Team:Imperial College London/Modelling/Signalling/Detailed Description


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|In the above equations, the forwards reaction constants are represented by <html>k<sub>1,2,3,4,</sub> for the first, second, third and fourth reaction, respectively. The backwards reaction constants are represented by k<sub>-1,-2,-3,-4</sub></html>.

Revision as of 15:46, 26 October 2010

Modelling Overview | Detection Model | Signaling Model | Fast Response Model | Interactions
A major part of the project consisted of modelling each module. This enabled us to decide which ideas we should implement. Look at the Fast Response page for a great example of how modelling has made a major impact on our design!
Objectives | Description | Results | Constants | MATLAB Code
Detailed Description
We are assuming steady-state for AIP, Phosphate, ComD and ComE in our cell/in the solution. Hence, we can neglect production and degradation rates of ComD and ComE.
IC Signalling Diagram.JPG
Overview of the signalling module
Equation 1: AIP binds to ComD receptor to form a complex (AIP-ComD)
AIP + ComD ↔ AIP-ComD
Equation 2: Phosphate binds to the AIP-ComD complex to form another complex (AIP-ComD*)
AIP-ComD + Phosphate ↔ AIP-ComD*
Equation 3: ComE binds to the AIP-ComD* recepetor to form another complex (AIP-ComD*-ComE)
AIP-ComD* + ComE ↔ AIP-ComD*-ComE
Equation 4: Phosphate group on ComD binds to ComE and forms two products: phosphorylated ComE (ComE*) and AIP-ComD
AIP-ComD*-ComE ↔ AIP-ComD + ComE*
Using the Law of Mass Action, we can rewrite these 4 equations:
IC Signalling Equations.png
In the above equations, the forwards reaction constants are represented by k1,2,3,4, for the first, second, third and fourth reaction, respectively. The backwards reaction constants are represented by k-1,-2,-3,-4.