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=Wet lab=
== Wet lab ==
For a complete list of the biobricks used during our project, plus a brief description on their use, click [ here].
<center> • [[:Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/Achievements|Achievements]] • [[:Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/Part_Design|Part Design]] • [[:Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/Experiments|Lab Work]] •
[[:Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/Beads|Beads]] • [[:Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/Safety|Safety]] • [[:Team:BCCS-Bristol/Wetlab/Improvements|Improvements]] • </center>
'''09/07/2010 - Day One'''
[[Image:Picture_018.jpg|right|thumbnail|250px|Our Labspace]]
Made two different competent strains of ''E.coli'' -  MG1655s and XL1-blues, and attempted transformations on both using [ BBa_I13522] (pTet GFP) from the kit - prepared 6 agar plates: 1 positive control for each strain, 1 negative control for each strain and 1 test transformation plate for each strain. The positive control was carried out using a plasmid of known concentration. Ampicillin was used for selection. Plates left overnight.
Our main achievement in the wet lab has been the creation of a new composite BioBrick, engineering ''E. coli'' to produce GFP in response to Nitrates. Not only is this part complete, but it's also well characterised both on its own and working in tandem with a second BioBrick.
'''12/07/2010 - Day Two'''
We also developed a way of encapsulating our bacteria, allowing an easy and safe method of spreading them in the environment, and also dramatically improving signal detection and ''E. coli'' survival in soil.
No growth on test plates. However, growth was observed on the positive control plates for both strains used, indicating both strains of cell used were competent, the XL1-blues being significantly more competent than the MG1655s. Repeated the transformation using XL1-blues plus a commercially obtained strain of very high competence, henceforth referred to as Nova Blues (no control plates were made with these cells). A larger amount of [ BBa_I13522] from both the 2009 and 2010 distribution kits was used for each transformation. Plates left overnight (see table below for details of transformations)
{|style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000"
Finally we worked to further characterise the PyeaR promoter submitted by Edinburgh in 2009, improving the quality of information available in the parts registry.
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| XL1-blue positive control
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cells + 2μL known plasmid solution
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| XL1-blue negative control
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cells (untransformed)
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| XL1-blue + 2009 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cells + 5μL 2009 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| XL1-blue + 2010 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cells + 5μL 2010 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Nova blue + 2009 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cells + 5μL 2009 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Nova blue + 2010 biobrick
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cells + 5μL 2010 biobrick
In this section you can find out more details on all our achievements. You can also find information about about the design of our parts, including all the decisions we made and why, as well as all the information relating to their construction and characterisation. It also contains material on our new encapsulation methods, and finally lists all our safety considerations both in the lab and on a wider environmental scale.
'''13/07/2010 - Day Three'''
Achieved growth of cells with the Nova blues only. Viewed cells transformed with the 2009 biobrick under UV light the colonies fluoresced green, indicating GFP expression. Colonies from both 2009 and 2010 transformations were selected and re-plated to grow overnight.
'''14/07/2010 - Day Four'''
Re-plated colonies grew successfully, and appear green under normal light. Selected example 2010 colony was placed in 50mL LB + Ampicillin and left overnight in preparation for miniprep of the bacteria to extract biobrick.
'''15/07/2010 - Day Five'''
Combined 3mL of cell culture in 1.5mL eppendorf tube 4 times - total of 12mL combined cell culture. Performed a miniprep on the combined culture using a Qiagen "QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit". Eluted 200μL of solution containing [ BBa_I13522] biobrick in high concentration.
Performed transformation of MG1655 ''E.coli'' cells with 10μL eluted DNA solution per 100μL cells plus a negative control plate. Left overnight.
'''16/07/2010 - Day Six'''
Achieved growth of transformed MG1655 cells - a lawn of green ''E.coli'' was the result of overzealous use of the miniprep DNA solution. Example colonies replated and left to grow in a 30°C oven over the weekend.
'''19/07/2010 - Day Seven'''
Removed plates from 30°C oven and placed in fridge.
'''20/07/2010 - Day Eight'''
Colonies from the re-plated MG1655s selected and placed in 5mL LB + 5μL Ampicillin in preparation for testing on sample soil. Left overnight.
'''21/07/2010 - Day Nine'''
Sample soil taken from local source (team member's garden). 6 x ~15g aliquots of soil were placed in 50mL centrifuge tubes, taking care to avoid including wildlife. 3 of the tubes were then sterilised using an autoclave. Meanwhile, a 1 in 10 dilution of the overnight culture of MG1655 cells + [ BBa_I13522] was found to have an A<sub>600</sub> value of ~0.5, roughly translating as 2.5x10<sup>9</sup> cells/mL in the original culture. The following table lists the rough figures for the 6 soil experiments set up. The lines notated with "S" were for the sterilised tubes, the lines notated with "N" were for the non-sterilised tubes:
{|style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000"
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"|S1
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| ~10<sup>7</sup> cells/g soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL cell culture plus 900μL LB added to soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"|S2
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| ~10<sup>6</sup> cells/g soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL <sup>1</sup>/<sub>10</sub> dilution of cell culture plus 900μL LB added to soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"|S3
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| ~10<sup>5</sup> cells/g soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL <sup>1</sup>/<sub>100</sub> dilution of cell culture plus 900μL LB added to soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"|N1
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| ~10<sup>7</sup> cells/g soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL  cell culture plus 900μL LB added to soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"|N2
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| ~10<sup>6</sup> cells/g soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL <sup>1</sup>/<sub>10</sub> dilution of cell culture plus 900μL LB added to soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"|N3
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| ~10<sup>5</sup> cells/g soil
!style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 100μL <sup>1</sup>/<sub>100</sub> dilution of cell culture plus 900μL LB added to soil
The soil cultures were left overnight at 37°C.
'''22/07/2010 - Day Ten'''
Soil samples viewed under fluorescence microscope. Controls used were as follows:
|A 200μL aliquot of pure water
|A 200μL aliquot of cell culture expressing GFP
|A sample of the unsterilised soil
|A sample of the unsterilised soil with a 200μL aliquot of cell culture applied 10 minutes before visualisation
All test soil samples showed growth of ''E.coli'' expressing GFP. As might have been expected, a significant increase in growth was observed in the sterile samples when compared to the non-sterile samples at similar dilutions of bacteria/g soil.
Click [ here] for some example images from the test.
'''23/07/2010 - Day Eleven'''
Concept meeting.
'''26/07/2010 - Day Twelve'''
Plated out 2 strains of ''E.coli'', one containing the biobrick [ BBa_K216005] and the other containing [ BBa_K216009]. Left overnight.
'''27/07/2010 - Day Thirteen'''
Selected colonies from the plates of ''E.coli'' containing the biobricks [ BBa_K216005] and [ BBa_K216009] placed in 50mL LB + 50μL Ampicillin. Left overnight.
Biobricks [ BBa_E0840], [ BBa_E0240] and [ BBa_J04450] were taken from the kit and used to transform Nova Blue ''E.coli'' cells. Plated out on agar + Ampicillin for [ BBa_E0840] and [ BBa_E0240] transformations, and agar + Kanamycin for [ BBa_J04450] transformation. Left overnight.
'''28/07/10 - Day Fourteen'''
Combined 3mL of [ BBa_K216005] and [ BBa_K216009] cell cultures in 1.5mL eppendorf tubes twice - total of 6mL combined cell culture for each biobrick. Performed a miniprep on the combined cultures using a Qiagen "QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit". Eluted 100μL of solution containing [ BBa_K216005] and [ BBa_K216009] biobricks in high concentration.
Performed transformation of XL1-Blue ''E.coli'' cells with 2μL eluted [ BBa_K216009] solution per 100μL cells. Left overnight.
Selected colonies from the Nova blue ''E.coli'' plates with the biobricks [ BBa_E0840], [ BBa_E0240] and [ BBa_J04450] were taken and placed in 5mL LB + 5μL Ampicillin. Left overnight. Writing this, realised that the cells containing the [ BBa_J04450] biobrick are ''Kanamycin'' resistant, not Ampicillin resistant. Will reattempt overnight culture on day fifteen.
'''29/07/10 - Day Fifteen'''
Selected colonies from the [ BBa_J04450] containing cells placed in 5mL LB + 1.25μL Kanamycin. Left overnight.
Combined 3mL of [ BBa_E0840] and [ BBa_E0240] cell cultures in 1.5mL eppendorf tubes twice - total of 6mL combined cell culture for each biobrick. Performed a miniprep on the combined cultures using a Qiagen "QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit". Eluted 100μL of solution containing [ BBa_E0840] and [ BBa_E0240] biobricks in high concentration.
Restreaked colonies from the XL1-Blue cells containing [ BBa_K216009] biobrick. Left overnight.
'''30/07/10 - Day Sixteen'''
Combined 3mL of [ BBa_J04450] cell cultures in 1.5mL eppendorf tubes twice - total of 6mL combined cell culture for each biobrick. Performed a miniprep on the combined cultures using a Qiagen "QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit". Eluted 100μL of solution containing [ BBa_J04450] biobrick at a high concentration.
Transformed competent ''E.coli'' strain M182 with [ BBa_K216009]. Plated out on Ampicillin plates along with a negative control in preparation for a Miller Assay. Also transformed MG1655s with [ BBa_I13522] (AmpR) and [ BBa_J04450] (KanR) in preparation for experiments in soil with mixed cultures. Left over weekend at 30°C.
==Safety Issues==
As the idea of communication between a certain population (in this case E.coli) could raise issues in health and safety of the general public the following precautions were taken during the implementation of the project in the laboratory:
*Novel proteins handled (FhuA,OsmE,Fiu) were derived from DNA by gene cloning with PCR from E.coli MG1655 a laboratory strain with no toxic implications.
*Novel proteins handled where screened from the literature to ensure that they will have no toxicity effects.
*Experiments were implemented in a Level 1 Laboratory with access only by trained individuals.
*Students involved in experimental work in the laboratory were trained to an appropriate level  to apply relevant techniques and use relevant equipment  and where suitable were supervised whilst carrying out laboratory work.
*Laboratory workers were always clothed in appropriate manner (lab coat, gloves, safety spectacles).
*Laboratory workers sterilised their hands before and after laboratory work and before entering and exiting the lab at all times.
*No bacterial cultures exited the laboratory unless they were suitably packaged and accompanied by one of the team members whilst in transport and this only occurred where it was necessary to transport cultures from one laboratory to another.
*No purified DNA or biological material was left unattended at any time, and all DNA and biological material was suitably stored according to Level 1 Laboratory rules.
*Biosafety guidelines where followed under the BCCS-Bristol iGEM'09 supervising team and such guidelines fall within the description of a project that holds approval by the iGEM supervisor Dr.Nigel Savery.

Latest revision as of 22:08, 27 October 2010

Wet lab

AchievementsPart DesignLab WorkBeadsSafetyImprovements

Our Labspace

Our main achievement in the wet lab has been the creation of a new composite BioBrick, engineering E. coli to produce GFP in response to Nitrates. Not only is this part complete, but it's also well characterised both on its own and working in tandem with a second BioBrick.

We also developed a way of encapsulating our bacteria, allowing an easy and safe method of spreading them in the environment, and also dramatically improving signal detection and E. coli survival in soil.

Finally we worked to further characterise the PyeaR promoter submitted by Edinburgh in 2009, improving the quality of information available in the parts registry.

In this section you can find out more details on all our achievements. You can also find information about about the design of our parts, including all the decisions we made and why, as well as all the information relating to their construction and characterisation. It also contains material on our new encapsulation methods, and finally lists all our safety considerations both in the lab and on a wider environmental scale.