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<div class="note">Sed purus neque, suscipit vitae, cursus vitae, porttitor non, dui. Mauris volutpat dui vitae sapien. Duis laoreet nibh vitae sem.</div>
<div class="note">In short</div>
<p>Suspendisse magna dui, porta in, condimentum at, molestie nec, augue. Quisque vulputate facilisis ipsum.  Aenean sollicitudin quam sed ante. Donec at nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse quis lorem sit amet eros congue volutpat. Nam laoreet ultricies pede. Nulla vestibulum, pede eget varius vestibulum, nisl mi aliquet nisl, eget eleifend quam dui faucibus tortor. Maecenas justo. In lacus nisl, tempus at, aliquam nec, ornare in, metus. Maecenas hendrerit mauris vitae purus. Cras id sem.</p>
<p>Our goal was to create an <b>intracellular protein delivery platform</b>, as efficient as accurate. Such tool could have the whole variety of applications ranging from scientific research to prevention or therapy of disease. In our attempt to achieve that goal, Escherichia coli K12 laboratory strain was equipped with molecular machinery enabling successful mammalian cell entry. This is how BactoDHL was born.</p>
<p>The bacterium attaches to the outer membrane of a mammalian cell by means of invasin also responsible for ingestion into a forming endosome. There, aided by lysteryolisyn it escapes entrapment and rests in the cytosol.</p>
<div class="note">Look around!</div>
<p>We strongly encourage you to get familiar with the background of BactoDHL and steps of it's design. Please visit results and gallery of microphotographs to find out how it behaves in living cells.</p>

Revision as of 23:12, 25 October 2010

Example Tabs


In short

Our goal was to create an intracellular protein delivery platform, as efficient as accurate. Such tool could have the whole variety of applications ranging from scientific research to prevention or therapy of disease. In our attempt to achieve that goal, Escherichia coli K12 laboratory strain was equipped with molecular machinery enabling successful mammalian cell entry. This is how BactoDHL was born.

The bacterium attaches to the outer membrane of a mammalian cell by means of invasin also responsible for ingestion into a forming endosome. There, aided by lysteryolisyn it escapes entrapment and rests in the cytosol.

Look around!

We strongly encourage you to get familiar with the background of BactoDHL and steps of it's design. Please visit results and gallery of microphotographs to find out how it behaves in living cells.