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<img src="" width="800" alt="21stCenturyAntibioticsBanner" usemap="#bannermap" >
<img src="" width="800" alt="21stCenturyAntibioticsBanner" usemap="#bannermap" >
<map id="bannermap" name="bannermap">
<area id="leftside" shape="poly" title="gram +" coords="4,3,285,2,317,104,218,110,223,228,359,234,359,392,5,394,4,12" href=" Positive" />
<area id="leftrect" shape="rect" title="gram +" coords="6,12,268,278" href=" Positive" />
<area id="righside" shape="poly" alt="Gram -" title="gram -" coords="643,4,891,0,889,389,543,387,675,236,677,48,642,-1" href=" Negative" />

Revision as of 00:20, 22 October 2010


While vital to our quality of life, traditional antibiotics face the serious problems of widespread bacterial resistance and destruction of natural gut flora - problems which call for improved twenty-first century antibiotics. Using synthetic biology tools, we designed, built, and tested two new systems to fight infections by both broad types of bacteria - Gram-positive and Gram-negative. Our first project targets Bacillus anthracis, the Gram-positive pathogen that causes anthrax. We re-engineered an enzyme to remove the pathogen's protective coating, rendering it defenseless against the immune system. In our second project, we re-engineered and transplanted a protein secretion system capable of combating Gram-negative bacteria into E. coli. This system was designed to target Gram-negative pathogens in a modular and controllable fashion. These two systems are the vanguard of a new era of antibiotics using the power of nature harnessed with the tools of synthetic biology.

Washington testbanner.png

Overview of the Gram(-) Therapeutic