurement:
    • purpose is to set up plate reader (TECAN), FACS and microscope and test whether it is possible to distinguish between GFP and BFP expression


  • transfection of cells for fluorescent measurement (EGFP and EBFP2):
  • set-up of the plate:
    • non-transfected cell line
    • each cell line transfected with EGFP control plasmid
    • each cell line transfected with EBFP2 control plasmid
    • each cell line double-transfected with EGFP and EBFP2 control plasmids


  • TECAN and FACS pilot measurements of cells transfected with EGFP and EBFP2


  • seeding and transfection of HeLa and HEK cells for pilot microscopy measurements:


  • pilot microscopy measurements:


  • seeding 2 96-well plates with 5000 cells each well:
    • test whether tuning construct is properly expressing firefly and renilla luciferase and thereby testing whether every part is functional


  • transfection of both 96-well plates with K1-K8:
    • transfect 50ng of each construct
    • check for promoter strength and functionality of the constructs


relative expression units(REU) of firefly luciferase compared to renilla luciferase of the different tuning consstructs without any binding sites for the expressed shRNA10
comparison of REU of firefly to renilla luciferase in the different cell lines
  • dual luciferase assay on the 2 96-well plates:
    • all constructs are functional as firefly and renilla luciferase are expressed
    • transfection of construct into Hek t-Rex cells reveals that the CMVTetO2 (construct K4) is also functional as the expression of firefly to renilla counts is nearly zero


dual luciferase assay


seed two 96-well plates with HEK cells 5000 cells/well




  • transfection of 24-well plates for 50 clones of shuffled capsid
  • coat 6-well plates with collagen for primary hepatocytes
  • measurements of miMeasure


  • seed 1 96-well plate for transfection with miMeasure
    • 6 lines Huh7
    • 6 lines HepG2
  • Dual Luciferase assay for ??
  • seed 24-well plates with Huh7 for second selection round


  • seeding of primary hepatocytes for first selection round of capsid library on a 6-well plate
  • seeding of primary hepatocytes for selection round of 50 clones on 2 24-well plates


  • transfection of 1 96-well plate with off targeting constructs:
    • M23-M29 with or without co-transfection of miR122 of miRsag as a control
  • transfection of tuning construct K4 with or without co-transfection of miRsAg and miRhaat as a control


  • Dual luciferase assay on tuning construct with co-transfection of shRNA miRsag and miR122
  • Dual luciferase assay of off target constructs
  • seeding of :
    • 1 96-well plate of half Huh7 and half HepG2
    • 1 plate for testing nuclei staining with Hela, HepG2 and Huh7
  • prepare 3 bottles of media
  • organize 500 Million Hek293T cells :)
  • change media from primary hepatocytes


  • plate 1 96-well plate with half of the wells with Huh7 and other half with HepG2
  • plate half of a 96-well plate with Hela, HepG2 and Huh7 for testing nuclei staining for TECAN


  • transfect 96-well plate of liver cell lines with miMeasure with perfect, imperfect 9-12 and imperfect 9-22 binding site
  • transfect test staining plate with miMeasure in different concentrations:
    • 10ng of miMeasure in 3 wells of each cell line
    • 30ng of miMeasure in 3 wells of each cell line
  • plate 8 96-well plates with Hela cells
  • plate 1 96-well plate with half Huh7 and HepG2


  • transfect 3 96-well plates with tuning construct for in vivo:
    • tuning construct M1-M10 without any synthetic miRNA
    • co-transfection of tuning construct M1-M10 with synthetic miRhaat
    • co-transfection of tuning construct M1-M10 with synthetic miRSag
  • transfect 3 96-well plates with miMeasure with different binding sites against miRsag:
    • miMeasure M12-M22 without any synthetic miRNA
    • co-transfection of miMeasure M12-M22 with synthetic miRhaat
    • co-transfection of miMeasure M12-M22 with synthetic miRSag
  • coat 1 6-well plate with collagene for primary hepatocytes


  • measure 3 96-well plates with tuning construct for in vivo by Dual luciferase assay
    • measurement did not work, no luciferase activity could be measured
  • measure 1 96-well plate of miMeasure with binding sites for miR122
    • measurement did not work, maybe too little DNA transfected in the cells (10ng) as Huh7 are not easily transfected
  • measure plate for testing nuclei staining
    • measurement did not work
  • coat plates with collagene (2* 6-well plate) for primary hepatocytes
  • plate 1 96-well plate with Huh7 and HepG2
  • plate 24 well plate with Hela cells for haat Elisa


  • transfect miMeasure into Huh7 and HepG2 on 96-well plate again with binding sites of miR122:
    • perfect binding site
    • imperfect binding sites (randomized 9-12)
    • imperfect binding sites (randomized 9-22)
  • transfect haat cDNA constructs into Hela cells on 24-well plates
  • measurement M12-M19
    • TECAN
    • did not work, because cells were clustered
    • Confocal
    • cells from the 96 well plate were pooled together and single pictures were made.

File:M12-M22 confocalS.pdf

  • who deleted what I wrote here??? hallooo?? hmm I guess I just didn't save it. damn.


  • measurement of Hela and Hek Cells transfected with miMeasure M12-M22. Four conditions were transfected with four replicates each: a = not cotransfected, b = cotransfected with miRsAg on pcDNA5, c = cotransfected with empty pcDNA5 (CMV promoter), d = cotransfected with pcDNA5 containing different shRNA (shRNA3 from Elena).
    • because of a contamination, not all replicates could be considered. Plates were screened for positive transfections
    • cells were trypsinated (30µl Trypsin) for 10min and then resuspended with 170µl PBS/BSA. Replicates for each condition were pooled into 24 well plates.
    • 200µl of each was transferred to a 96 well plate for FACS measurement.
    • 100µl of each was used for confocal analysis

how do I get a calendar in here??? anyone?? ⇐ Main Page
